What are the responsibilities and job description for the Utility Pipe Layer position at HUTCHINSON CONSTRUCTION?
At Hutchinson Construction, our purpose is to serve others, by building futures for people and communities. We live out our purpose and values every day and look to add team members with similar values, are driven, hard-working, fun, and share our passions.Our team members and culture are most important and thrive when there is harmony between them. This is what will drive the company to new heights. That success is in-turn given back to team members and their communities. This is our purpose. We expect all team members to live out the company values every day, in every interaction - whether at work or not. Those values are : Service - We are passionate about serving others. Through every action of our company, and its team members, we aim to serve people in a radical way - on and off the construction site.Trust - Trust is the foundation of our relationships and service attitude. Our commitment to integrity and transparency is industry leading.Reliability - Our word is stronger than a contract. Our team of master builders see it through no matter the complexity.[]{style="border : 0px solid #2f3639; tw-border-spacing-x : 0; tw-border-spacing-y : 0; tw-translate-x : 0; tw-translate-y : 0; tw-rotate : 0; tw-skew-x : 0; tw-skew-y : 0; tw-scale-x : 1; tw-scale-y : 1; tw-pan-x : ; tw-pan-y : ; tw-pinch-zoom : ; tw-scroll-snap-strictness : proximity; tw-gradient-from-position : ; tw-gradient-via-position : ; tw-gradient-to-position : ; tw-ordinal : ; tw-slashed-zero : ; tw-numeric-figure : ; tw-numeric-spacing : ; tw-numeric-fraction : ; tw-ring-inset : ; tw-ring-offset-width : 1px; tw-ring-offset-color : #fff; tw-ring-color : #2f3639; tw-ring-offset-shadow : 0 0 #0000; tw-ring-shadow : 0 0 #0000; tw-shadow : 0 0 #0000; tw-shadow-colored : 0 0 #0000; tw-blur : ; tw-brightness : ; tw-contrast : ; tw-grayscale : ; tw-hue-rotate : ; tw-invert : ; tw-saturate : ; tw-sepia : ; tw-drop-shadow : ; tw-backdrop-blur : ; tw-backdrop-brightness : ; tw-backdrop-contrast : ; tw-backdrop-grayscale : ; tw-backdrop-hu"}