Career Advice

The job search process can be challenging and requires thorough preparation. Get helpful articles and insight from our career experts on job search, resume writing, interview preparation, career planning, skills enhancement, salary negotiations, networking, and other areas for job search best practices.

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In your job search, there will be plenty of moments where you will want to laugh or cry. It can be a brutal process of constant rejections that can get you down.
For most people, journaling helps organize their thoughts and feelings. Others do it to set goals and find inspiration.
Job search journals can help capture your mood, disappointments, enthusiasm, discoveries, and connections during your job hunt. When job hunting, keeping track of these things is key to making the process more organized and efficient.
People lead busy lives and constantly have a million things on their minds. It's normal to need to shift your focus. It is no secret that journaling, whether it be pen-to-paper or electronic, is a popular, and powerful, tool.
One question you’ve likely heard at job interviews is, “What skills do you bring to the job?” Interviewers usually ask this to learn about your abilities and experiences.
Lighting is important for your video interviews. Even if you have the best camera on the market, you still need solid lighting to make the image crisp and clear.
Have you ever desired a job that seemed out of reach? Focus on the skills you have rather than what you lack, and you might have a better chance at landing the job.
Some view the MBTI as the astrology for business because it doesn’t predict how well a person would do in the work environment. Instead, the MBTI, in a nutshell, classifies people into different personality types, just like that of the horoscope.