
Operations Business Analyst

Astoria, OR Full Time
POSTED ON 1/20/2025

Career Opportunities : Operations Business Analyst (24775)

  • verp-client : SMRF Globals
  • function(w){function set(k,v){Object.assign(k==='window'?w : (w[k]=w[k]||{}),v)}set("DEPS_VERSION_MAP",{" / ui / juic / css / components / sfScrollBox.css" : " / verp / vmod_v1 / ui / juic / css / components / sfScrollBox_334cabf19d0d055e39c6c2ecebf861bb.css"," / ui / juic / js / components / sfCaretUtil.js" : " / verp / vmod_v1 / ui / juic / js / components / sfCaretUtil_52d1c903c07f0a7e4be06d3c1af8798d.js"," / ui / sfgrp / js / juicPopupsV12.js" : " / verp / vmod_v1 / ui / sfgrp / js / juicPopupsV12_e33c608a67c593d64baf241b9f7b9bc1.js"})set("IMAGES",{" / ui / uicore / img / ico_close_blue_16.gif" : " / ui / uicore / img / ico_close_blue_16_35a80df8699645a1adeebf8da8140e79.gif"," / ui / uicore / img / ico_printer_16.gif" : " / ui / uicore / img / ico_printer_16_e79d7fee413ea51ea449e1e5f76766d1.gif"})set("MSGS",{ADD_ANOTHER_ANSWER : "Add another answer",ADMINV2_TEXT_ERR_MSG : "Please enter a value.",ANSWER_RANGE : "Answer Range : ",APPL_SEARCH_ERROR_POSTEDWITHIN_INVALID : "Posted within the last N days should be a number between 0 and 99.",APPL_SEARCH_ERROR_REQNUMBER_INVALID : "Invalid Requisition Number",APPL_SEARCH_ERROR_REQNUMBER_INVALID_LENGTH : "Requisition Number should be less or equal to 10 digits.",APPL_SEARCH_REQNUMBER_MAX_LENGTH : "10;",COMMON_ACTIONS : "Actions",COMMON_ATTACHMENT_ACTION_ITEM : "Item : ",COMMON_ATTACHMENT_ACTION_ITEM_LABEL : "Item",COMMON_ATTACHMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR : "Internal attachment processing error.",COMMON_ATTACHMENT_NOT_AVAIL : "The attachment file is not available at this time. Please try again later.",COMMON_ATTACHMENT_NOT_UPLOAD : "No attachment file was uploaded.",COMMON_Actions_Menu : "Actions Menu",COMMON_Close_Preview : "Close Preview",COMMON_Competencies : "Competencies",COMMON_First : "First",COMMON_INVALID_ATTACHMENT_TYPE : "Invalid attachment type.",COMMON_LARGE_ATTACH_FILE_SIZE : "Unable to view this document online. Click here

to download this document offline.",COMMON_Last : "Last",COMMON_MISSING_ATTACH_IMAGES : "This candidate\u2019s resume is not available to view online at this time. You can try again later or download the resume

now.",COMMON_MISSING_ATTACH_IMAGES_FOR_COVER_LETTER : "This candidate\u2019s cover letter is not available to view inline at this time. You can try again later or download the cover letter

