What are the responsibilities and job description for the Police Officer position at City of Overland Park?
The City of Overland Park has a full-time Police Officer position available in the Police Department Department.
Provides law enforcement and public safety services to the community to include enforcement of criminal statutes and ordinances, traffic enforcement, crime prevention, patrol activity, accident investigation, resolution of domestic and other disturbances, prosecution support and non-criminal public safety services.
Duties & Responsibilities
Dive Team
Must successfully pass a background check, drug screen, physical exam and essential functions test.
Normal Work Hours: Variable Shift - Police Department
Salary Range: Step Plan $26.61 hourly or $55349.84 annually, depending on experience they can start at a higher grade.
Application Deadline: Open until filled Benefits: Full-time
To view the full job description, please go to the City of Overland Park's Job Description page and search by title: Police Officer Training.
Provides law enforcement and public safety services to the community to include enforcement of criminal statutes and ordinances, traffic enforcement, crime prevention, patrol activity, accident investigation, resolution of domestic and other disturbances, prosecution support and non-criminal public safety services.
Duties & Responsibilities
- Use and tactical operation of patrol vehicle. Operates patrol vehicle in a safe and effective manner; uses emergency equipment to signal traffic stop; tactically positions vehicle behind stopped vehicle; uses vehicle to control traffic by blocking intersection; navigates patrol vehicle to arrive promptly at the dispatched location.
- Inputs and retrieves data from Mobile Data terminal. Enters data on computer keyboard installed in police vehicles. Reads and deciphers information on computer screens.
- Maintenance of patrol and other departmental vehicles. Inspects vehicle for safe and efficient operating condition; operates fuel pumps and fills vehicle fuel tank; enters and exits vehicle quickly without assistance; operates vehicle in a safe and effective manner; utilizes fire extinguisher as appropriate; acquires and stores shotgun and rifle in vehicle rack; recognizes and avoids potentially hazardous situations; changes vehicle tires as necessary; performs minor vehicle repairs including replacing headlights and windshield wipers; checks patrol vehicle oil level and adds oil as necessary; completes vehicle maintenance forms; cleans interior and exterior.
- Transports prisoners, victims, witnesses and others. Operates vehicle in safe and effective manner to transport juveniles to detention center; crime victims to field location for identification of suspect; suspects to jail; intoxicated persons to detox center or medical facility. Searches suspect before and after transportation. Searches vehicle after transportation. Physically restrains persons in custody and maintains control over person being transported.
- Participates in high-speed emergency and pursuit driving. Operates vehicle in safe and effective manner; monitors and uses radio during emergency and pursuit driving; analyzes situation to determine need for medical or back-up assistance; uses emergency equipment to signal traffic stop; uses radio to obtain procedural advice; uses emergency equipment to respond to injury accident, and uses radio to broadcast suspect description and direction of flight.
- Performs radio communication skills. Communicates effectively with dispatch; supervisors and officers; monitors radio to insure awareness of all unit status location and need for assistance; monitors radio to record description of stolen vehicles, missing persons, armed felons and emergency situations; uses handheld radio when out of vehicle; coordinates searches and calls for backup as necessary, checks criminal history and driving record of suspects and coordinates apprehension of suspect with other units.
- Performs non-radio verbal communications. Must be capable of communicating effectively in the English language during duty situations to include but not limited to responding to general questions from the public, clarifying information on traffic tickets, resolving domestic disturbances, explaining social services available to victims, counseling distraught individuals, negotiating with subjects to surrender, processing DUI arrests, advising suspects of their constitutional rights, testifying in court, placing suspects under arrest, exchanging intelligence information with other police agencies, investigating crimes, interrogating suspects, providing crime prevention information and establishing professional rapport with the community.
- Performs general patrol duties. Navigates to arrive promptly at locations; patrols area to detect liquor violations; locates suspect and observes violations of the law; gathers and records information; effectively uses radio and telephone equipment; observes locations of streets and business to develop knowledge of patrol areas; maintains surveillance on suspicious vehicles; performs foot patrol, checks doors and windows; climbs ladders to examine roofs for evidence of criminal activity, analyzes situations to determine whether crime has been committed and whether arrest should be made; uses map to obtain dispatched location, investigates alarms; uses force to subdue subject; uses deadly force to protect self and others; uses police vehicle to prepare reports; determines appropriate referral and disposition in domestic cases; performs searches to include pat-down searches; differentiates between criminal and civil law; reacts quickly to danger and adapts to different people, behavior and circumstances.
- Apprehension arrest and charging of suspect. Negotiates with suspect to persuade surrender; uses hand-to-hand combat, baton and other weapons to subdue suspect; runs to pursue a fleeing suspect; wears body armor; fires weapons to defend own or others life; maintains control over persons in custody; uses firearms safely and accurately; maintains physical agility; effects safe arrests; advises suspect of Miranda rights; transports suspects to jail; photographs and fingerprints persons in custody and provides first aid and summons emergency medical care for persons in custody.
