What are the responsibilities and job description for the BEHAVIOR TECHNICIAN position at Joy Studio International Inc?
1. 可以全职或者兼职
2. 负责一对一的孩童行为治疗
3. 工作时间周间下午,周末全天或者半天。
4. 需开车为家庭提供上门服务。
5. 保持跟Supervisor的日常沟通,确保治疗方案有效更新。
6. 职位征招区域:圣盖博谷、东区、北橙县。
1. 需至少高中以上学历,专业不限; 有心理学、 幼教或辅导专业背景优先。
2. 中英双语流利。
3. 有责任心,有耐心,仔细认真。
5. 有驾照和自己的交通工具。
6. 有行业经验者优先,如无经验,公司将提供免费专业培训包括RBT,BCABA,BCBA等。
7. 秉持诚实正直原则,遵守公司制度和守则。
公司提供福利计划, 薪资待遇优厚。投递简历请邮件至 jobs@aboveallautism.com
Both full time and part time are available for this position
Behavioral health technicians are paraprofessionals who, under the supervision of applied behavior analysts and assistant applied behavior analysts, implement applied behavior analysis (ABA) treatment plans.
Behavioral health technicians do not provide assessments or design ABA interventions; instead, they are responsible for implementing the interventions developed by their applied behavior analyst supervisor.
RBT®s work in clinical settings, providing instruction and introducing behavior protocols to clients. They may also provide direct assistance to the applied behavior analyst or assistant applied behavior analyst and engage in data collection procedures.
They provide behavioral interventions in home, community, and school settings and use ABA interventions to teach communication, social, and daily living skills and reduce problematic behaviors. They provide ABA interventions that encourage socially acceptable replacement behaviors so clients can build and improve upon their communication, social interaction, and problem solving skills.
Although behavioral health technicians complete a course of training, they receive a considerable amount of on-the-job training from their supervisor in the following areas:
Data collection procedures
Implementation of skill acquisition and behavior reduction interventions
Principles and procedures of behavior analysis
The Essential Job Duties and Responsibilities
The direct clinical duties and responsibilities of behavioral health technicians include:
Providing direct client care in one-on-one and group settings
Following the behavior reduction and behavioral skill acquisition protocols
Collecting and recording data based on client behavior
Communicating with clients, parents, and caregivers regarding client progress
Assisting behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts with behavior reduction assessments and skills acquisition
Assisting behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts in the preparation of client materials
Desirable Knowledge and Abilities
Behavioral health technicians must have excellent time management skills and must be able to manage multiple tasks at one time. They must have excellent written and verbal communication skills and the ability to develop and maintain relationships with clients, supervisors, peers, and community members.
They must also be committed to ongoing training and development, organizational policies and procedures, and client confidentiality.
Behavioral health technicians must use sound judgment and seek appropriate consultation from their supervisor to ensure treatment is provided without disruption to the client, to others, and to the environment.
Eligible candidates must:
Be at least 18 years old
Hold a high school diploma or the equivalent or higher
Complete at least 20 hours of training
Bilingual in English and Mandarin
Pass a criminal background check
Salary : $16 - $30