Career Advice

The job search process can be challenging and requires thorough preparation. Get helpful articles and insight from our career experts on job search, resume writing, interview preparation, career planning, skills enhancement, salary negotiations, networking, and other areas for job search best practices.

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When considering which career will be best for you, it’s important to play to your strengths. Depending on your strengths, you may begin to freelance or instead be led to an organization that specializes in performing tasks and business processes for other organizations.
Whether you’re looking for a job or thinking about looking for a job, knowing which industry to get into is vital. One industry in which you may consider working is the hospitality industry.
Your relationship with each job will be different and this is also true for the jobs you apply for. Ensuring your resume is tailored to a job is key to the success of your job search.
Jobs are an intersection of roles, industries, and sectors. Most jobs are at the intersection of two or three industries. For example, a waiter in a French restaurant is at the intersection of customer service, hospitality, and sales industries.
When deciding your future, you will need to have an idea of which career path you will choose. Depending on your prior experience and skills, this decision can lead you to a variety of industries.
Industries and organizations in today’s business environment strive to be efficient. Whether this efficiency is concerned with costs or productivity, it all leads to ensure that their business processes are profitable.
As part of your resume preparation, you need to choose a writing style that works for you. Studies have shown that on average recruiters only spend 6-8 seconds looking at a resume, before moving on to the next.
Working in retail can be both difficult and rewarding. The job usually requires strong people skills and a positive, patient attitude.