Facing rejection for the first time is never easy for anyone. There are a lot of emotions that can build up because of it. You may feel anger, sadness, disappointment, confusion, and even jealousy. Some become less confident because their self-worth dropped and.
These are the same feelings when dealing with job rejection. But because rejection usually happens more than once, it takes a bigger toll on your emotional state. It is important to understand why job search rejection happens and what you can do to help you cope.
Job search rejection is common. While there are many different reasons, it helps to understand why the company turned you down. Many times, you will not actually know. Most job applications go unacknowledged Here are some of the most common reasons why applications turn into rejections
The demand for jobs is increasing as new generations enter the corporate world. But because there are not enough positions available, companies must be meticulous.
Hiring management will not always know the technicalities of a position by heart. It is a challenge to find the right match for a job when they don't even understand its qualifications.
Most job seekers send multiple applications to different companies to speed up their search. But this does not necessarily mean they are the fit for the role.
A general resume will not show a company all the skills they need for the job. When recruiters skim through thousands of applications, they will look for keywords that fit their criteria.
Between large volumes of applications, resumes that are not customized, applications from underqualified candidates, and a big workload, most recruiters have little spare time. They look at each resume for no more than six seconds. If you have not perfectly customized your resume, they will never even notice you.
The first step to dealing with job rejection is accepting it happened. While it may be painful, it is important to let yourself go through the emotional process to fully recover.
Talk to a trusted friend or family member about your experience. Sometimes, just talking to someone about it can help you get the weight off your chest.
Take some time to let go of the emotions you are feeling. You can also use distractions to help you deal with job rejection.
Understand that rejection is a normal process that everyone goes through. It is not a symbol of your self-worth or a measurement of your skills.
Job hunting is a constant spiral. You do the same steps repeatedly until you can figure out the right rhythm for you. While facing job search rejection can stir up negative emotions, some positives can come from it. Remember that it helps you build resilience.
On your job search, you will have multiple encounters where you can accumulate connections. Eventually, you can use these to understand the job-hunting market better. This can help you strengthen your strategy and land the interview you want.
Be ready and find the right jobs on Career.com today.