What are the responsibilities and job description for the One-on-One Aide position at LEONA MICHIGAN EDUCATION GROUP?
A One-on-One Aide is assigned to a specific student whose disabilities are of such magnitude to require individual support throughout the school day (typically moderately- to severely- cognitively impaired, autistic, or physically/medically disabled students.) The student’s disabilities may involve limitations on mobility, intellectual deficits, self-care, or other special needs. Assist a specific student in the regular education environment, under the direction of a building team composed of regular and special education staff. The team is responsible for identifying specific job tasks to be performed by each Aide in relation to the assigned student. Supervision is provided cooperatively by the general education and special education teachers.
- Provides assistance to a specific eligible student with a disability when the individual educational planning team (IEPT) determines that additional assistance is necessary to support the student in a lesser restrictive general education classroom or community-based setting.
- Implements accommodations and modifications related to classroom activities based on needs identified in the student’s IEP.
- Promotes social acceptance and interaction with general education peers.
- Promotes student independence in learning activities, completing classroom assignments and interacting with peers.
- Assists general and special education teachers in implementing daily lessons.
- Assists in implementing behavior intervention strategies.
- Maintains a log of specific support, as described in the student’s IEP, which is provided while not under the direct supervision of a special education teacher.
Meet one of the following three criteria to be considered highly qualified:
- Completed at least 60 hours of credit toward a college diploma; or
- Obtain an associate’s (or higher) degree; or
- Demonstrate, through a formal academic assessment test, knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing, reading, writing, and math; (or, as appropriate, knowledge reading, writing, and math readiness).
Desired Qualifications
- Basic reading, writing, and communications skills as acquired through a high school diploma or its equivalent.
- Depending on the disabilities and/or special needs of the student to which the Aide is assigned, may need be able to perform physical tasks such as lifting or restraining the student; may need to be mobile to assist the student with mobility; may need to assist the student with self-care such as toileting and feeding.
- Demonstrated proficiency in a teaching/tutoring capacity.
- Evidence of successful experience in student and parent relations and in supporting students with special needs.