What are the responsibilities and job description for the DSW Store Manager position at DSW Inc.?
DSW Store Manager
Do not pass up this chance, apply quickly if your experience and skills match what is in the following description.
REQ # : 146572
General Summary : The Store Manager in each store assumes a leadership role with accountability for maximizing store business results by consistently creating exceptional Customer experiences. Store Managers facilitate achievement of business results by providing uniquely responsive Customer service, compelling merchandise presentation, operational integrity, optimal staffing, and Associate development. Store Managers achieve company objectives and enhance the DSW brand image by modeling and coaching behaviors that align with the company values of Accountability, Collaboration, Humility, and Passion. Store Managers develop and implement agile strategic plans to achieve business results. Store Managers are expected to foster teamwork and collaboration within their stores and districts. Store Managers lead the effort to ensure customers experience service that is Friendly, Helpful, Passionate, and Real.
Reports to : District Manager
Essential Duties and Responsibilities :
- Sales and Service : Implements financial plans to maintain KPI performance. Facilitates consistent, exceptional Customer experiences through the execution and ongoing development of the MOD role. Coaches the store team on the link between service behaviors and business results. Provides leadership, feedback, and recognition to improve financial performance and support the Company's Service Model, Values, and Mission Statement. Ensures effective communication of direction and education to the team. Maintains optimal staffing and scheduling while being responsive to changes in traffic and business trends. Responds to customer feedback with a sense of urgency.
- Associate and Team Development : Ensures all open positions are filled in a timely manner. Recruits, hires, and onboards managers and associates. Assesses teams' performance on an ongoing basis and provides in-the-moment coaching, training, and development to support the growth of the Company. Seeks opportunities for personal performance growth and demonstrates interest in building leadership skills. Manages daily associate relations issues and annual performance review process.
- Merchandising : Ensures store appearance and visual standards / presentation are consistent with the DSW brand image. Responds to business trends by communicating information to District Manager as needed. Ensures store is compliant with established "Brand Experience" standards.
- Operations : Manages resources to maximize financial goals. Leads by example and fosters knowledge and integrity regarding compliance with company policy in all practices. Effectively uses resources and business partners to resolve issues with a sense of passion. Recognizes when to change strategic direction to attain and sustain maximum results. Educates team on the link between operational integrity and its impact on facilitating an exceptional Customer experience. Oversees daily store cleaning, recovery, maintenance, and inventory. Uses monthly Ops Assessment to identify and correct operational deficiencies in the store. Ensures training is conducted regarding LP and Safety standards.
- Other Duties : Performs other duties as assigned by the District or Regional Manager.
Required Skills and Competencies :
Physical Demands :
The physical demands of the job include :
Why Choose A Career with Designer Brands?
Empowering associates and building strong teams poised to disrupt the retail and footwear landscape through positive change is at the core of who we are at Designer Brands.
About Designer Brands :
Designer Brands Inc. is one of North America’s largest designers, producers, and retailers of footwear and accessories.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : We learned of a fake job offer scam where individuals are using a company’s name and branding to create emails and websites designed to trick individuals into providing personal information because they think they are applying for a job directly with the company. To combat this, companies are listing their legitimate hiring sites and communication methods. Our valid email addresses end in @dswinc.com, @designerbrands.com, and @camutogroup.com. Two examples of non-legitimate email addresses are ones that end in @designerbrands.info or @designerbrands.work (do not respond to interview requests or other messages from these). If you are not certain about a communication or an information request, a good practice is to independently look-up a contact for the company (do not use the contact method listed in the request) to verify that you are contacting the right person and not being deceived. If you want to verify a Designer Brands’ related hiring request, please send a message to TalentAcquisition@hr.designerbrands.com. Please know we are working to do what we can to stop these scams.