- Traffic enforcement and stops. Operates vehicle in safe and effective manner; visually observes traffic violations and effects stops, investigates source of odors to include alcohol and drugs; recognizes persons under the influence of alcohol; recognizes traffic violations; understands legal standards and comprehends laws; reacts quickly to danger; issues traffic summons; communicates effectively with dispatch; answers questions to clarify complaint or Notice to Appear; speaks to driver to request license and registration; arranges for disposition of vehicle as necessary; operates hand-held or mobile radar to include manipulating tuning forks to calibrate radar.
- Performs accident investigation duties. Engages in high speed emergency driving; analyzes immediate situation to determine medical or back-up assistance required; communicates effectively with dispatch; questions drivers and witnesses separately to obtain circumstances of accident; directs individuals to complete driver exchange information forms; speaks to drivers to explain accident reporting procedures and request; arranges for disposition of vehicles as necessary; requests records check on operator and vehicle prepares and files vehicle hit and run accident report; directs traffic at accident scene; recognizes drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs; operates fire extinguisher; understands and applies legal standards; issues citations as necessary; completes reports.
- Detects and apprehends DUI suspects. Operates patrol vehicle in safe and effective manner; patrols areas to detect liquor violations; monitors and uses vehicle radio while operating vehicle; makes safe and effective traffic stops; speaks to driver to request driver's license and registration; performs field sobriety tests; requests driver to perform preliminary breath test; arrest suspects; reads Miranda rights; communicates with passengers and witnesses; completes paperwork; transports DUI arrestee to police department for booking; performs breath test; analyzes results of intoxilyzer test; operates video recorder; performs booking procedures; recognize indicia of drunk drivers and persons under the influence of alcohol and drugs; makes a sound case within lawful and procedural guidelines.
- Handles domestic and other disturbances. Analyzes immediate situation to determine if medical assistance or backup is necessary; requests parties to cease altercation; analyzes situation and mediates between parties to arrive at temporary solution; advises parties of social services available; counsels distraught individuals; questions witnesses to locate suspect; gathers information quickly; prepares juvenile data sheets; uses physical force to separate and disarm disputing parties; uses physical force and deadly force in accordance with law and departmental SOP; administers first aid to provide emergency medical assistance; executes arrest warrants; conducts pat-down frisk; places individuals under arrest; determines need for additional intervention; contacts appropriate officials; determines whether child abuse or neglect is occurring; differentiates between criminal and civil matters.
- Performs criminal investigation duties. Completes field interrogation contact entry into the mobile data computer to record identification of suspicious persons; questions victims and witnesses to obtain suspect description and ID; questions witnesses to obtain possible additional leads; re-contacts victims and witnesses to obtain additional information; questions suspect in accordance with appropriate interrogation methods; reads suspect Miranda rights and questions suspect to obtain confession within legal limits and guidelines; completes report; lists evidence obtained and location to document chain of custody; conducts arson investigations; analyzes crime scenes; determines whether probable cause to obtain a search warrant exists; searches persons and premises; remembers and recognizes wanted and missing persons; remembers factual information during interrogation; disseminates intelligence information to other agencies.
- Displays proper search and seizure skills. Composes search warrant affidavit to obtain warrant; enters rooms with caution to search building; searches apprehended suspect to obtain weapons or contraband; collects and packages evidence to prevent contamination; conducts pat-down frisk for officer safety; conducts inventory searches and strip searches as necessary; investigates sources of odor to include drugs and alcohol; coordinates building checks and searches; articulates probable cause for warrant to prosecutor, properly conducts and documents searches; directs owner to sign acknowledgement of evidence seized in search.
- Performs necessary duties at crime scene. Gathers information quickly and accurately; interviews witnesses and suspects; analyzes immediate situation to determine if medical or backup assistance is required; regulates entry to crime scene to protect from contamination; analyzes crime scene to locate point of entry and exit, weapons or devices used, signs of forced entry, etc.; marks and packages evidence; operates camera; assists with traffic and crowd control; contacts appropriate officials; interviews crime scene principals and witnesses; analyzes and interprets evidence.
- Exhibits safe and appropriate care and use of firearms. Cleans and maintains firearms and qualifies with firearms; uses firearms during duty situations as necessary; handles suspect and contraband weapons safely; understands and reviews department SOP concerning response to resistance; fires weapon to defend self or others life, determines proper use of deadly force; makes life or death decisions under stress; reacts quickly to danger; maintains physical agility and exercises caution; controls fear in potentially hazardous situations.