now.",COMMON_Next_page : "Next page",COMMON_PAGINATOR_Type_Desired_Page_from_x_to_y : "Type the desired page from {0} to {1} current",COMMON_Previous_page : "Previous page",COMMON_Print_Preview : "Print Preview",COMMON_RTE_LABEL : "{0} rich text editor",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_SHOW_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE : "Show Default Language",COMMON_Resume : "Resume",COMMON_SF_ABOUT_BOX_TITLE : "About SuccessFactors",COMMON_Save_to_desktop : "Save to desktop",COMMON_Send_To_Printer : "Send To Printer...",COMMON_Status : "Status",COMMON_TO_COLLAPSE_PRESS_ENTER : "Expanded. To collapse press enter.",COMMON_TO_EXPAND_PRESS_ENTER : "Collapsed. To expand press enter.",COMMON_Unknown : "Unknown",COMMON_View_More_Details : "View More Details...",COMMON_of : "of",COMMON_page : "Page",ERR_BAD_NUMBER_FORMAT : "{0} is an invalid entry. Please enter a numeric value.",ERR_DATA_EXPECTED : "(expected {0})",ERR_DATA_FORMAT : "{0} is invalid {1}",ERR_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE : "{0} out of range ({1} - {2})",ERR_DATA_REQUIRED : "{0} is required {1}",ERR_DATA_TOO_LONG : "{0} is too long ({1} characters exceeds the maximum of {2})",JOBREQ_RTE_FIELD_KEY : "Field Key",JOBREQ_RTE_FIELD_LABEL : "Field Label",JOBREQ_RTE_INSERT_FIELD : "Insert Job Requisition Field",LBL_Add_Description : "[click to add text]",LBL_Add_Long_Description : "[Click to add description]",MSG_Confirm_Scale_Change : "Are you sure you want to change the rating scale? All modifications to the current scale will be lost.",MSG_SCALE_BLANK_NAME : "You must enter a name for the new scale. Your work has not been saved.",MSG_SCALE_DUP_NAME : "The name entered for the local scale is already in use, your work has not been saved. Please provide a new name.",MSG_Save_Local_Scale : "You have made changes to this rating scale. If you would like to save it for future use, please enter a name.",RCM_CRM_ADD_TO_TALENT_POOL : "Add to Talent Pool",RCM_RESUME_VIEWER_ADD_TO_TALENT_POOL_TEXT : "Select the Add to Talent Pool button to add this candidate to the talent pool.",RECRUITING_AGENCY_AGENCY_CANDIDATE : "AGENCY CANDIDATE",RECRUITING_APP_STATUS_UNKNOWN : "Application Status Unknown",RECRUITING_ATTACHMENT_CANDIDATE_PAGINATOR : "Candidates paginator.",RECRUITING_ATTACHMENT_CHANGES_SAVED : "Changes saved : ",RECRUITING_ATTACHMENT_PAGINATOR : "Candidate {0} of {1}",RECRUITING_ATTACHMENT_SAME_STATUS : "Changes not saved : The candidate is already in the selected status.",RECRUITING_ATTACHMENT_STATUS_NOT_CONFIGURED : "You do not have permission to perform this action.",RECRUITING_CANDIDATE_PHOTO : "Candidate Photo",RECRUITING_CANDIDATE_RESUME_IMAGE : "Candidate Resume Image",RECRUITING_CANDIDATE_TAG_TITLE : "Tags",RECRUITING_CLICK_TO_ADD_DESCRIPTION : "[Click to add description]",RECRUITING_CLICK_TO_EDIT : "Click to edit",RECRUITING_COVERLETTER_NOT_UPLOAD : "This candidate did not upload a cover letter.",RECRUITING_CSW_DISQUALIFY_CANDIDATE : "Disqualify Candidate",RECRUITING_CSW_MOVE_CANDIDATE : "Move Candidate",RECRUITING_Candidate : "Candidate",RECRUITING_Candidate_Comment_Length_Exceeds_Message : "The length of your comment (currently {0}) has exceeded the maximum number of characters allowed ({1}). Please shorten your comment and resubmit.",RECRUITING_Comments : "Comments",RECRUITING_DESELECT_ALL : "Deselect All",RECRUITING_DOCUMENT_IMAGE : "Document image",RECRUITING_EMPLOYEE_REFERRAL : "Employee Referral",RECRUITING_External_Candidate : "External Candidate",RECRUITING_FLELD_VALIDATION_MULTISTAGE_MISSING_REQ_FIELD : "Some required fields must be filled by the candidate or other operator(s) before proceeding.",RECRUITING_FLELD_VALIDATION_MULTISTAGE_REQ_FIELD : "Required field(s) are : ",RECRUITING_FORWARD_COLLEAGUE_ERROR : "One or more of the selected candidate(s) cannot be forwarded due to their data privacy settings",RECRUITING_FORWARD_ERROR_MORE_DETAILS : "More Details",RECRUITING_FORWARD_STATUS : "Forwarded",RECRUITING_INLINE_VIEW_RESUME_COMMENT_SAVE_ACTION_ERROR : "Error occurred while saving comments",RECRUITING_INLINE_VIEW_RESUME_COMMENT_SAVE_ACTION_SUCCESSFULL : "Changes saved : Comments",RECRUITING_INLINE_VIEW_RESUME_COMMENT_SAVE_ACTION_UNAUTHORIZED : "User does not have permission to perform this action",RECRUITING_INLINE_VIEW_RESUME_TAGS_SAVE_ACTION_SUCCESS : "Changes saved : Tags",RECRUITING_ITEM_DELETE_SUCCESS : "{0} is deleted successfully.",RECRUITING_Internal_Candidate : "Internal Candidate",RECRUITING_JOBREQ_FIELD_INT_JOB_TITLE : "Internal Position Title",RECRUITING_JOBREQ_FIELD_INT_LISTING_LAYOUT : "Internal Position Description",RECRUITING_JOBREQ_SEARCH_BOOLEAN_KEYWORD_HELP_DESC : " How does keyword search work?

