What are the responsibilities and job description for the Maintenance technician position at Gila River Development?
L O C A TI ON : W ild Hor s e P a s s C o r pora t e C ent e r
C O MP E NSATI O N : $16.39 - $20.57, DOE
HOU R S OF W O R K : 40 hours per w e e k, Ful l - Time
FL SA S T A T US : Non- E x e mpt
RE P O R T S T O : Maintenance Supervisor
The Facilities Maintenance Technician is responsible for providing general maintenance work to business portfolio's, general mechanics, field equipment work, landscaping services, assistance to recycle program, additional support to Wild Horse Pass Development Authority Project Business Entities, Development wide.
Job Duties & Responsibilities :
Provide necessary general maintenance and landscape duties to the community center building, all buildings development wide.
This includes lamp bulb replacements, A / C filter replacements, light plumbing repairs, roof inspections, building set - ups, tree trimming, pressure wash / hose sidewalks, etc.
- Provide back-up janitorial support, including cleaning restrooms.
- Make necessary irrigation repairs on all water leaks throughout the Development.
- Perform landscaping duties requiring use of chain saws, weed eaters, power tools.
- Operate hand power and gas operated small equipment as needed for projects.
- Support recycle program when needed, pick up tilt bins as required in Development.
- Perform table and chair setups for department meetings or events for buildings.
- Safely operate WHPDA truck.
- Perform other duties, although not outlined, as directed by management.
Key Qualifications-Education & Work Experience :
- Must be at least 21 years of age and possess a highs school diploma or GED.
- M u s t p o ss e s s a v a lid A Z d river's li c ense a nd p r ovide proof of p a s t d riving re c o r d f or thi r t y - nine (39) m onths fr om t he Dep a r t ment of M otor Veh i c l GR I C dri v er's p e r m it w i ll be r equ i red, d r ive c erti f i ca tion n e e d e d to drive a ll c ommuni t y v eh i c l es.
- Must pass pre-employment drug screen prior to assuming position.
- Mu s t a c kn o w l e dge a nd a gr e e to m a in t a in a dru g -f ree w o r k place a s a cond i tion of employment.
- Minimum of two years related experience using tools, maintenance equipment and hand-held power tools.
- Previous general landscaping and maintenance experience required.
- Training in CPR and First Aid preferred, but not required.
Knowledge, Skills & Abilities :
- Ability to write and speak effectively, provide verbal and written reports as needed.
- Ability to work in a team environment; willing to be a team player.
- Knowledge of emergency procedures relative to fire, life, and safety procedures.
- Ability to act calmly and responsibly in an emergency situation; stay in control.
- Ability to prioritize time and responsibilities, to fulfill job duties, tasks, requests.
- Dependable, reliable, self-sufficient individual, ability to perform the job satisfactory.
- Be a team player, able communicate clearly, effectively, work with other employees.
- Capable of coordinating & working with facilities maintenance staff on plans, and project development goals and business entities within the project development.
Last updated : 2024-11-14
Salary : $16 - $21