Career Advice

The job search process can be challenging and requires thorough preparation. Get helpful articles and insight from our career experts on job search, resume writing, interview preparation, career planning, skills enhancement, salary negotiations, networking, and other areas for job search best practices.

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Businesses exist and succeed because of the people behind them. Workers drive growth and development for companies today by thinking of new, creative answers to old issues.
Job interviews are nerve-wracking experiences with uncertainties, more so if you didn’t research and mentally and emotionally prepare yourself. Apart from knowing how to gather your thoughts and stay calm throughout, part of preparing for a job interview is managing your expectations regarding the questions the interviewer will ask you.
Situational interviews focus on the future and ask assumptive questions. These job interviews help HR staff assess more honest and nuanced sense answers.
Your interviewer will throw all sorts of questions at you to try to determine who you are and if you are the right fit for the job. One question that is often asked at the beginning of an interview is, 'can you describe yourself in three words?’
While video interviews can be more convenient than in-person interviews, it’s not without challenges. Giving your recruiters an engaging virtual experience may be tricky.
Being nervous about a job interview is normal. But ensuring that your nerves won’t get in the way of getting that job offer can be tough.
So, you’ve sent job applications and got an interview invite. Congratulations! The next thing to wonder about is how to ace your interview.
You’ve finished your interview, thanked your interviewer, and said goodbye to them. You may feel that the hardest part is over, but now what? The next step that many candidates take is to send an interview follow up email.