Operations research analysts help determine better ways to coordinate and manage large organizations that require the effective use of money, materials, equipment, and people. This is accomplished by applying analytical methods from mathematics, science, and engineering. Operations research analysts may be concerned with diverse issues such as top-level strategy, planning, forecasting, resource allocation, performance measurement, scheduling, the design of production facilities and systems, supply chain management, pricing, transportation and distribution, and the analysis of large databases.
Analysts gather information, then select the most appropriate analytical technique. Analysts can use any of several techniques, including simulation, linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, queuing and other stochastic-process models, and the analytic hierarchy process. Most techniques involve the construction of mathematical models that attempt to describe the system being studied. The use of models enables the analyst to assign values to the different components and clarify the relationships among them. The values can be altered to examine what may happen to the system under different circumstances.