The Operations Analyst I position will support the Sensors and SONAR Systems Department of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Newport which is responsible for a full spectrum of engineering and research efforts pertaining to Sensors, SONAR, Undersea Warfare and Autonomous Vehicles. Engineering services are required for analyses, in-service engineering, prototype development, test and evaluation, and system engineering services in support of Towed, Hull and Sensor System programs. Towed Systems include developmental and in-service towed arrays, tow cables, towed array handling systems and associated signal path components. Hull and Sensor systems include hull mounted arrays, transducers, hydrophones, acoustic windows, outboard electronics, array structures and associated cabling.
The Analysts gather information, then select the most appropriate analytical technique. Analysts can use any of several techniques, including simulation, linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, queuing and other stochastic-process models, and the analytic hierarchy process. Most techniques involve the construction of mathematical models that attempt to describe the system being studied. The use of models enables the analyst to assign values to the different components and clarify the relationships among them. The values can be altered to examine what may happen to the system under different circumstances.