What are the responsibilities and job description for the Coordinator of Youth Ministry position at First Presbyterian Church Vero Beach?
Youth Ministry Coordinator
First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, Florida
Position Description for Youth Ministry Coordinator Brief Church Mission Statement:
First Presbyterian Church in Vero Beach, Florida (FPCVB) has a Mission statement that calls us
to the ministry of "Building Faith, Changing Lives, Sharing Christ." We believe our congregation represents both those affiliated with our ministries and those beyond our campus in the community and the world.
What is the congregation's or organization's vision for ministry:
We believe we are to demonstrate that we are, "Sharing Christ in such a way that others can share Christ, so that we all can live in Christ." We live out this value through working with each other collegially and by being empowered to serve. We believe that FPCVB is a "Five Talent Church" (Matthew 25:14-30). Our Five Talents are expressed through "Discipleship, Fellowship,
Hospitality, Mission, and Worship." Under each one of the five talents are a series of ministry
teams who serve with great commitment and are given significant autonomy in their ministries.
Our leadership works together using the following core values:
God is Good, Praise\Alleluia, Authenticity, Creativity, Generosity, and Team Accountability.
FPCVB is not a church that believes in the phrase, "We've never done it that way before." We are open to new ideas and are always open to upgrades in our ministries. A phrase we use
consistently empowers new ideas and allows us to think outside the box, and that phrase is,
"Up 'til now!"
How this position will help you reach your vision and mission goals:
First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach is seeking a uniquely gifted Youth Ministry Coordinator. FPCVB is in a moment of the greatest potential. We are excited to be restoring our ministry to young children and their families. We are seeking a leader who will help our church move forward in faithful ministry.
It is our goal to empower all children, youth, and families to know Christ and to have a very
positive experience of Christ's church.
Goal of Christian Education: To empower children, youth, adults and families to know Christ and serve Christ through the church.
Purpose of Position: To educate and enlighten God's people in such a way that all ages
can understand the "Good News" and become more Christ-like in their living.
Description of Position: Our Youth MinistryCoordinator will be empowered to teach others the love of God through Jesus Christ. He or she will work with our Director of Christian Education and Discipleship Committee to strengthen the vision of the church for the future. This position is critical to make sure all of God’s children know the love of God.
General Qualities
- Person of faith, believing in the Triune God, and who affirms the Reformed Tradition
- Must demonstrate faithfulness to the Spirit of God.
- Person of warmth and kindness who can respectfully advocate for the needs of children, families, and educational programs.
- Must be gifted in the following areas:
- Love
- Organization
- Teaching
- Professionalism
- Leadership
- Open to new ideas/opportunities
- Inspiration/motivation
- Emotional Intelligence
- Imagination
- Empathy
This person will be expected to:
- Enable and empower Youth Ministry Volunteers through administrative support and
various methods of encouragement (ex. Words, gifts, etc).
- Keep the Director of Christian Education informed and accountable regarding educational and family programs/events/needs
- Schedule the Youth Ministry Volunteers once the Director of Christian Education signs off on when and how many Nursery Workers are needed.
- Find substitute Volunteers when a Volunteer calls in sick.
- Make sure the classrooms and youth rooms are clean and organized after use especially after Sunday.
- Work with the Director of Christian Education and Associate Director of Music to ensure all Sunday Schools and youth ministry activities are planned, set up and cleaned up.
- Keep track and record all registrations, permission and release forms, and financial payments for any Youth Ministry event.
- Co-create, design, edit, and distribute Youth Newsletter (a monthly publication) with appropriate links to social media
- Assist Director of Christian Education and Associate Director of Music to ensure supplies are onsite or purchased/ordered
- Keep updated contact information for youth and their families
- Work collegial with the FPC Pre-School (The Church and the Pre-School are One!)
- Be CPR and AED Certified
- Be dependable and respectful
- Directly reports to the Director of Christian Education.
- Provide attentive, nurturing care for every youth that attends..
- Maintain a high standard of cleanliness in the buildings and rooms that are being utilized during youth activities..
- Please dress in an appropriate manner. You are often the initial contact for visitors, and first impressions matter.
- Participate in youth programs as required
- Other duties as apparent or assigned