Enter a list of words, and we\u2019ll search for them in the job title, or you can choose to search for them also within the job description.

Tips : \n \n

  • We will find results for any words listed
  • in the search

    Results beginning with words searched will also be returned. Ex : A search for \u201cManage\u201d will return \u201cmanage, manager, management\u201d etc.

    To find an exact phrase, surround your search phrase with double quotes (\u201d \u201c). Ex : \u201csenior manager\u201d, or check \u2018Exact match\u2019.

    Advanced search : \n \n

    Use AND, OR, NOT, and () to combine search terms. Ex : Sales AND engineer

    finds only jobs that have both terms. \n

    Sales OR engineer

    finds all jobs that have either.

    n (Sales AND Engineer) NOT Manager

    finds jobs that contain both \u201cSales\u201d and \u201cEngineer\u201d but not \u201cManager\u201d.

    Use question mark (?) for an unknown letter. Ex : Thomps?n finds Thompson, Thompsen, Thompsan, etc.

    Use tilde (~) to find similar spellings. Ex : roam~ finds roam, roams, room, road, roads, etc.

    Do not use advanced search options if you have checked \u2018Exact match\u2019.

    RECRUITING_JOB_REQ_ANSWER_RANGE_INPUT_FIELD : "Answer Range input @? has been deleted",RECRUITING_JOB_REQ_ANSWER_RANGE_INPUT_FIELD_DELETED : "Answer Range input field is deleted.",RECRUITING_JOB_REQ_AUTO_CLOSE_CONFIRM : "When you complete this action, no openings will remain for this job requisition, and the job requisition will be closed. Do you want to proceed?",RECRUITING_JOB_REQ_AUTO_CLOSE_INVALID_OPTION_COFIG : "The requisition cannot be closed because the system administrator has not specified a valid default requisition closed status. Please notify your system administrator.",RECRUITING_JOB_REQ_AUTO_CLOSE_WITH_PENDING_APPROVAL_CONFIRM : "When you complete this action, no openings will remain for this job requisition, and the job requisition will be closed. Closing the job requisition will also move the pending offers to the Cancelled status. Do you want to proceed?",RECRUITING_JOB_SEARCH_HELP_TEXT_ARIA_LABEL_ACCESSIBLE : "Show help text. Switch to Virtual PC Cursor mode to read entire text.",RECRUITING_PRINT_COVERLETTER_MENU : "Print cover letter",RECRUITING_PRINT_RESUME_MENU : "Print Resume",RECRUITING_Print_All_Resumes : "Print all resumes",RECRUITING_Print_Resume : "Print Resume",RECRUITING_RATING_SCALE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_DESCRIPTION : "???RECRUITING_RATING_SCALE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_DESCRIPTION???",RECRUITING_RATING_SCALE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_NAME : "Rating Scale name. To edit press Enter",RECRUITING_RATING_SCALE_CLICK_TO_EDIT_VALUE : "Rating Scale value. To edit press Enter",RECRUITING_RATING_SCALE_DESCRITION : "Rating Scale description",RECRUITING_RATING_SCALE_NAME : "Rating Scale name",RECRUITING_RATING_SCALE_VALUE : "Rating Scale value",RECRUITING_REFRESH_RESUME_IMAGE : "Refresh Resume Image",RECRUITING_REMOVE : "Remove",RECRUITING_RESUME_INTERNAL_ERROR : "Internal resume attachment processing error.",RECRUITING_RESUME_INVALID_PARAMETERS : "Invalid input parameter for resume attachments.",RECRUITING_RESUME_NOT_UPLOAD : "This candidate did not upload a resume.",RECRUITING_RESUME_SAVE_TEXT : "You can save the resume to read the content in the document.",RECRUITING_RTE_FIELD_KEY : "Field Key",RECRUITING_RTE_FIELD_LABEL : "Field Label",RECRUITING_SAVE_COVERLETTER_MENU : "Save cover letter",RECRUITING_SAVE_RESUME_MENU : "Save Resume",RECRUITING_SELECT_ALL : "Select All",RECRUITING_SHOW_HELP : "Show help",RECRUITING_STATUS_UPDATE_APPLY_BTN : "Apply Updates",RECRUITING_Save_All_Resumes : "Save all resumes",RECRUITING_Save_Resume : "Save Resume",RECRUITING_V11_SAVED_SCALES : "My Saved Rating Scales",Your_session_has_timed_out : "Your session has timed out"})set("RESOURCES",{" / ui / extlib / ckeditor / contents.css" : " / verp / vmod_v1 / ui / extlib / ckeditor_4.22.1_sf.1 / contents.css"," / ui / uicore / css / xi.css" : " / ui / uicore / css / xi_d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.css"," / ui / uicore / css / xi_print.css" : " / ui / uicore / css / xi_print_69cc02dbcd1f04c5e6deef8a506d8836.css"," / ui / uicore / css / xicommon.css" : " / ui / uicore / css / xicommon_1c035d6d5b0ff3cdf8f7c2bdd73ee45a.css"})}(window)

