What are the responsibilities and job description for the Assistant Non-Instructional 10 Month (25-26) position at Baltimore City Public Schools?
Performs a variety of routine school-based support and pupil contact duties within the Baltimore City Public School System (BCPSS) by assisting teachers, administrators, and other designated professionals in non-instructional activities . Work may be clerical, administrative support, service oriented, involve monitoring activities in various school settings, and / or assisting students as needed. Duties are similar to work performed in former classifications such as Educational Assistant, Attendance Assistant, School Assistant, Lunch Aide, Parent Liaison Worker, 4 Hour Aide, 5 Hour Aide, and Transportation Assistant . Teachers, administrators, other designated professionals, or higher-level support personnel may assign tasks. The work is usually basic or can be readily learned on the job.
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Essential Functions
- Provide clerical, administrative and / or general assistance in support of school programs and operations.
- May oversee student activity during transport to and from school on buses and assist School Bus Drivers by ensuring safe transport, pick-up and delivery of students. May monitor loading and unloading of students' passage to / from school buses. May attend to the special needs of children by assisting with the boarding and securing and special conditions of students being transported to and from BCPSS school sites on buses.
- May assist school administrations by performing support duties such as distributing lunch tickets, answering telephones, acting as receptionist, etc.
- May monitor student activity at lunch periods and during recesses as required. May escort students to restrooms and throughout school facilities, as necessary.
- May operate photocopier and other office equipment to reproduce instruction-related materials. May sort, collate, staple, and file materials. May type memoranda, letters, dittos, reports, tests, exercises, rosters, and other materials related to instructional programs.
- May order and maintain supplies, books, forms, etc.
- May maintain and complete inventories of books, equipment, and other materials. Performs indexing, filing and record keeping as required. May post data on student records, compile and record grades, and obtain information requested by teacher / others.
- May assist in establishing closer communication between the school, home, and community by disseminating school plan and program information, organizing parent groups, conducting workshops and meetings for parents, and participating in School Improvement Teams. May develop resource files and maintain records of parent involvement.
- May monitor student attendance via home visits, written communication, or telephone calls. May record reasons for non-attendance from teacher roll books and school files and maintains records of contacts with parents, school personnel and outside agencies. May participate in Informal Attendance for parents and students, Administrative Attendance Hearings with School Social Workers, and in faculty meetings to inform staff of interventions. May file truancy complaints with Juvenile Services and Violation of Compulsory Attendance Law with District Court. Works with school-based staff to encourage parent involvement in school activities to improve attendance and achievement of absentees.
- Performs and promotes all activities in compliance with equal employment and nondiscrimination policies; follows federal laws, state laws, school boards policies and the professional standards.
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Maximum Salary 27.60
Minimum Salary 19.33
Desired Qualifications
Required :
Preferred :
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Full time or Part time Full time
Additional Details
Qualified candidates for the above position must submit the following :
Benefits ? This position is eligible for benefits. To review the available options please see the information relevant to the union for this position by viewing the following link : ? http : / / www.baltimorecityschools.org
Baltimore City Public Schools ("City Schools") does not discriminate in its employment, programs, and activities based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy or parenting status, family structure, ability (cognitive, social / emotional, and physical), veteran status, genetic information, age, immigration or citizenship status, socioeconomic status, language, or any other legally or constitutionally protected attributes or affiliations. Discrimination undermines our community's long-standing efforts to create, foster, and promote equity and inclusion for all. Some examples of discrimination include acts of hate, violence, harassment, bullying, or retaliation. For more information, see Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners Policies? JBA (Nondiscrimination - Students) , ? JBB (Sex-Based Discrimination - Students) , ? JICK (Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation of Students) , ? ACA (Nondiscrimination - Employees and Third Parties) , ? ACB (Sexual Harassment - Employees and Third Parties) , ? ACD (ADA Reasonable Accommodations) , and? ADA (Equity) , and the accompanying City Schools Administrative Regulations. City Schools also provides equal access to the Boy and Girl Scouts and other designated youth groups.? Link to Full Nondiscrimination Notice.
This position is affiliated with the Paraprofessionals and School Related Personnel (PSRP) bargaining unit.?
This position is affiliated with the City Retirement Plan.
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