- Use of defensive and restraining equipment. Must be able to wear body armor, protective gas mask, carry and handle police baton, electronic control device (TaserÂ), place handcuffs on prisoners safely, physically subdue and control suspects. Uses defensive tactics taught by department. Understands and applies legal standards concerning use of firearms; makes decisions under stress; maintains physical agility, disarms persons safely and reacts quickly to danger.
- Performs report-writing duties. Communicates effectively in the English language; completes report to refer possible child abuse; prepares juvenile data sheet; completes incident reports to document actions; completes property report to identify evidence; completes arrest forms to notify jail personnel of suspects identification; completes traffic accident reports to document accidents; lists evidence obtained and location to document chain of custody; completes arrest and DUI forms; completes arson investigation reports; draws diagrams on report to depict accident scene; makes complete statements; determines proper charges; organizes facts; accurately completes reports, summons and other forms.
- Performs oral interrogations and interviewing duties. Communicates effectively in the English language; effectively uses telephone equipment; questions complainant to ascertain nature of call; interviews disputing parties to obtain circumstances, suspects and evidence; advises suspects of Miranda rights; questions drivers and witnesses separately to obtain circumstances of accidents; collaborates with another officer to effectively interview witness; questions individuals to obtain confession; interviews crime scene principals and witnesses; obtains information from distraught or reluctant person; adjusts interrogation of suspects to suspect's personality and prior knowledge of suspect's behavior; understands and applies legal standards; applies knowledge of mediation and intervention techniques in domestic and other disturbances; relates to juveniles.
- Court preparation and testimony. Communicates effectively in the English language; meets with prosecutors to clarify facts prior to trial; responds to questions from prosecutors, defense attorneys and judges; marks and packages evidence appropriately; reviews case reports and evidence prior to trial; recognizes physical evidence and persons during testimony; understands and applies legal principles; comprehends laws and abstract concepts; organizes facts and provides accurate testimony under stress; recalls and reviews case details prior to testimony.
- Exhibits acceptable non-report written expression. Attends roll call and records information given; completes field interrogation contacts to identify suspicious persons; completes requests for state laboratory tests; issues citations and Notices to Appear; marks reported abandoned vehicle with courtesy sticker; composes search warrant affidavits; takes notes on interviews and searches, gathers and records information; marks and packages evidence; makes complete statements; comprehends laws and abstract concepts ad analyzes and interprets evidence.
- Citizen interaction. Refers public to criminal justice and social service agencies; suggests crime prevention methods to public; visits business to promote positive police contact; counsels distraught individuals; delivers death notices and other emergency messages; communicates with juveniles; performs foot patrol; counsels victims of crime.
- Performs non-criminal public safety duties. Escorts funeral processions, VIP's and ambulances; responds to medical emergencies; delivers death and other emergency messages; responds to general questions from the public; makes area alerts and evacuates citizens; observes streetlight and road hazards to report to City engineering; subdues mentally deranged persons; responds to fire calls to block traffic provides security to evacuated areas; searches for missing persons; administers first aid and other emergency medical care.
- Performs crime prevention and public relations duties. Visits businesses to promote positive police contact; responds to general questions from the public; indicates to citizens the desire for contact; inspects taverns and drinking establishments for violations; inspects homes for security; performs foot patrol and establishes rapport with community.
- Patrol activities requiring operation of motor vehicle. Operates police vehicle in safe and effective manner; enters and exits motor vehicle quickly without assistance; positions police vehicle strategically when responding to calls; drives police vehicle using emergency equipment to signal traffic stop; positions police vehicle to block intersection; navigates vehicle to arrive promptly at dispatched location; positions police vehicle behind stopped car to protect self from possible injury.
- The employee must work the days and hours necessary to perform all assigned responsibilities and tasks. Must be available (especially during regular business hours or shifts) to communicate with subordinates, supervisors, customers, vendors and any other persons or organization with whom interaction is required to accomplish work and employer goals.
- The employee must be punctual and timely in meeting all requirements of performance, including, but not limited to, attendance standards and work deadlines; beginning and ending assignments on time; and scheduled work breaks, where applicable.
- Must be a United States citizen.
- Must be at least 20 years of age at time of application, and 21 years of age by date of hire.
- Must have a high school diploma or furnish evidence of successful completion of an examination indicating an equivalent achievement (e.g. a General Education Development test).
- Cannot have any members of your immediate family employed full-time or part-time by the City (internships are the exception to this rule).
- While there is not a requirement to reside in the State of Kansas or Overland Park, Commissioned Members must be able to respond from their residence and report for duty within 90 minutes notification.
- Must take and pass a physical agility test, a written examination, and an oral board interview.
- Must successfully pass a Police Department administered polygraph examination.
- Must successfully complete an in-depth background investigation.