  • verp-client : SMRF Globals
  • function(w){function set(k,v){Object.assign(k==='window'?w : (w[k]=w[k]||{}),v)}set("MSGS",{RECRUITING_CAREERS_SAVED_APPLICATIONS : "Saved Applications",RECRUITING_CONTINUE_WITH_DRAFT_APPLICATION : "Continue",RECRUITING_DRAFT_DELETE : "Delete Application",RECRUITING_DRAFT_OPEN_APPLICATION : "Apply",RECRUITING_DRAFT_SELECT : "Select",RECRUITING_OPEN_NEW_APPLICATION : "Start Over",RECRUITING_OPEN_NEW_APPLICATION_USING_LINKEDIN : "Use LinkedIn\u2122 Profile Data",RECRUITING_PLEASE_SELECT_YOUR_OPTION : " You have an existing job application for this requisition
  • click \u201cContinue\u201d to use user saved application.

    click \u201cStart Over\u201d for a new application (this will delete your saved application).

    RECRUITING_SAVED_APP_VS_LINKEDIN_DATA : " You have an existing job application for this requisition

    click \u201cContinue\u201d to use user saved application.

    click \u201cUseLinkedIn\u2122 Profile Data\u201d for a new application (this will delete your saved application).


  • verp-client : SMRF Globals
  • function(w){function set(k,v){Object.assign(k==='window'?w : (w[k]=w[k]||{}),v)}set("MSGS",{COMMON_All : "All",COMMON_Clear : "Clear",COMMON_Country : "Country / Region",COMMON_Description : "Description",COMMON_Email : "Email",COMMON_More : "More",COMMON_MultiSelect_Hierarchical_Available_Label : "Available ({0})",COMMON_MultiSelect_Hierarchical_Primary_Label : "Primary",COMMON_MultiSelect_Hierarchical_Selected_Label : "Selected ({0})",COMMON_Required_Field_Err : "{0} is a required field.",COMMON_Required_Fields_Err : "{0} are required fields.",COMMON_Search : "Search",COMMON_Send : "Send",COMMON_no_items : "No items to display",RCM_FILE_UPLOAD_INSTRUCTION_NO_HTML : "Accepted File types : DOCX, PDF, Image and Text",RCM_INVALID_FIRST_NAME : "Invalid first name.",RCM_INVALID_LAST_NAME : "Invalid last name.",RCM_JRS_JOB_POSTED_ON : "Posted on {0}",RCM_MULTISELECT_MAKE_PRIMARY_VALUE : "Make Primary",RCM_MULTISELECT_PRIMARY_VALUE : "Primary",RCM_SELECT_USER_AUTOCOMPLIST_EXPANDED : "One or more results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.",RECRUITING_ACCESSIBLE_MFIELD_ALL_SELECTED : "All values selected",RECRUITING_ACCESSIBLE_MFIELD_NO_SELECTION : "No value selected",RECRUITING_ACCESSIBLE_MFIELD_SELECTED_VALUE : "Selected value",RECRUITING_ACCESSIBLE_MFIELD_SELECTED_VALUES : "Selected values",RECRUITING_ACCESSIBLE_MULTISELECT_TITLE_FOR_TEXT : "Select one or more options for {0} multiselect combobox with checkbox options.",RECRUITING_ACCESSIBLE_MULTISELECT_TITLE_TEXT : "Select one or more options for multiselect combobox with checkbox options.",RECRUITING_ADDING_REFERRAL : "Adding Referral...",RECRUITING_ADD_REFERRAL : "Add Referral",RECRUITING_ADD_REFERRAL_FAILED : "Failed to Add Referral due to internal processing error.",RECRUITING_ADD_RESUME : "Add resume",RECRUITING_COMMON_ANY : "Any",RECRUITING_CSW_SELECTED : "selected",RECRUITING_Clear_all : "Clear all",RECRUITING_EMAIL_JOB_BUTTON : "Email Job to Friend",RECRUITING_ERP_MISSING_COUNTRY_PICKLIST : "Configuration Error : country / region picklist is undefined. Please contact your System Administrator.",RECRUITING_ERP_REQUIRE_RESUME_CONFIG_ERR : "Configuration Error : Attachment feature is disabled but Resume is a required field in Employee Referral Admin Setup page. Please contact your System Administrator.",RECRUITING_Edit_View_options : "Edit or view selected options",RECRUITING_FIELD_REQUIRED : "Required",RECRUITING_FIRST_NAME : "First