How Do You Identify and Define Your Career Values?

How Do You Identify and Define Your Career Values?

The word "purpose" is often overwhelming but can signify fulfillment. However, one's purpose is not always clear. Those who know their purpose are usually seen as someone who seems to have everything figured out.

Knowing your values can help you find your purpose; and, eventually, help you find the career path to take. As such, identifying your career values can help decrease the chances of being unhappy in your job.

Your list of work values is there to help you make choices that align with your career—or overall—goals. But what exactly are career values? These values are a subset of your belief that provide the foundations to build a path for your career.

Defining Your Career Values

A list of work values can help you in many ways during your job search. However, defining your values may be difficult if you are unaware of what they are.

Here are some tips on how to know your career values, among many you may encounter.

  • Research a list of values

    It is undeniable that there are several types of career values you can choose from. However, some values may contradict others. This situation can make defining the values that best represent who you are difficult.

    But a good first step is looking for a list of work values. Just because you are presented with a list does not mean you should have them all. And reading the list can help make the overwhelming feeling go away. Creativity, socialization, work-life balance, and competition are examples of values.

  • Read each word and understand what it means to you

    When reading over the list of work values, make sure you take the time to carefully understand what they mean to you and how it relates to another career value.

    Part of defining your values is to know how they apply to you or how you use them in your life. Doing so can help determine which ones are important or you can compromise on.

  • Choose 15 from the list

    Again, upholding all career values is impossible. That said, tick 15 values from the list of work values as you read the words and understand their meaning to you.

    Defining your values means selecting carefully and wisely. The important thing to do here is to check the ones that are most important to you. If you keep choosing more, it will be harder to know which ones you value most.

  • Write a sentence or two about these values

    Once you have picked the most important ones, write down what makes these career values special to you. Doing so can show you your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. Your personalized list of work values may even lead to a better understanding of yourself.

    When defining your values, make them your own or show how you apply them in your life.

  • Prioritize them

    With your personalized list of work values, make sure to arrange them based on your priority. You can read your list and choose the most important career value to put at the very top. Continue doing so until you have fully sorted your priority values list.

    Prioritizing your list can give you criteria to refer to when looking for a job. By defining your values, you can understand which ones are non-negotiable. This way, you will have an easier time searching for your dream job.

Personalize Your List of Values

Your purpose may not always be clear, especially if you are unaware of what sparks your passion. However, knowing your career values can help you reach a goal and even lead you to the perfect job.

Take time to know yourself by understanding how each value is important to you. Once you have your list of work values on hand, check out to see which jobs fit you and your values.

Written by Career Specialist Jun 09, 2023
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