What are the responsibilities and job description for the Teacher Deaf and Hard of Hearing (25-26) position at Baltimore City Public Schools?
P lans, develops, implements, and monitors individualized education programs for students with hearing impairments, provides appropriate specialized educational instruction and works closely with general educators to ensure continuity of services for meeting the specific needs of students with hearing impairments. Assesses and evaluates student achievement and modifies instructional activities as needed.
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Essential Functions
- Provides direct instructional services to students with hearing impairments based on their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- Develops, adapts, modifies, and individualizes educational materials, resources, techniques, methods, and strategies to meet the needs of students with hearing impairments within the Baltimore City curriculum framework.
- Monitors the implementation of special education services of students with hearing impairments.
- Writes quality IEPs for students with hearing impairments based on federal, state and the City Schools quality IEP standards.
- Conducts evaluations and assessments to determine developmental status, academic status, and mastery of Maryland grade level curriculum standards for students with hearing impairments.
- Maintains appropriate records and documents the prescriptive progress of students with hearing impairments in both the special and regular education programs based on established instructional objectives.
- Evaluates the academic and social progress of special education children on a continuous basis.
- Serves as a member of the school IEP team committee as appropriate.
- Works with parents of students with hearing impairments to ensure ongoing communication and instructional support system.
- Coordinates instructional activities and collaborates with other professional staff both school and non-school based, as required to maximize learning opportunities.
- Assigns work to and oversees aides and parent and student volunteers, if applicable.
- Ensures classroom and / or instructional environment is attractive, healthful, safe, and conducive to learning and that materials are in good condition and accessible to students.
- Supports or participates in school wide student activities and social events and approved fundraising activities.
- Monitors student behavior in non-instructional areas as assigned or required and intervenes to control and modify disruptive behavior, reporting to administrator as appropriate.
- Demonstrates competence in the subject fields pertinent to the instruction of students with hearing impairments.
- Demonstrates proficiency in effectively communicating and analyzing the special education program.
- Participates in in-service training, staff development activities and staff meetings as required or assigned.
- Performs and promotes all activities in compliance with equal employment and nondiscrimination policies; follows federal laws, state laws, school boards policies and the professional standards.
- Provides instruction to staff (as appropriate) and students in the use and application of assistive technology (hardware and software) which is pertinent to deaf and hearing-impaired students.
- Provides instruction to staff (as appropriate) and students in the use and maintenance of hearing aids, devices, and equipment.
- Provides instruction to staff and students (as appropriate) in sign communication.
- Provides instruction to staff and students in regard to specific conditions, etiologies, and implications for instruction.
- Provides guidance to staff and IEP teams regarding appropriate supplementary aids and services, and IEP accommodations and modifications which relate to students with hearing impairments.
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Maximum Salary 118411.00
Minimum Salary 60662.00
Desired Qualifications
Required :
Preferred :
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Full time or Part time Full time
Additional Details
Qualified candidates for the above position must submit the following :
Benefits ? This position is eligible for benefits. To review the available options please see the information relevant to the union for this position by viewing the following link : ? http : / / www.baltimorecityschools.org
Baltimore City Public Schools ("City Schools") does not discriminate in its employment, programs, and activities based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy or parenting status, family structure, ability (cognitive, social / emotional, and physical), veteran status, genetic information, age, immigration or citizenship status, socioeconomic status, language, or any other legally or constitutionally protected attributes or affiliations. Discrimination undermines our community's long-standing efforts to create, foster, and promote equity and inclusion for all. Some examples of discrimination include acts of hate, violence, harassment, bullying, or retaliation. For more information, see Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners Policies? JBA (Nondiscrimination - Students) , ? JBB (Sex-Based Discrimination - Students) , ? JICK (Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation of Students) , ? ACA (Nondiscrimination - Employees and Third Parties) , ? ACB (Sexual Harassment - Employees and Third Parties) , ? ACD (ADA Reasonable Accommodations) , and? ADA (Equity) , and the accompanying City Schools Administrative Regulations. City Schools also provides equal access to the Boy and Girl Scouts and other designated youth groups.? Link to Full Nondiscrimination Notice.
This position is affiliated with the Baltimore Teachers Union (BTU) bargaining unit.?
This position is affiliated with the State Retirement Plan.
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