- Must successfully complete both· a physical and psychological examination from a City approved licensed physician or practitioner after a conditional offer of employment.
- Must be able to achieve and demonstrate technological proficiency in the areas directly connected to daily assignments.
- Must possess a valid driver's license prior to beginning employment with the City.
- May not have been convicted, plead guilty, plead no contest, or been diverted on four or more moving traffic violations within the past three years. May not have been convicted, plead guilty, plead no contest, or been diverted on a serious traffic violation within the past three years. Serious traffic violations include DUI, reckless driving, hit and run, vehicular homicide, transporting an open container of alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage, eluding a police officer, and negligent homicide.
- Ability to communicate effectively in the English language, both in writing and orally.
- Ability to perform basic mathematical calculations.
- Ability to operate 2-way radio, radar equipment and make and receive phone calls.
- Ability to use firearms safely and accurately.
- Ability to perform basic first aid and CPR.
- Ability to use a computer touch-screen and manual keyboard.
- Ability to recognize and avoid potentially hazardous situations.
- Ability to understand and apply departmental orders, rules and regulations to police situations.
- Ability to comprehend laws and abstract concepts and apply to specific situations.
- Ability to apply judgement to police situations to effect appropriate resolution.
- Ability to properly conduct and document searches.
- Ability to organize facts and provide accurate testimony under stress.
- Ability to understand and apply legal standards in performance of duties.
- Ability to understand and apply departmental orders, rules and regulations.
- Ability to interpret orders and procedures.
- Ability to analyze situations and determine proper response.
- Ability to perform many functions simultaneously.
- Ability to recognize suspicious behavior or unusual circumstances.
- Ability to determine necessity for assistance.
- Ability to recognize and remove health and safety hazards.
- Ability to make decisions under stress.
- Ability to exercise caution and control fear in potentially hazardous situations.
- Ability to adapt to different people, behavior and circumstances.
- Ability to maintain effective working relationships with partners, superior officers and other police personnel.
- Ability to work without immediate supervision.
- Ability to analyze and interpret evidence.
- Ability to differentiate between criminal and civil law.
- Ability to organize facts and accurately complete reports, summons and other forms.
- Ability to apply knowledge of medical and intervention techniques in domestic or other disturbances.
- Ability to establish priority at emergency scene.
- Ability to quickly develop an action plan.
- Ability to recognize potential chemical abuse/neglect.
- Ability to recognize narcotics.
- Ability to interrogate suspect and obtain information within lawful guidelines.
- Ability to determine proper charges.
- Ability to remain calm under stress and anger.
- Ability to disseminate intelligence and other information with and between department director and personnel.
- Ability to understand legal standards.
- Ability to apply knowledge of mediation and intervention techniques in domestic or other disputes.
- Ability to control anger and maintain professional demeanor.
- Ability to adapt to different people, behavior and circumstances.
- Ability to analyze and coordinate investigation of information to draw conclusive findings.
- Hand and eye coordination, physical strength and dexterity to use all police tools associated with the profession such as handguns, shotguns, electronic control devices, handcuffs, and baton.
- Possess a full functional lumbar range of motion.
- Possess a full functional cervical range of motion.
- Physical agility to safely operate motor vehicle in normal traffic and in high-speed emergency driving situations.
- Ability to communicate effectively in person, on the radio or telephone.
- Ability to visually recognize and distinguish colors.
- Ability to distinguish sounds encompassing a full range of tones and volumes.
- Ability to detect a full range of odors such as narcotics, alcohol, smoker and fumes.
- Possess the visual stamina and acuity to operate a motor vehicle safely in both routine and emergency situations during all levels of illumination.
- Possess the visual stamina and acuity to observe persons, places and things both close up and at a distance.
- Ability to produce written reports, memorandums, field notes and required forms.
- Ability to sit in a vehicle and type/read/decipher information on the computer keyboard and screen.
Dive Team
- Must be able to wear and function in a full dive suit that includes face mask, air tank and body suite (wet suit).
- Must be able to wear and function in a Self-contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) - a full body suit and complete head gear. Suit contains own oxygen breathing system.
- Explosive Ordinance Disposal Team Must be able to wear and function in a full-body bomb suit with full face mask, total weight of approximately 150-200 lbs.
- Must be able to breath on own - suit does not contain extra ventilation. Due to weight of suit, it is very difficult for occupant to maneuver.
Must successfully pass a background check, drug screen, physical exam and essential functions test.
Normal Work Hours: Variable Shift - Police Department
Salary Range: Step Plan $26.61 hourly or $55349.84 annually, depending on experience they can start at a higher grade.
Application Deadline: Open until filled Benefits: Full-time
To view the full job description, please go to the City of Overland Park's Job Description page and search by title: Police Officer Training.
Salary : $55,350