What are the responsibilities and job description for the English Learners Coach position at Carthage School District R9?
Job Title: ELL Coach
Responsible To: Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and ELL Coordinator
- Bachelor’s degree in the area of education
- EL Certification
- Demonstrated skill in facilitating teams of educators
- Experience with ELL Assessment Data
Primary Functions:
To coordinate the intake, placement, assessment, and progress monitoring of all ELL students within the assigned buildings, facilitate the Language Assessment Committee (LAC) process, and work with ELL coordinator, building administrators and literacy coaches to provide on-going professional development and coaching of teachers in instructional methods for ELLs.
General Responsibilities:
Assessment, scheduling, professional development, committee work, intervention assistance, teacher training, data collection and reporting
Specific Duties:
Intake Responsibilities:
- Work with building secretaries to monitor home language surveys from new enrollees
- Ensure parent intake interview forms are completed for language minority students
- Assess students on the WIDA Screener within the required timeline
- Complete/send/and verify the return of the Parent Notification Form, Does Not Qualify Form, and continuation of services form according to student’s designation
- Complete an appropriate LEP report for the child’s classroom teacher
- Work with the LAC to determine the appropriate language support service
- Provide the ELL Coordinator with all requested information on new language minority students
- Maintain the EL folder within the students’ cumulative fiile
Referral Responsibilities
- Collect academic data from teachers
- Collect language data from ELL teachers
- Collect parent intake interview data form
- Schedule and participate in district and building language assessment committee (LAC).
- Participate in or schedule another ESL representative to participate in all IEP meetings for ESL students.
Professional Development Responsibilities
- Work with ELL coordinator, assistant superintendent for instruction, building principals, and literacy coaches to determine staff instructional and training needs
- Develop and deliver staff training
- Assist all teachers in developing their skills in working with ELL students through regular strategy developing activities, collaboration sessions, data work, and observation/reflection activities based on a coaching model.
- ELL Program Responsibilities
- Obtain and report program data to ELL Coordinator
- Coordinate and schedule ACCESS testing
- Assist in monitoring ELL student progress to make programming and scheduling decisions
- Assist in determining accommodations for Missouri Assessment Program