Name",RECRUITING_GET_ADD_REFERRAL_INFO_ERROR : "Internal get add referral information processing error.",RECRUITING_HelpInfo : "Select or search for items from this list. Review your selection in the selected bucket. Click Done to add.",RECRUITING_INVALID_EMAIL : "Invalid email.",RECRUITING_JOB_LANG_POSTED_AS : "Posted as",RECRUITING_JOB_LISTING_APPLY : "Apply",RECRUITING_JOB_LISTING_APPLY_USING_LINKIN : "Apply Using LinkedIn\u2122",RECRUITING_JOB_LISTING_SAVE_JOB : "Save Job",RECRUITING_JOB_REQUISITION_INVALID_ENTRY : "Invalid entry",RECRUITING_JOB_REQ_ERR_MSG : "No picklist associated for field \u201c{0}\u201d. Please contact your administrator to have the correct picklist associated in configuration.",RECRUITING_JOB_SEARCH_JOB_DATE_POSTED : "Date Posted",RECRUITING_JOB_SEARCH_JOB_RELEVANCE : "Relevance",RECRUITING_JOB_SEARCH_JOB_REQ_TITLE_SORT_COL : "Job Title",RECRUITING_JOB_SEARCH_REQUISITION_ID : "Requisition ID : ",RECRUITING_JOB_SEARCH_SELECT_ACTION : "Select Action",RECRUITING_LAST_NAME : "Last Name",RECRUITING_LEFT_COLUMN : "Left Column",RECRUITING_MULTI_LANG_JOB_POSTING_LINK_TITLE : "Press enter to view job posting in different languages",RECRUITING_Multiple_selections : "Multiple",RECRUITING_PHONE : "Phone",RECRUITING_PROVIDE_INFO_BELOW : "Please provide the information below",RECRUITING_Press_Enter_Select_options : "Press ENTER to select one or more options",RECRUITING_RADIAL_SEARCH_DISTANCE_COLUMN : "Distance",RECRUITING_RADIAL_SEARCH_RESULT_UNIT_KMS : "km",RECRUITING_RADIAL_SEARCH_RESULT_UNIT_MILES : "mi",RECRUITING_REFER_FRIEND_TO_JOB : "Refer Friend to Job",RECRUITING_RIGHT_COLUMN : "Right Column",RECRUITING_Resume : "Resume",RECRUITING_Select_all : "Select all",RECRUITING_Select_none : "Select None",RECRUITING_Select_options : "Select one or more options",RECRUITING_Select_options_for : "Select one or more options for {0}",RECRUITING_Selected_Item_Count : "({0}) Selected"})}(window)
  • verp-client : SMRF Globals
  • function(w){function set(k,v){Object.assign(k==='window'?w : (w[k]=w[k]||{}),v)}set("MSGS",{COMMON_Action : "Action",COMMON_DPCS2_ACCEPT : "Accept",COMMON_DPCS2_ACCEPTED : "Accepted",COMMON_DPCS2_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE : "Accept and Continue",COMMON_DPCS2_ACK_STMT : "Set DPCS Statement Status",COMMON_DPCS2_ACTIVE_ERR_MSG_MULTIPLE : "The statement was not activated. It\u2019s duplicated with {0} other statements. Please modify the statement to avoid duplication. You can activate the statement when it\u2019s not duplicated with previously defined statements.",COMMON_DPCS2_ACTIVE_ERR_MSG_SINGLE : "The statement was not activated. It\u2019s duplicated with another statement. Please modify the statement to avoid duplication. You can activate the statement when it\u2019s not duplicated with previously defined statements.",COMMON_DPCS2_Action_decline_accept : "Use this page to accept or decline a statement on behalf of a user.",COMMON_DPCS2_Add_Lang : "Add Language",COMMON_DPCS2_All : "All",COMMON_DPCS2_All_Countries : "All Countries / Regions",COMMON_DPCS2_Assigned : "Assigned",COMMON_DPCS2_Assigned_Country : "Assigned Countries / Regions",COMMON_DPCS2_Choose_to_accept : "You are choosing not to accept the statement terms and will be automatically blocked from using the system until you accept the statement terms.
  • Are you sure you want to continue?",COMMON_DPCS2_Countries : "Countries / Regions",COMMON_DPCS2_DEL_Confirm : "You are about to delete the {0} translation for this statement. All {1} translation data will be lost.

