Job Description Summary
Whether you want to work at one of our facilities as the site leader's right hand helping to make business decisions or at headquarters on a larger finance team, we have an opportunity for you. You'll get to work with budgets of various sizes and complexities, while collaborating with others. Our finance and accounting teams span the globe, providing unmatched learning, development, and career growth opportunities.
A key dimension of the Senior DT Auditor role will be to coordinate with the Internal Audit Manager and other team members to execute the audit process, including risk assessment, audit planning, audit execution and reporting results for GE Aerospace.
- Collaborating with the DT Audit Manager and other audit team members to identify and evaluate risks.
- Identifying systemic root causes from one audit to the next, to assist with end-to-end remediation and strategic adjustment.
- Also working collaboratively with the internal audit FinOps team members to integrate technical and cybersecurity controls within the agreed upon audit plan.
- Applying critical thinking and leverage available data to analyze the operating effectiveness of business unit controls through the lens of an industry tailored risk profile and audit methodology.
- Assisting the Audit Manager in leading audit project teams, executing control testing, analyzing results, communicating findings to management, and developing remediation strategies in partnership with the business.
Job Description
Roles and Responsibilities
With oversight from the DT Audit Manager, the Senior DT Auditor will conduct in-depth inquiry and data analysis to understand complex audit, cyber and technology operations, assess risk based on industry risk profile, and develop a project scope for complex and cross-functional process areas, leveraging business knowledge and expertise.P a r ti c i p ate in m e e t i n g s w i t h k ey c l i ent co n tacts a nd st a k e h o l d e r s - to r ev iew k ey c onc e pt s , g aps or is s u es w i t h ri s k m an a g e m e n t a n d c o ntr o l d e s i g n e l e m ent s , s u p p o r t, a n d c o n c l u s ions.Ass e s s business d o c u m ent a t i o n, including pro c e ss e s , p o l i cie s , c o s t s , a n d o t h er f act o rs to d e te r m ine if a s s i g ned s c o pe a r e a s a r e ope r a t i n g in a cco r d a n ce w i t h e s ta b l i s h e d a n d r e l e v ant cont r o l s a n d i n a w ay t h at a d e q u at e l y m it i g at e s i d e nt i f i e d ri s k s .O r g an i ze a n d d o c u m e nt f i n d i n g s b a s ed on te s ti n g r e s u l t s , a l o n g w i t h r o ot c a u s e a n d r e c o m m e n d a t ions.Prepares well-organized audit work papers that clearly define the control being assessed, risk that ties back to the control, and the audit test approach, as well as overall root cause if controls are not designed or operating effectively.Maintains auditor independence throughout each phase of the standard internal audit process : planning, execution and reporting.E m b r a c e a n e q u it a b l e a nd in c l u s ive en v iro n m e nt w h e re p e o p l e c a n b r i ng t h eir f u l l s e l v es to w o r k a nd u n l o ck t h eir g r e a te s t p ot e n t ial a nd contri b u t i ons to t h e t e a m .S tay a b r e a s t of new and e me r g i n g r e g u l a t ions and tr e n d s t h at i m pact t h e ri s k l a n d s cape a n d r a p i d l y ad j u s t a u d it p l an or p r oc e d u r e s a cco r d i n gl y .Required Qualifications
Bachelor's Degree preferably focused within Computer Science or in "STEM" Majors (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) or Business Administration with a minor in Computer Information Technology is preferred.Minimum of 3 years of professional experience in IT Governance, IT Risk, IT Audit, IT Operations or related fieldsExperience using some of the industry standards / framework, such as NIST 800-53, NIST 800-171, NIST Privacy Framework, CSA CCM, ISO 27001, ITIL v3, COBIT and FAIR is desirable.Knowledge and experience in one or more of the following IT Operational Functions : IAM, Asset Management, Operational Technology, Network Security, and Data Privacy.Obtained or in-progress of obtaining one or more IT Audit or Cybersecurity certifications (CISA, CISM, CISSP, CEH, CRISC, etc.).Desired Characteristics
Lean process orientation : Passion to help improve operations continuously.Strong quantitative and qualitative analysis skills; ability to take large volumes of complex information and present it in a clear and concise manner; uses data and a cogent problem-solving methodology in decision making and impact assessment.Capability to work with a team in a fast-paced environment to meet strict deadlines while managing multiple priorities.Excellent active listening, verbal, written and presentation communication skills.Audit / risk management experience or exposure is preferred.Understands how to use and leverage AuditBoard or auditing tools.Strong project management and organization skills.Problem solving skills that demonstrate logical and analytical thought processes.Know how to use technology and data to get things done.Ability to train and level-up talent.Working conditions : Is open to travel depending on the current state of affairs.Remote role opportunity.Additional Information
GE Aerospace offers a great work environment, professional development, challenging careers, and competitive compensation. GE Aerospace is an Equal Opportunity Employer . Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, protected veteran status or other characteristics protected by law.
GE Aerospace will only employ those who are legally authorized to work in the United States for this opening. Any offer of employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of a drug screen (as applicable).
Relocation Assistance Provided : No
LI-Remote - This is a remote position