Career Advice

The job search process can be challenging and requires thorough preparation. Get helpful articles and insight from our career experts on job search, resume writing, interview preparation, career planning, skills enhancement, salary negotiations, networking, and other areas for job search best practices.

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For many organizations, a resume and cover letter are not enough for them to make a hiring decision. If this is the case, you may be asked to complete a job application as well.
Making a resume can be hard whether or not you have a lot of experience and achievements. One of the challenges may be choosing the right template.
Job interviews are about employers wanting to know more about you—your background, experience, and how well you fit within the company. For every interview, you need to prepare how to answer questions to increase your chances of getting the job.
A major part of your job success relies on balancing work and life. Unfortunately, some lack work-life balance, leading to complex problems.
LinkedIn is the biggest professional online platform with over 875 million users. Recruiters use it to headhunt skilled, often already employed, individuals.
Today’s digital age has allowed people to do more within the comfort of their homes. Employers are now resorting to virtual interviews as it offers fewer expenses and more convenience for both the company and the interviewee.
In every job searching process, understanding how others see you is important. The Johari Window is a tool to help you improve your self-awareness.
Industry trends are the same as current events—they can significantly affect one's life. Like how you update yourself on current events to stay informed about what's happening, you need to be updated on your industry's trends to be knowledgeable and succeed in your field.