What are the responsibilities and job description for the CAFETERIA MANAGER LEVEL 2 position at Jefferson Parish Schools?
Level 2 Caf Manager
Position Description :
TheLevel 2 CafeManagerisresponsibleforthemanagementofthefoodserviceoperationatJPSAdministrationbuildings.
Reports To :
Director of Food Services
Scope of Responsibility :
- Workscooperativelywiththeschooladministrationtoprovidemealserviceandcateredfunctionsinatimelyandefficient
- Developsrecipesandmenususedinthecafeteriaandcateringfunctionsprovidedtothe
- Providesinputintopricingofallcafeteriaandcatering
- Placesordersforfoodand
- Receives,dates,andstoresdeliveriesofallproductsusedinthefoodserviceTakesphysicalinventoryofallfoodandsupplies.
- Calculatesamountoffoodusedinmealpreparationandissuesto
- Monitorsfoodproductionforqualityandquantityforeachmeal
- Developsemployeeproductionandcleaningschedules,monitoringfor
- Providesnewemployeeorientationandonthejobtrainingfor
- Identifiestheneedforequipmentrepairorreplacement,notifyingtheappropriate
- Conductsfinancialtransactionsformealpaymentsincludingthehandlingofcashor
- Interactswithadministrationregardingquestions,complaintsand
- Monitorsallaspectsofemployeeperformance,providingconstructivefeedbackandcorrectiveactionwhenConductsstaffperformanceevaluations.
- Maintains safe working conditions and monitors sanitation standards in food preparation and serving Performs other duties as assigned by the Director of Food Services.
Skills and Qualifications :
We seek detail-oriented, independent self-starterswhodemonstrateanunwaveringcommitmenttoraisingstudentachievementandwhohavearecordofhighperformanceinchallengingsituations.Successfulcandidateswillalsodemonstrate :
Physical Involvement :
Ability to lift and carry cans, bowls, pans, and cases up to 25 pounds or 100 pounds with assistance is sometimes required. Ability to stand or walk up to 6 ¾ hours per day. Ability to push or pull equipment such as food carts and mop buckets. Ability to reach above head when placing pans in shelves of ovens, refrigerators and storerooms and cleaning overhead equipment. Ability to mop, sweep, apply wax and buff floors. Ability to forward bend or squat when lifting bowls, pans or cases or using mop wringers or dustpans. Standing, sitting, walking, reaching, bending is sometimes required. Ability to provide own transportation to schools, work locations, and meeting sites both inside and outside of the parish. Mobility skills necessary to access a variety of work locations.
Compensation :
JPS offers a competitive salary that is commensurate with experience. JPS also offers a competitive benefits package.