    Are you sure you want to continue?",COMMON_DPCS2_Decline : "Decline",COMMON_DPCS2_Decline_STMT : "Decline Statement",COMMON_DPCS2_Declined : "Declined",COMMON_DPCS2_Default_STMT : "Default Statement",COMMON_DPCS2_Delete_STMT : "Delete Statement",COMMON_DPCS2_Draft : "Draft",COMMON_DPCS2_Find_employee : "Find a user",COMMON_DPCS2_General_setting : "General Settings",COMMON_DPCS2_INVALID_Redirect_URL : "Invalid URL.",COMMON_DPCS2_INVALID_Redirect_URL_STMT : "Invalid redirect URL in the General Settings section.",COMMON_DPCS2_LBL_STMT : "Statement",COMMON_DPCS2_LBL_View_Stmt : "View Statement",COMMON_DPCS2_MSG_NOTE_Default_STMT : "Note that employees will see the default statement if the version of their default language is not created yet. You can create default statement message in any supported language. You can also add statements in other languages.",COMMON_DPCS2_MSG_SHOW_STMT : "Show this statement to those employees who have not been associated with any countries / regions, and also to those whose countries / regions have not been assigned with any statement.",COMMON_DPCS2_NOTE_DPCS_NAME : "(Note that you will not be able to change the name once the statement is created)",COMMON_DPCS2_NOTE_Redirect_URL : "(Provide a URL that starts with http : / / or https : / / .)",COMMON_DPCS2_NOT_PRESENTED : "Not Presented",COMMON_DPCS2_Print_preview : "Print Preview...",COMMON_DPCS2_Publish_By : "Published By",COMMON_DPCS2_Publish_Date : "Publish Date",COMMON_DPCS2_Redirect_URL : "Redirect URL for Decline",COMMON_DPCS2_Revoked : "Revoked",COMMON_DPCS2_STATEMENT_DECLINE_CONFIRM : "Are you sure you want to decline this statement?\nWhen you decline this statement, you will not have access to the system.",COMMON_DPCS2_STMT_Message : "Statement Message",COMMON_DPCS2_Set_As_Default : "Set this as system default statement",COMMON_DPCS2_Statement_Name : "Statement Name",COMMON_DPCS2_VALIDATE : "Validate",COMMON_DPCS2_VALIDATE_ERR_MSG_MULTIPLE : "Your statement was not published. The statement is duplicated with {0} other statements. Please modify your statement to avoid duplication. You can save and publish the statement when it\u2019s not duplicated with previously defined statements.",COMMON_DPCS2_VALIDATE_ERR_MSG_SINGLE : "Your statement was not published. The statement is duplicated with another statement. Please modify your statement to avoid duplication. You can save and publish the statement when it\u2019s not duplicated with previously defined statements.",COMMON_DPCS2_VALIDATE_WARNING_MSG_MULTIPLE : "Your statement is duplicated with {0} other statements. Please modify your statement to avoid duplication. You can save and publish the statement when it\u2019s not duplicated with previously defined statements.",COMMON_DPCS2_VALIDATE_WARNING_MSG_SINGLE : "Your statement is duplicated with the another statement. Please modify your statement to avoid duplication. You can save and publish the statement when it\u2019s not duplicated with previously defined statements.",COMMON_DPCS2_View_History : "View History",COMMON_DPCS2_WARN_MSG_DECLINE_STATEMENT : "Warning : Declining the statement will permanently delete this user\u2019s job candidate profile. Do you want to continue?",COMMON_DPCS2_WARN_MSG_INPUT_NAME : "Please input an employee name",COMMON_DPCS2_assigned_to : "assigned to {0}",COMMON_DPCS2_external_users : "External users",COMMON_DPCS2_internal_user : "Internal users",COMMON_DPCS2_intranet_users : "Intranet users",COMMON_DPCS2_onboarding_users : "Onboarding users",COMMON_DPCS2_simplified_onboarding_users : "Onboarding users",COMMON_RTE_COUNTER_CHARACTER_MESSAGE : "Text formatting and double-byte characters will reduce number of visible characters.",COMMON_RTE_DESCRIPTION : "Rich text editor",COMMON_RTE_HYPERLINK_HTTP : "http : / / ",COMMON_RTE_HYPERLINK_URL : "Hyperlink URL : ",COMMON_RTE_INIT_WACA_DOCUMENT : "Initializing Writing Assistant...",COMMON_RTE_MAXIMUM_CHAR_LIMIT_MESSAGE : "You have reached the maximum character limit of {0}. Please remove some characters before editing further.",COMMON_RTE_NOT_SUPPORTED : "Comments are disabled because rich text is not supported on this device",COMMON_RTE_PASTE_FROM_WORD_DEFAULT : "You\u2019re about to paste in text with Microsoft formatting. Not all browsers can display Microsoft formatting correctly. We can help you paste in plain text with the Microsoft formatting removed. You can use the editing tools here to reformat the text.\n \nClick OK to use plain text (recommended). \nClick Cancel to keep the original Microsoft formatting.",COMMON_RTE_SCANNING_DOCUMENT : "Scanning Document...",COMMON_RTE_SPELL_CHECK_DOCUMENT : "Spell Checking Document...",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_BOLD : "Bold",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_BOLD_DESC : "Give text a rich text format of bold style. Keyboard shortcut is Control B on windows, and Command B on OSX.",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_BULLETS : "Bullets",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_BULLETS_DESC : "Insert / Remove Bulleted List.",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_FONT_SIZE : "Font Size",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_FONT_SIZE_DESC : "Change text\u2019s font style.",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_HYPERLINK : "Hyperlink",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_HYPERLINK_DESC : "Convert text to a hyperlink.",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_INDENT : "Indent",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_INDENT_DESC : "Give text an indentation.",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_ITALIC : "Italic",COMMON_RTE_TOOLBAR_ITALIC_DESC : "Give text a rich text format of italic style. 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    Requisition ID 24775 - Posted

