What are the responsibilities and job description for the RA position open! position at Academia Sinica, Taiwan?
Institute of Molecular Biology
RA position open!
RA position open!
- Job Description
- Unit Institute of Molecular Biology
- JobTitle RA position open!
- Work Content 【Research Topic】 The Cell Dynamics Laboratory is an interdisciplinary research team that utilizes quantitative biology approaches integrating concepts and methods from biology, mathematics, physics and engineering science to study general principles in biology that control cell death, cancer transformation and aging. We plan to establish a state-of-the-art genome-wide CRISPR genetic screening to understand 1. the spread of cell death and 2. the prevention of cancer transformation.
- Qualifications Junior scientists with bachelor's or master's degree in biology, medicine, physics, or engineering. We are particularly interested in recruiting scientists with curiosity, the willing to learn, and the determination to do creative and impactful science!
- Working Environment
- Operating Hours Based on Academia Sinica's rule (> NTD 37240/mo for a Bachelor degree and > NTD 43624 for a master degree)
- Work Place The Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica
- Treatment Salaries will be based on Academia Sinica standards and can be adjusted in accordance with ability.
- Welfare We are committed to develop a nurturing and creative research environment to do creative and impactful science. The lab is a cross-disciplinary research environment (members with background in biology, chemistry, engineering, medicine and computation). We use English as the formal language with journal club, presentation training, brainstorming session, TGIF, birthday celebration, lab retreat… etc.
- Acceptance Method
- Contacts Dr. Sheng-hong Chen
- Contact Address Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica
- Contact Telephone Please email us.
- Email shengchen@gate.sinica.edu.tw
- Required Documents Please email Sheng-hong Chen at shengchen@gate.sinica.edu.tw with title: “LCD RA application – CRISPR screening”
- Precautions for application
- Date
- Publication Date 2024-12-13
- Expiration Date 2025-06-30