Career Advice

The job search process can be challenging and requires thorough preparation. Get helpful articles and insight from our career experts on job search, resume writing, interview preparation, career planning, skills enhancement, salary negotiations, networking, and other areas for job search best practices.

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So, you’ve sent job applications and got an interview invite. Congratulations! The next thing to wonder about is how to ace your interview.
Life skills are important in daily life. They help you make friends, solve problems, and survive in the real world.
As part of your resume preparation, you will need to line up some references. These references will need to be someone you know well, preferably an ex-colleague or former boss.
There aren't enough hours in the day. When looking for work, it's imperative to have a solid job search plan.
Applicants are usually overwhelmed by a job search. You wait weeks or months to get an interview invite and a job offer if you’re lucky.
During the application process, a hiring manager will have to determine whether you are a good fit for the job. In your interview, they may ask you the question, 'why are you the best person for the job?’
During the application process, there will inevitably come a time when you are asked the question, ‘what are your salary expectations?’ Don’t panic when you hear this question, as there are many ways to answer it. What you need to do before is to have a clear understanding of the salary that you expect.
Job hunting is a breeze! Said no one, ever. If you've ever searched for a job and felt overwhelmed and hopeless, you're not alone.