What are the responsibilities and job description for the Operations Manager position at LONG TOM WATERSHED COUNCIL?
The Operations Manager (OM) holds primary responsibility for coordinating administrative functions, operational support, and community engagement. The OM leads the development and execution of systems and procedures critical to providing an efficient, compliant, and supportive workplace environment. In addition, the OM oversees risk management, general grant management (focused on insurance, general compliance, organizational and federal policy compliance, and OSHA requirements), serves as technology manager, and manages LTWC property needs. The OM is a core member of the Administrative Team and participates in strategic planning, work plan creation, budgeting for administrative functions, support for the Board of Directors, and data/CRM management.
Relation to Other Staff:- Reports to Executive Director
- Member of the Administrative Team (Executive Director, Finance Manager, Director of Programs, and OM)
- Direct Reports: None
- Provide support to the Executive Director (ED) in policy management, strategic visioning, and organizational operations
- Assist ED with HR reporting requirements including compliance with Oregon and Federal laws
- Provide support for all board meetings (logistics, document management, minute-taking)
- Work with the ED to set agendas and logistics for staff meetings
- Lead development of policies/procedures for the Operations Manual and Safety Policies and protocols; keep materials up-to-date
- Identify opportunities to improve operational systems; as appropriate, lead implementation and oversee staff training
- Lead regular review of Contracting and Procurement Policy to ensure compliance with current federal and state laws, and overall best practices
- Manage organizational IT needs; oversee training as appropriate
- With support from Finance Manager, oversee hardware and software (equipment, licenses, renewals, etc.)
- Remain current on legal, regulatory, and insurance environments and how such requirements may affect the administrative operations of the organization
- Support ED and program managers with hiring and on-boarding processes
- Assist ED in application/management/reporting for capacity and organizational development grant applications; work with other staff to assist in writing community engagement or other program grant applications
- Provide general review for all grant applications, MOUs, contractor agreements, and binding organizational documents
- Provide general support for programmatic grants (narrative review, insurance requirements, general organizational deliverables, federal/state requirements, support with administrative forms)
- Oversee policy and procedure compliance for all grant work (certificates of insurance, contractor W-9s, commitments for MOUs, etc.)
- Maintain grant management system (software, tracking calendar, organizational deliverables due dates)
- Support program teams with utilization of Asana (project management software)
- In partnership with program managers, lead the development and promotion of required public meetings
- Support ED and board in the execution of Annual Celebration
- Assist ED in fundraising (donation tracking; donor acknowledgment; specialized donor communication)
- Oversee donor stewardship and constituent database
- Maintain website
- Assist with day-of event logistics for general LTWC organizational activities; assist program managers with programmatic events as appropriate
- Maintain administrative role on all social media accounts
- Oversee creation of annual report in partnership with Administrative Team
- Support LTWC equity vision as appropriate
- Collaborate in the development of the annual operations budget with the ED and Finance Manager
- Identify opportunities to revise and improve expenses related to operational systems, technology, and property expenditures
- Support the Finance Manager in preparation of the annual Federal Indirect Cost Rate application, 990 tax materials, and year-end bookkeeping as appropriate
- Oversee expense data entry, bill tracking per procedures, deposit process
- Work with Finance Manager to manage operational expenses
- Oversee CRM management including data entry and file management
- Facilitate new staff onboarding with assistance from Finance Manager
- Maintain LTWC nonprofit Secretary of State filings and Oregon Employer Compliance
- Order supplies/equipment
- Track volunteer involvement
- Serve as technology administrator (Google Suite, Asana, etc.)
- Serve as Safety Lead for organization
- Other Duties as Assigned
- Assist with social media posts and comment management
- Make website updates, including posting of events
- Support organizational & programmatic events
- 5 years of operations management experience
- 2-3 years of grant management experience
- Familiarity and comfort with nonprofit atmosphere
- Excellent organizational and management skills
- Demonstrated ability to manage multiple priorities and activities simultaneously and meet deadlines
- Proactive and self-directed with high-level of initiative
- Strong analytical, strategic, and problem-solving skills
- Experience with budgeting and financial management practices and applications
- Detail-oriented and thorough
- Outstanding communication skills
- Ability to read and interpret contracts, spreadsheets, budget reports, maps, regulations and guidelines, legal descriptions, grant requirements
- Personality suited to work in a team-based, collaborative atmosphere
Asana Minute7 Microsoft Office Google Workspace
- Adobe Zoom Slack Salesforce/Access/CRM
How to apply: Submit application materials in PDF format combined into one document to apply@longtom.org
Please include:
- Cover letter with contact information (no more than two pages) addressed to the Long Tom Watershed Council Operations Manager Search Committee describing your qualifications and interest in the position
- Resume that demonstrates how you meet the qualifications and describes your experience and key accomplishments
- Three (3) professional references with contact information (name, phone, and email) and a brief description of your relationship with each
Salary : $60,000 - $65,000