What are the responsibilities and job description for the Office attendant position at Bismarck Parks & Recreation District?
Office Attendant
Position Announcement for the 2025 summer season
Position Description
About Us Overview: Greet park visitors and disperse information about the park and other local
vision attractions. Register campers, record campsite reservations and maintain daily records of The of the Bismarck Parks
revenue collected. Collect camping fees and receive camping reservations from visitors
and Recreation District is to be the
leader and premier provider of on the phone and in-person. Alert supervisor when visitors are not in compliance with
public parks, programs, facilities and park rules
leisure services.
Our mission is to work with the Job Type: Seasonal
community to provide residents and
visitors the highest quality park,
Starting Wage: $14.75/Hour
program, facility and event
core values Hours per week: 20-40 hours per week Our
accountability, collaboration,
community, diversity, integrity, and Seasonal Period: May – October
To Apply: Application can be found at www.bisparks.org/jobs. For more information
contact Martha Willand at 701-595-0385 or mwilland@bisparks.org
Job Requirements Essential Functions / Ot her Duties and Tasks
o Applicants must: The following statements are intended to describe the general nature and
o Be at least 18 years of age. level of work to be performed by the individual within this classification.
They are not to be considered an exhaustive or all-inclusive listing of the
o Pass a background check prior to being hired position’s duties and tasks, as they may change or be adjusted, as situations
and before starting work. require.
o Possess and maintain a valid driver’s license.
o Employee may be responsible for performing skilled assignments;
o Be reliable, responsible and conscientious.
all seasonal staff are expected to accept any assignments from
o Be capable of lifting and carrying objects up to Facility Specialist or Full-Time Maintenance employee.
50 pounds alone or heavier amounts with the
assistance of other employees. o Employee is responsible for informing a supervisor of job related
problems, damaged equipment, building damage, potential
o Be capable of operating a phone, computer,
safety violations, and to keep the supervisor informed of current
cash register and other office equipment. work assignment progress.
o Be able to handle and account for money.
o Employee is responsible for safe and efficient operation of
equipment, tools, and chemical handling.
o The Park District provides T-shirts, caps and any safety
gear that is required to complete assigned tasks. o Employee is expected to be punctual and reliable in regard to
Employee will be expected to wear clean full-length assigned start times.
pants that are not tattered or torn. Employee will also be
expected to wear job appropriate footwear. Tennis o Employee will assist individuals and groups as needed within the
shoes are not acceptable. policies and procedures of the Bismarck Parks and Recreation
o Position requires flexible hours, and the ability to work o Employee will represent the Bismarck Parks and Recreation
evening, weekends and holiday shifts. District in a positive manner at all times.
Salary : $15