What are the responsibilities and job description for the Data Scientist - TS/SCI w/Poly position at Leading Path Consulting?
Data Scientist
Chantilly, VA
Day to day responsibilities include{{{{:}
Chantilly, VA
Day to day responsibilities include{{{{:}
- }}} The Contractor shall perform end-to-end quality assurance of data feeds and data s
- ets The Contractor shall provide support for data triage and assessment at the Sponsor's s
- ite The Contractor shall identify and document areas for improvement in workflows or syst
- ems The Contractor shall attend regular stand-up meeti
- ngs The Contractor shall provide input to code revi
- ews The Contractor shall cross-train on existing collection to
- ols The Contractor shall support building, monitoring, alerting, and reporting out (e.g. dashboar
- ds) The Contractor shall support new use ca
- ses The Contractor shall research and document options for collecting or aggregating data from a variety of web based and internal Sponsor platfo
- rms The Contractor shall evaluate web based platforms' ability to detect or deny acc
- ess The Contractor shall make recommendations on approaches to acquire informat
- ion The Contractor shall use appropriate tools and computer programming languages, such as Python scripts, to collect and process data from a variety of sour
- ces The Contractor shall use Sponsor-network APIs to programmatically access d
- ata The Contractor shall create, maintain, and enhance systems in support of data exploitat
- ion The Contractor shall create or improve custom collection scripts written in Pyt
- hon The Contractor shall create or improve scripts leveraging APIs for collection ne
- eds The Contractor shall automate data clean-up and conditioning of collected d
- ata The Contractor shall automate data management and dissemination st
- NCE Demonstrated experience programming in Pyt
- hon Demonstrated experience working with data in a variety of structured and unstructured formats, including MS Ex
- cel Demonstrated experience with a variety of database tools, such as SQL and Presto, and data lakes/S3 d
- ata Demonstrated experience building and demonstrating data visualization tools, and dashboards especially Elasticsearch, Kibana, Tableau, Apache Superset and Powe
- rBI Demonstrated ability to translate complex, technical findings into an easily understood narrative in graphical, verbal, or written f
- orm Demonstrated experience analyzing questions, formulating requirements, determining suitable analytic approaches, evaluating results, and communicating findings to partners and stakehold
- ers Demonstrated experience translating complex technical findings into an easily understood narrative in graphical, verbal, written f
- orm Demonstrated openness to feedback and ability to collaborate well with colleagues to develop customer-tailored produ
- nce Demonstrated experience with AI/ML such as natural language processing in a production environm
- ent Demonstrated experience developing and refining statistical models ,inferential statistics, and hypothesis test
- ing Demonstrated experience with data management tools, such as Hadoop, MapReduce, or simi
- lar Demonstrated experience conducting data science using the Apache Zeppelin and Jupyter notebooks platforms and Spark/Pysp
- ark Demonstrated experience developing MS Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) c
- ode Demonstrated experience supporting traditional and commercial targeting effo
- rts Demonstrated experience programming in the R langu
- its Vacation - 5 weeks of accrued paid vacation per year (i.e., 8.33 hours accrued per pay period work
- ed) Holidays - Paid holidays published annually by the Office of Personnel Management, excluding Inauguration
- Day 100% paid for Health Benefits* (United Healthcare, Guardian Dental, VSP Vision, MetLife, Life and Disability Insurance and annual $1500 employer HSA contribution on qualified plans) *health benefits kick in the 1st of the month following your start d
- ate 6% 401k Contribution (3% paid out during each pay period, the additional 3% will be paid out as a lump sum in Q1 each ye
- ar) Training Reimbursement - Approved training and education expenses will be reimbur
- sed Travel Expenses - Approved travel expenses will be reimbursed *Note - From time to time, the company may change employee benef
Salary : $1,500