What are the responsibilities and job description for the Anticipated PE Teacher - for 2025-26 School Year position at Hollister School District?
JOB SUMMARY:Under general direction of the school principal, to teach independently and instruct pupilin grades 7 and 8 or a combination of these grade levels in academic, social, behavioral,and a variety of educational skill areas; to plan, develop, organize, and conduct acomprehensive education program for upper elementary level pupils; to assist pupils inmaking appropriate life-style adjustments and in the investigation of career andvocational choices; and to do other related functions as required.
MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:Teaches and instructs pupils in general and specialized subject matter areas commonlytaught in an upper elementary education program including social sciences, physical andlife sciences, fine arts, foreign languages, physical education, and industrial and homearts.Utilizes an adopted course of study, instructional program guidelines, and other materialsin planning and developing lesson plans and teaching outlines.Pursues a variety of methodology in teaching and instructing pupils including lecture,demonstration, discussion, and laboratory experiences.Conducts teaching and instructional activities utilizing a variety of educationalequipment, materials, books, and other learning aids.Provides instruction in citizenship and other subject matters specified by legal mandate,district policy, and administrative regulations.Plans, develops, and utilizes a variety of instructional materials and aids appropriate tothe intellectual and instructional level of pupils from varied socio-economic and culturalbackgrounds and who possess a range of mental and emotional maturity.Reviews, analyzes, and evaluates the history, background, and assessment of pupils indesigning instructional programs to meet individual educational needs.Individualizes and adapts educational processes and procedures to enhance pupileducational opportunities.
Provides group and individual instruction designed to motivate pupils and to effectivelyutilize the time available for instructional activities.Maintains appropriate standards of pupil behavior utilizing a variety of behavioralmanagement, strategies, and techniques including positive reinforcement and behaviorshaping procedures.Reviews, analyzes, evaluates, and reports pupil academic, social, and emotional growth.Prepares, administers, scores, records, and reports the results of a variety of criterionreferenced tests and administers, scores, records, and reports the results of groupstandardized tests in evaluating pupil growth and progress.Counsels, confers, and communicates with parents, school, and district personnelregarding pupil progress and in the interpretation of various phases of the educationalprogram.Cooperatively pursues alternative solutions to ameliorate pupil learning problems and toenhance expanded academic, social, and emotional growth opportunities.Maintains an effective learning environment through the proper control of heating,lighting, and ventilation and the utilization of exhibits, displays, and independent studycenters.Selects and requisitions appropriate educational supplies, materials, books, equipment,and learning aids.Performs a variety of non-instructional duties including curriculum and instructionaldevelopment activities, student supervision, and advisory and consultation activities.
EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS:Training and Experience: Successful completion of student teaching at a recognizedcollege or university or two years of regular full-time upper elementary level teachingexperience. Possession of an earned Baccalaureate or higher degree from an accreditedcollege or university with emphasis in instructional technology or specific subject matterfields commonly taught in a comprehensive upper elementary level program. Possessionof a California credential authorizing service as a teacher of upper elementary level students. Knowledge: Principles, theories, methods, techniques, and strategies pertaining toteaching and instruction of upper elementary level pupils; academic, social, andbehavioral characteristics of upper elementary level pupils; educational curriculum andinstructional goals and objectives and the educational trends and research findingspertaining to upper elementary programming; socio-economic and cultural backgrounddifferences of the general school population.Abilities: Plan, organize, develop, and conduct a comprehensive teaching and instructionprogram for pupils at the upper elementary school level; provide appropriate and effectivelearning experiences for students from a wide range of socio-economic and culturalbackgrounds and varying mental, social, and emotional abilities; effectively assess theinstructional and educational needs of pupils and design, develop, and implement soundinstructional and educational programs; provide a motivating and stimulating learningenvironment; perform research and development activities pertaining to curriculum andinstructional programs and innovative and creative pilot projects designed to enhancepupil educational opportunities and experiences and to motivate pupils in the direction ofexpanded learning horizons. Ability to perform essential functions of the job with orwithout reasonable accommodation.Physical Effort/Working Environment: Light physical effort; occasional standing orwalking; periodic handling of light weight parcels or supplies. Indoor work environment.A pre-placement physical examination may be required.Licenses and Certifications: A valid Class 3 California Driver’s License and evidence ofappropriate automobile insurance based on DMV regulations may be required, in additionto a valid First Aid and CPR Certificate.
Salary : $62,534 - $124,951