What are the responsibilities and job description for the Associate Pastor for Equipping - World Gospel Church (Terre Haute, IN) position at LancasterSearch?
Job DescriptionWorld Gospel Church (Terre Haute, IN) - Associate Pastor for EquippingThe Big PictureWorld Gospel Church (worldgospelchurch.org), is seeking a full-time Associate Pastor for Equipping. The Associate Pastor for Equipping shall align, equip, nurture, and shepherd the education and disciple-making ministries of WGC according to the vision and mission of the church as established by the elders and the Senior Pastor. He will also operate as part of the pastoral team under the leadership of the Senior Pastor for the care of the flock and the oversight of children's ministry staff.RequirementsQualificationsPersonal : Must have an actively growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a lifestylereflecting spiritual maturity, including personal disciple-making relationships.Education : A Bible college or seminary degree with a preference for an emphasis in leadership,ministry operations, and / or spiritual formation.Theology and Doctrine : Demonstrates support for the WGC By-Laws (which contains ourArticles of Faith) and Philosophy of Ministry. Meets the qualifications of pastor / elder as in thePastoral Epistles and operates with gifting complementary to the Senior Pastor and other staff.Believes, lives, and ministers through the lens of the gospel to the glory of God.ExperienceA minimum of five years serving in related church ministry with a preference for at least threeyears in pastoral leadership.Gifting and Character
- Relational : high emotional quotient, views ministry as primarily about people versusprograms.
- Communicator : gifted with understanding what needs to be communicated and theability to inspire others through clear communication.
- Administrator : skillful administrator who can implement ministry initiatives and alignpeople to accomplish ministry goals.
- Pastoral : operates out of natural pastoral instincts with a heart for people and theirflourishing in Jesus. His confidence in Jesus and experience of his grace drive him toinspire and equip others for relational disciple-making.
- Personal : a man of integrity and humility who operates out of allegiance to Jesus as adiligent and faithful steward of Jesus' Word and commission.Responsibilities
- Models relational disciple-making through ongoing discipling relationships as defined bythe WGC Making Disciples foundational definitions and methods.
- Provides administrative oversight, direction, equipping, and pastoral care to the staffand volunteers in the nursery, children's, and educational ministries of the church(including Sunday school, small groups, and with discipleship group leaders and otherdiscipling and educational ministries).
- Recruits and trains volunteers and engages in ongoing ministry evaluation andimprovement.
- Facilitates development systems for future church leaders through administration andparticipation in coordination with the Senior Pastor.
- Follows a personal development plan set up by the Senior Pastor and pursues ongoingdevelopment of skills and knowledge for effective disciple-making, administration, andpastoral care.
- Interfaces with office workers, staff, and relevant committees to ensure effectivecommunication among ministry workers and the broader church body.
- Coordinates ministry activities and schedule with the Senior Pastor and staff andrelevant committees as part of an effective pastoral team.
- Provides updates to the elder council and is available to attend elder council meetingsas requested.
- Provides pastoral care in coordination with the Senior Pastor for attenders andmembers through hospital visits, one-on-one and couple meetings, and crisis care.
- Performs other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor, including periodic preaching andteaching.BenefitsThe CompensationCompensation : $65,000 - $80,000Health insuranceRetirement contributionPaid vacationThe ProcessPlease look over this job description and the church website. Along with your resume please answer these questions : Why do you believe that you might be a good fit as the AP for Equipping at WGC?Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as AP for Equipping at WGC?In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the doctrine of WGC?Please send your resume, the answers to these questions and a link to at least one online message to Jason@no-feepastorsearch.com
Salary : $65,000 - $80,000