What are the responsibilities and job description for the Founding Marketer (Organic Social, Growth, SEM) Job at GPTZero in New York position at GPTZero?
Who are we?
GPTZero's mission is to restore information quality and transparency on the internet.
Our team comes from high-performing engineering cultures, including Uber, Meta, Microsoft, Affirm, and leading AI research labs, including Princeton, Caltech, Vector, and MILA. We are working on novel models and pushing cutting-edge research to production, including AI detection, AI hallucination detection, retrieval augmented generation, and writing stylometry to over 3 million active users, and enterprise clients including Fortune 1000 and Unicorn AI companies.
We are backed by some of the best in the valley, including Uncork, Neo, Altman Capital, and in journalism, including Mark Thompson (CEO of NYT, BBC, CNN) and Tom Glocer (CEO of Reuters) who defined a generation of quality digital information.
About this role
GPTZero's AI detection platform has had explosive organic growth to more than 4 million users in the past 2 years through product-led growth, word-of-mouth, SEO and key partnerships. As our first and founding growth marketer, you will be responsible for leveraging this momentum to develop the strategy AND lead the execution of optimizing paid growth levers. This includes paid search, display ads, in-house content, affiliate and influencer campaigns, to innovative "growth hacking" strategies you will have ideally learned from experience at other early-stage or scaling startups.
We are looking for a T-shaped marketer who specializes in one of the following organic marketing channels : video content, SEM, or growth-hacking strategies, that brings a strong sense of ownership, eye for creativity, and hunger for executing lean and efficient strategies.
someone who brings a data-driven and analytical mindset to growth, along with a strong and effective budgets.
You have a bias for action and want to try new ideas and measure their impact quickly.
You will report directly to our CEO, and partner with our product marketing, engineering, and design teams for campaigns, strategies, and growth initiatives.
This is a full-time position with competitive salary, benefits, and equity.
We work hybrid, three times a week, in our New York, Union Square office. Flexible for a remote start, and relocation.
- 3-4 years growth marketing or growth hacking experience
Experience at early stage / scaling startups preferred
SQL familiarity is a bonus, but not required.
Tom Glocer (former CEO of Reuters, who recently reviewed the beta and is advising our product and ML team on launching hallucination detection)
We are a cash-flow positive / profitable company experiencing exponential growth in multiple industries. We are open to sharing our growth metrics with applicants.