What are the responsibilities and job description for the Direct Care Staff: PM Shift position at JONBEC CARE INC?
General Description of Duties and Responsibilities:
Direct Care Staff are responsible for maintaining a safe, supportive, and therapeutic environment which facilitates the development of self help skills among individuals. The primary role is to provide the appropriate supports tailored to the needs and desires of each client to enable each to live as independently as possible. Direct Care Staff are expected to recognize when an individual is in a crisis and be able to utilize the appropriate psychiatric and medical back up services.
Specific Duties and Responsibilities:
Client Care/Programming
- Read the communication book or client chart/I.D. notes at the beginning of each shift.
- Prepare clients for day program in the mornings; toilet, wash hands and face, brush teeth, brush hair, etc.
- During weekdays as soon as client returns from day program/schools provide them with snacks.
- Toilet, groom and dress clients upon returning from day program/schools on weekdays and asneeded.
- On the NOC Shift: make nightly rounds to check all clients every two (2) hours or as directed.
- On AM/PM Shift: check all clients every two (2) hours or as directed.
- Conduct training programs per ISP (Individual Service Plan) Objectives on each shift.
- Conduct leisure activities as per facility schedule on each shift.
- Prepare and serve meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) according to individual clients dietary needs daily.
- Administer medications as scheduled on the medication administration record daily.
- Supervise bus or van loading and unloading. DCS/DDNA must be with clients until loaded on the van or bus.
- Supervise clients at all times both inside/outside the facility for safety.
- Note any food substitutions on the posted menu.
- Date all food in the refrigerator. Food is kept in the refrigerator for 3 days and after 3 days, discard them.
- Document number of diaper changes and bowel movement (B.M.) on each shift.
- Document on I.D. notes, seizure record and data sheets on each shift.
- Do body checks when client is up in the morning, at every diaper change, upon returning fromday program/schools and going home to family and returning to the facility.
- Document Change of Condition Report.
- Notify QIDP, F.M., Executive Director, R.N. and Physician of the change of condition.
- Follow Universal Precaution Techniques while providing client care on every shift.
- Hand washing Techniques are the most important aspects of Universal Precaution Techniques
that should be used while providing client care and doing other activities at the facility.
Housekeeping/Laundry/Physical Plant
- Clean the kitchen thoroughly after completing client activities.
- Wash laundry after care is provided to the clients on every shift.
- Do not leave any laundry for other shifts to deal with unless there is an emergency with theclients at the facility. Communicate all information with the next shift staff regarding theclients and why certain duty/duties that were your assignments were not completed before leaving your shift.
- Fold completed laundry and put away in clients dressers and closet in an organized manner on every shift.
- Clean the lint of the dryer after each use.
- DCS/DDNA to follow each shifts cleaning schedule and complete all assignments before leaving thefacility.
- Place all programming supplies away neatly in the programming closet on each shift.
- Check if all cleaning supplies are available on each shift and communicate with the Facility Manager if any supplies are needed to complete their assigned task.
- Lock all chemical storage areas after each use to provide safety to the clients.
- Clean wheelchair on each shift. Thorough cleaning is done on all 6 wheelchairs by the NOCshift daily.
- DCS/DDNA working on the a.m. shift are to make all the beds before leaving their shift. Change all thebed sheets and pillow cases daily.
- Check for needed repairs to the building and equipments and report to the Facility Manager or QIDP.
- Check the facility grounds and pick up litter and/or cigarette butts on your shift.