Besides being a professional networking website, LinkedIn is also a job-hunting site where people can find job listings and apply.
Around 800 million users are using LinkedIn. Building a network of connections has a lot of benefits for your job prospects. With the labor market now being fast-paced and cutthroat, just applying for jobs is no longer effective.
The networking you can do on LinkedIn is quick, easy, and unmatched. You can easily connect with peers, coworkers, and businesses.
In many ways, LinkedIn has become a powerful networking tool connecting you to different people and work. Learning how it works and why it matters can turn it into a valuable asset to your job search journey.
As a place to find jobs, many people forget that LinkedIn is also a social media site. These people can help you whenever you're looking for a new job and vice versa. Even the act of adding friends and coworkers opens the doors to connecting with other people. With LinkedIn networking, your list of connections will grow to become your social network.
LinkedIn takes note of your search history to create a tailored list of job postings for you. It updates in real-time, so you don't have to worry about missing out. You can also select many settings, like job location, working arrangements, etc. All these make for a personal session.
Much like any other resume, you can use LinkedIn to present your skills and experience. Consider your LinkedIn profile as your online resume where recruiters can view it. Write down important details relevant to your work. These can include projects you've handled, achievements, and skills. Updating your profile increases your chances of finding a good job and people to connect with.
When looking for a job, you might fall into the trap of putting yourself in a box. With LinkedIn, you're given recommendations in addition to the job you want. It means you fixate on positions that closely identify with your current work and ignore slightly different ones.
Having the option to see different jobs can help you evaluate what you want. It makes the process much more meaningful since you're given different positions to check out. These can also help make better decisions in the future.
In addition to finding work here, you can keep up with the latest news. This “daily rundown” is an easy way to read professional news daily. While not related to networking, reading up on the news helps you stay informed.
Staying in touch with news involving other sectors can make for a meaningful talk with others, which can then translate to connections in the future. Staying updated with industry news also gives you an advantage in job hunting, especially in keeping your skills aligned with the industry you want to apply for.
Having a network on LinkedIn provides you with lots of benefits. It gives you an easier time looking for work through connections. Also, having a network gives you an edge in the labor force.
While the platform offers tons of resources for your next job, it isn't the only website of its kind. Others offer similar positions that can further speed up your application process. With around 52,000 openings ready to be viewed and applied to, find your next job at!