What are the responsibilities and job description for the Primary School Principal position at Caldwell County Primary School?
APPOINTMENT: Principals shall be appointed annually by the Superintendent
SALARY: Commensurate with the school district’s Certified Salary Schedule
- Shall hold a bachelor's degree or higher and the required Kentucky certificate for the assigned position.
- Shall demonstrate the ability to work effectively with students, peers and adults.
- Shall demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with students, parents and faculty.
Shall have the ability to sit, stoop, possibly lift up to 50 pounds or more, and any and all body movements as related to the job description.
To promote the educational development of each student through the application of leadership, supervisory and management skills.
- Shall determine appropriate action within clearly defined guidelines.
- Shall present a positive image of the school to parents, and convey to them the schools genuine concern with the education, growth and development of each student.
- Shall seek to establish friendly and cooperative partnerships between home and school.
- Shall work to develop a positive public relationship between the school district and the community.
- Shall carry out assignments in a timely manner without undue checking.
- Shall react positively to directives.
- Shall have a willingness to cooperate with the superintendent, district administrators, other principals and staff.
- Shall maintain the confidentiality both verbally and in written form, of each students’ educational record.
- Shall strive to maintain and improve professional competence.
- Shall take necessary precautions to protect students, equipment, materials and facilities.
- Shall adhere to School Board of Education Policies and Procedures.
- Shall provide leadership in all areas of academic programs to ensure that all students receive quality instruction.
- Shall provide oversight and monitor student progress to help each student attain his/her highest level of achievement.
- Shall prepare written monthly board reports reflecting the academic progress of the students in his/her school. (Oral presentations shall be made to the board at their request).
- Shall develop an optimum learning environment which is protected from encroachments on instructional time.
- Shall visit classrooms on a regular basis and record events for follow-up conferences.
- Shall require instructors to submit lesson plans on a regular basis, review such plans and return them promptly to instructor with appropriate comments.
- Shall develop programs to motivate instructors to instruct and students to learn.
- Shall introduce concepts that promote active participation of both instructors and students.
- Shall encourage the display of materials that promote learning.
- Shall encourage the use of and instruct teachers in the use of a variety of instructional techniques and instructional media.
- Shall participate actively with teacher, guidance counselors, social workers and attendance personnel in solving student problems.
- Shall demonstrate a working knowledge of the Caldwell County Board of Education's Consolidated Plan and Strategic Plan through goal-oriented student learning and personnel practices and actively promote the concept of school effectiveness.
Personnel Management
- Shall demonstrate an understanding of the overall concepts upon which public education is founded and upon which democratic administration operates.
- Shall allow personnel to absent themselves from their assigned duties only for emergency or other higher priority school purposes.
- Shall be aware of and able to defend his/her own leadership style.
- Shall display knowledge of Board Policy, administer his/her school in accordance with those policies and make appropriate recommendations for development of new policies by the Board.
Student Discipline and Safety
- Shall establish and enforce appropriate dress and conduct rules and regulations designed to provide for maximum use and least disruption to instructional time.
- Shall establish a system of notifying the parents as soon as possible in the event of illness, accident or injury to a student; summoning a physician or other medical help and following their professional direction in the event neither parent can be contacted; contacting law enforcement officials; and taking the student to a hospital emergency room in the event a physician or ambulance is not available.
- Shall familiarize himself/herself with the regulations and procedures governing identification, testing, placement and education of handicapped students and is active in this process.
- Shall administer reasonable punishment for student disorder or other violation of rules, including suspension of students subject to applicable rules and regulations.
Security and Improvement
- Shall design and put into action a program of building security which takes into account weekends, vacations and after-school use by in-school and outside groups within existing Board Policy.
- Shall inspect his/her school building and grounds for cleanliness and beautification.
- Shall develop such plan as necessary in cooperation with the Supervisor of Maintenance to ensure that all fire, health and safety codes applicable to public buildings are being addressed.
- Shall move throughout the building and grounds observing, recording and planning for purposes of correcting and upgrading the overall operation of the school.
- Shall perform monthly maintenance inspections of his/her school and report the results in writing to the Superintendent.
Finance and Accounting
- Shall analyze all financial data and maintain a system of strict accounting for school funds that is in accordance with KRS 156.070 (Red Book) and which documents strict accountability for school funds from the source of collection to the final distribution for school purposes.
- Shall maintain a system that insures that the delivery of services and goods to his/her school is/was supported by quality workmanship and that billing is accurate.
- Shall maintain an up-to-date inventory of classroom supplies, books, equipment and
Additional Duties
- Shall demonstrate a feeling (caring) in matters of human relations for those students, faculty and staff over whom he/she has administrative and evaluative responsibility and encourages self-development and improved human productivity.
- Shall establish a network of identifying unusual problems, both actual and potential, recording particulars and passing on to the Central Office staff information that documents attempts made to solve the problem at the school level.
- Shall oversee the development and administration of programs designed to insure the health, safety and welfare of students and school personnel assigned to his/her school including fire drills and an emergency preparedness plan.
- Shall establish a schedule of reporting and dismissal time for students and personnel assigned to his/her school and reports repeated infractions of the schedule to the
- Shall meet with the Superintendent from time-to-time to discuss future improvements for his/her school and to receive instruction on such other duties as time required by the Superintendent.
- Shall be open and available to students, staff members, parents, and the community for counseling and problem solving.
- Shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the Superintendent.