    01 / 10 / 2025 - CareOregon - Full Time - Permanent - Portland - Multi Location (18)

    Job Description Print Preview


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    Candidates hired for remote positions must reside in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Montana, or Wisconsin.

    Job Title

    Operations Business Analyst

    Requisition #


    Exemption Status


    Management Level

    n / a

    Direct Reports

    n / a

    Manager Title

    Operations Manager - Provider Network


    Provider Relations

    Pay and Benefits

    Estimated hiring range $71,340 - $87,200 / year, 5% bonus target, full benefits. / about-us / careers / benefits

    Posting Notes

    This is a fully remote role, but you must reside in one of the listed 9 states. You must be able to accommodate PST business hours (M-F 8-5pm).

    Job Summary

    The Operations Business Analyst is an advanced team resource providing technical and process assessments. The position works as a cross-functional team member and liaison between the assigned department, IS and external vendors to analyze problems, define business requirements and recommend solutions. The position is responsible for all aspects of the life cycle of development from requirements gathering to implementation and ongoing support. Additionally, the position applies process improvement methods by effectively utilizing organizational assets and applying best practices. Areas of focus and specialization vary by department.

    Essential Responsibilities

    Perform existing systems analysis and design new systems.

  • Gather and define functional business requirements for new and existing processes.
  • Document business requirements, business methodologies, systems flow, data flow and functional system design.
  • Translate business needs and requirements into actionable tasks for analysts and IS teams.
  • Collaborate with analysts and IS teams to implement changes; participate in User Acceptance Testing.
  • Monitor and improve the quality of reports that are produced.
  • Monitor, maintain and improve project quality and implement continuous process improvements.
  • Develop ad-hoc reports using Microsoft applications and provide analysis.
  • Provide project status reports as required.
  • Monitor and provide ongoing system support and guidance to department staff.
  • Monitor and resolve support requests using ticket system; escalate requests as necessary.
  • Communicate the status of pending requests to stakeholders.
  • Communicate the perspective of business units for projects and implementations.
  • Effectively develop, manage, and maintain productive customer relationships at all levels.
  • Engage senior leaders as thought partners on an occasional basis.
  • Present the results of analysis to executive sponsors as needed.
  • Organizational Responsibilities

