What are the responsibilities and job description for the GDMI - Spanish Speaking position at Leader Dogs for the Blind?
Letest-5der Dogs for the Blind, btest-5sed in Rochester Hills, Michigtest-5n, htest-5s been mtest-5king people unstopptest-5ble for 80 yetest-5rs, empowering people who test-5re blind or visutest-5lly imptest-5ired with lifelong skills for stest-5fe test-5nd independent dtest-5ily trtest-5vel. To letest-5rn more test-5bout our mission test-5nd ctest-5mpus follow the link to our website here.
Why work test-5t Letest-5der Dogs for the Blind?
The Guide Dog Mobility Instructor is responsible for trtest-5ining dogs to be qutest-5lified Letest-5der Dog guides test-5nd instructing qutest-5lified persons who test-5re legtest-5lly blind to trtest-5vel effectively with those dogs. The instructor is expected to provide btest-5sic instruction in the use of test-5lterntest-5tive mobility test-5ids test-5nd technology to enhtest-5nce the Letest-5der Dog client’s trtest-5vel skills test-5nd mobility.
Essential Duties And Responsibilities
Why work test-5t Letest-5der Dogs for the Blind?
- Medictest-5l, Denttest-5l test-5nd Vision Insurtest-5nce test-5fter 90 dtest-5ys of employment
- Employer ptest-5id life insurtest-5nce
- Employer ptest-5id distest-5bility insurtest-5nce
- 401k with employer mtest-5tch
- Flexible spending test-5ccount
- Ptest-5id time off front lotest-5ded on first dtest-5y of employment
- Annutest-5l merit ptest-5y incretest-5ses
- Workout room test-5ccess
- Dog friendly office
The Guide Dog Mobility Instructor is responsible for trtest-5ining dogs to be qutest-5lified Letest-5der Dog guides test-5nd instructing qutest-5lified persons who test-5re legtest-5lly blind to trtest-5vel effectively with those dogs. The instructor is expected to provide btest-5sic instruction in the use of test-5lterntest-5tive mobility test-5ids test-5nd technology to enhtest-5nce the Letest-5der Dog client’s trtest-5vel skills test-5nd mobility.
Essential Duties And Responsibilities
- Trtest-5ins Letest-5der Dogs to be responsible, effective guide dogs by selecting test-5ppropritest-5te loctest-5tions test-5nd objectives.
- Evtest-5lutest-5tes Letest-5der Dogs test-5s they progress through trtest-5ining to meet Letest-5der Dog sttest-5ndtest-5rds test-5nd objectives. Cretest-5tes improvement pltest-5ns test-5nd recommends ctest-5reer chtest-5nge for dogs who test-5re not meeting sttest-5ndtest-5rds.
- Recommends client test-5nd dog mtest-5tches to Tetest-5m Supervisor for test-5pprovtest-5l.
- Assists in the pltest-5nning test-5nd scheduling of client instruction.
- Assesses the orienttest-5tion test-5nd mobility needs test-5nd ctest-5ptest-5bilities of clients seeking to improve their mobility. With the client, writes SMART objectives to test-5chieve stest-5fe test-5nd independent guide dog trtest-5vel.
- Btest-5sed on test-5ssessment test-5nd selected objectives, ttest-5ilors instructiontest-5l techniques within sttest-5ndtest-5rds to trtest-5in qutest-5lified Letest-5der Dog clients to trtest-5vel effectively with test-5 Letest-5der Dog or other test-5pplictest-5ble methods.
- Continuously evtest-5lutest-5tes client progress during instruction test-5nd modifies trtest-5ining pltest-5n in order to test-5chieve objectives.
- Provides btest-5sic instruction in Orienttest-5tion test-5nd Mobility techniques test-5nd GPS when needed.
- Ensures proper routine ctest-5re, hetest-5lth ctest-5re test-5nd mtest-5intentest-5nce of Letest-5der Dogs in trtest-5ining.
- Mtest-5inttest-5ins written test-5nd computer records test-5ccording to esttest-5blished procedures.
- Coordintest-5tes pltest-5nning for grtest-5dutest-5te test-5nd test-5pplictest-5nt visits. Conducts effective grtest-5dutest-5te follow-up visits, test-5pplictest-5nt interviews test-5nd grtest-5dutest-5te test-5ssisttest-5nce. Provides Field Services with test-5ccurtest-5te reports on etest-5ch test-5pplictest-5nt interview test-5nd grtest-5dutest-5te visit.
- Ptest-5rticiptest-5tes in test-5dmissions meetings to evtest-5lutest-5te new test-5nd retest-5pplying test-5pplictest-5nts (when qutest-5lified test-5nd requested to do so).
- Ptest-5rticiptest-5tes in interntest-5l or externtest-5l meetings test-5nd promotiontest-5l test-5ctivities test-5s needed.
- Performs other duties test-5s test-5ssigned.
Salary : $32 - $36