The Divine Mercy House
Job Description
Resident Director
If interested in this position, please forward resume directly to :
Amy Woodward, Executive Director
Job Title : Resident Director
Full / Part Time : Full Time
Reports To : Executive Director
Staff / Volunteer : Staff
Funding : Funded by the DMH
Compensation : TBD
Time Requirements : Monday-Friday with as needed it fill in when emergencies occur on weekends. With daily assistance from the Assistant Resident Director, Executive Director and volunteers.
Professional and Educational Qualifications
The Resident Director is required to hold a Bachelor's of Science degree preferably in social work or a
related field. The candidate must bring previous caregiver experience ideally having worked in a group home or related social services setting. The Resident Director is mandated to meet all requirements for Abuse Registry, criminal record checks, drug testing, etc.
Duties and Responsibilities
General Administrative
- Provide a brief, written daily report on house activities and residents'' activities.
- Participate in weekly planning sessions with the Executive Director.
- Develop and present weekly and monthly progress evaluation of residents.
- Under the supervision of the Executive Director, coordinate and delegate volunteer activities.
- Participate in the development and implementation of a strategic plan as it relates to Resident Director Duties.
- Assist the Executive Director in reviewing financial expenditures.
- Act as a liaison between the residents and the Executive Director.
House Operations
Assist the Executive Director with the intake and discharge of clients or program participants.Under the supervision of the Executive Director, implement house programs and operation policies, including the enforcement of said policies and regulations among staff, residents and volunteers.Develop a system whereby behavioral situations are discussed and / or resolved in group meetings.Organize and conduct resident meetings to facilitate good communication and cooperation among those living and volunteering in the home.Develop a daily / weekly chore schedule to be implemented by the residents. Assure cleanliness of the home.Enforce curfew requirements.Conduct regular safety and security checks.Assure home is in good working order, calling in for repairs as needed.Help recruit volunteers to the ministry.Education and Care of Residents
Implement, with direction from the Executive Director, the house plan for education, in additional to the physical and spiritual development for each resident.Assist the Executive Director with the individual and group counseling activities for the residents.Responsible for coordinating all medical care for the residents and their children. This includes but is not limited to, assuring that each resident has transportation to and from appointments, coordinating proper health and nutrition needs and overseeing additional or special medical needs if required.With help from the Assistant Resident Director, assist residents in obtaining appropriate social service programs such as medical care, food stamps, TANF / Cash Assistance, child care, subsidized housing, etc.Assure that all resident's needs are met. With help from the Executive Director and the Assistant Resident Director, find and provide necessities for mother and baby when needed.Provide guidance and encouragement to residents as it relates to social behavior such as meal-time and on-the job etiquette.Provide strong moral and spiritual leadership.Ensure that residents are participating in proper and required education courses and assist each with transportation to and from school as needed.Ensure all residents are progressing toward developing a relationship with God, while building a solid foundation of goal setting in order to improve their family's future.Work in conjunction with each resident to establish a working set of goals. Meet with each resident weekly to revisit goals and progress. Continue to update goals as each resident accomplishes goals previously set. Celebrate big milestones.Encourage and assist residents with their education, career training, life skills, and job search, provide incentives and reassurance as needed.Community Outreach
Fully support and heighten the residents' awareness of the mission of the Divine Mercy House.Where appropriate, build a relationship with community groups and local churches to garner support and create a greater awareness of the Divine Mercy House and its mission.Note
Please be advised that the Executive Director will turn to the Resident Director to use her personal gifts and talents as they become apparent.
If interested in this position, please forward resume directly to :
Amy Woodward
Executive Director