  • Perform work in alignment with the organization's mission, vision and values.
  • Support the organization's commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion by fostering a culture of open mindedness, cultural awareness, compassion and respect for all individuals.
  • Strive to meet annual business goals in support of the organization's strategic goals.
  • Adhere to the organization's policies, procedures and other relevant compliance needs.
  • Perform other duties as needed.
  • Experience and / or Education


  • 3 years' experience with Medicare and / or Oregon Medicaid
  • 2 years' experience related to business analysis, process improvement, systems testing, and / or requirements gathering for systems implementations
  • Preferred

  • Provider Network Operations department roles : 3 or more years' experience working directly in provider network systems (for a provider or health plan), such as credentialing platforms, online provider portals, contract management systems
  • Claims department roles : 3 or more years' experience working directly with claims as a Biller (for a provider) and / or claims processor (for a health plan)
  • Experience performing operations business analyses within the department's area of focus
  • Experience working with QNXT, or similar Claims / Authorization processing platforms
  • Exposure to business modeling tools (i.e., Visio) and various methodologies / frameworks such as CMMI, RUP, Six Sigma
  • Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Required


  • Advanced knowledge of continuous improvement and Lean methods applicable to health care industry
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft products including Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Working knowledge of the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines as they relate to dual-eligible advantage plans
  • Working knowledge of Oregon Health Plan (OHA) guidelines
  • Skills and Abilities

    Ability to use or quickly learn to use business process modeling and mapping tools (e.g., Visio, Smartsheet, etc.)

  • Ability to lead continuous process improvement to achieve desired and sustainable results
  • Ability to read, analyze and interpret professional journals, technical procedures and governmental regulations
  • Ability to bring structure to projects containing ambiguity
  • Ability to prioritize multiple projects and strategic objectives and meet deadlines
  • Ability to identify and remove barriers to accomplishing project requirements
  • Ability to work well under pressure with frequent interruptions
  • Ability to remain calm and respond in a professional manner when faced with difficult situations
  • Strong written, verbal and presentation communication skills
  • Ability to communicate effectively with all levels of leadership and staff
  • Ability to communicate effectively with business and technical personnel
  • Ability to work effectively with diverse individuals and groups
  • Ability to learn, focus, understand, and evaluate information and determine appropriate actions
  • Ability to accept direction and feedback, as well as tolerate and manage stress
  • Ability to see, read, and perform repetitive finger and wrist movement for at least 6 hours / day
  • Ability to hear and speak clearly for at least 3-6 hours / day
  • Working Conditions

    Work Environment(s) : Indoor / Office Community Facilities / Security Outdoor Exposure

    Member / Patient Facing : No Telephonic In Person

    Hazards : May include, but not limited to, physical and ergonomic hazards.

    Equipment : General office equipment and / or mobile technology

    Travel : May include occasional required or optional travel outside of the workplace; the employee's personal vehicle, local transit or other means of transportation may be used.

    Work Location : Work from home (may vary by department)


    Candidates of color are strongly encouraged to apply. CareOregon is committed to building a linguistically and culturally diverse and inclusive work environment.

    Veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

    We are an equal opportunity employer. CareOregon considers all candidates regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status.

    Visa sponsorship is not available at this time.


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    Salary : $71,340 - $87,200

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    $98,772 - $126,519
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    $113,567 - $162,206
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    $128,610 - $169,671
    Income Estimation: 
    $131,357 - $193,022
    Income Estimation: 
    $162,444 - $208,834
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    $195,801 - $254,734
    Income Estimation: 
    $95,697 - $123,113
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    $131,357 - $193,022
    Income Estimation: 
    $120,763 - $148,970
    Income Estimation: 
    $117,414 - $153,024
    Income Estimation: 
    $74,657 - $95,078
    Income Estimation: 
    $131,357 - $193,022
    Income Estimation: 
    $95,368 - $117,770
    Income Estimation: 
    $95,697 - $123,113
    Income Estimation: 
    $100,711 - $126,643
    Income Estimation: 
    $61,308 - $77,964
    Income Estimation: 
    $95,396 - $131,741
    Income Estimation: 
    $73,702 - $93,306
    Income Estimation: 
    $103,427 - $139,931
    Income Estimation: 
    $78,608 - $102,980
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