What are the responsibilities and job description for the Faculty Diversity Internship Program (FDIP) position at Los Rios Community College District?
- Position Summary
Through faculty training and classroom internship, the LRCCD Faculty Diversity Internship Program (FDIP) is instrumental in developing a talented and dynamic pool of community college instructors who mirror the diversity of our student population which encompasses people with different cultural, racial, ethnic, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical ability, academic preparation, learning style, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
During the Fall semester, FDIP interns are required to participate in six (6) Saturday workshops emphasizing community college teaching. These workshops will prepare the FDIP interns for the internship. The Saturday workshops will be conducted via Zoom. The Fall semester internship may be online, in-person, or a combination of both modalities. Interns will consult with mentors to determine the intern's schedule.
The FDIP is committed to providing opportunities for faculty interns to learn and practice teaching strategies appropriate for diverse community college students as a means of recruiting qualified faculty that mirror our student population and are committed to a diversity of perspectives. Our current student demographic profile is as follows: African American (8.2%); Asian (14.9%); Filipino (3%); Hispanic/Latino (30.9%); Multi-Race (6.8%); Native American (0.5%); Pacific Islander (1%); White (31.9%); Other Non-White (0.2%); Other/unknown (2.6%).
Successful participants commit to a one-semester training and internship program in the Fall.
Fall: LRCCD provides approximately 40 hours of community college faculty training (at no cost to the intern). Fall training topics include an overview of the California Community College (CCC) system and its students and faculty, preparing for a class, assessing student learning, effective classroom strategies, and working with diverse learning styles.
The FDIP provides hands-on experience in an educational setting with a faculty mentor for one semester. The internship will take place in the Fall semester while interns attend the Saturday training sessions.
The criteria used in selecting candidates for interview will include:- subject matter competence in chosen discipline;
- academic preparation and/or occupational expertise;
- demonstrated equity-minded focus, responsiveness, and sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students, including those with physical or learning disabilities as it relates to differences in learning styles; and successfully foster and support an inclusive educational and employment environment.
We accept application packets for ALL DISCIPLINES offered at any of the four Los Rios colleges
Discipline and Minimum Qualifications- A statewide disciplines list defines the masters degree that is reasonably related to the teaching assignment or academic subject matter area. For those disciplines for which a master's degree is required as a precondition for consideration, participants must show evidence of a master's degree or that a master's degree will be obtained by the end of the upcoming Fall semester.
- Review the comprehensive list of all of the disciplines in the "Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges" maintained by the California Community College Chancellor's Office. The list identifies the specific degree and professional experience requirements for each discipline. The list can be found here: Minimum Qualifications Handbook (cccco.edu).
- You should also confirm that your discipline is taught by one of the four Los Rios colleges by reviewing the course offerings at each college. To view a complete list of courses for each discipline, please visit the Programs and Majors webpage specific to each campus:
- ARC Programs and Majors
- CRC Programs and Majors
- FLC Programs and Majors
- SCC Programs and Majors
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to research which discipline they qualify for before applying to the Faculty Diversity Internship Program. Your application materials must clearly describe how you are qualified to teach in a particular discipline based on your academic preparation and experience. For questions, please contact the Director of Diversity, Compliance at Title IX at (916)568-3063.
- Typical Duties
As an intern, you are required to participate in a full semester course. The hands-on classroom experience will provide you with practical, instructional experiences in a community college classroom under the direct supervision of your mentor. Your Learning Objectives may include the following components, as agreed upon by you and your mentor:- Observing your faculty mentor instruct class sessions by attending every meeting of the course in which you intern.
- Meeting with your mentor regularly before/after class to discuss questions, concerns, ideas, content, classroom matters, constructive feedback, and suggestions.
- Instructing at least three lessons that provide experience with common teaching strategies.
- Being supervised/observed by your mentor in lessons/classes in which you teach.
- Being evaluated by your mentor at the end of the semester.
- Creating assignments
- Preparing tests
- Reviewing textbooks for possible selection
- Conducting office hours
- Reading and scoring homework, papers, and tests
- Meeting division personnel and support staff
- Attending a department or committee meeting
- Taking a tour of the campus or facility
- Learning about shared governance and leadership activities
- Prepare a teaching/counseling philosophy statement.
- Identify three (3) teaching/counseling strategies in which you would like to become more proficient.
- Schedule three (3) teaching/counseling opportunities to include lessons/session planning and delivery of content and materials as appropriate.
- Collaborate with your mentor to develop your Learning Objectives for the semester in order to get the maximum benefit from the internship.
- Discuss with your mentor your teaching experience, preparation, comfort, and interest. Agree to the number and kind of teaching opportunities you will have as an intern.
- The mentor is the instructor of record; respect their experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities.
- Abide by all rules and regulations of the college and District, and conduct yourself in professional manner at all times.
- Closely observe your mentor's teaching style and classroom management techniques.
- Be committed to - and passionate about - your internship opportunity.
- Minimum Qualifications
Eligibility requirements to participate in the Faculty Diversity Internship Program include:
- Have completed, by the end of the upcoming Fall semester, the required degree to qualify to teach a discipline taught within the Los Rios Community College District.
- Have completed, by the end of the upcoming Fall semester, the 2 or 6 full time years of technical/vocational experience required to teach a career technical education (CTE) discipline taught within the Los Rios Community College District.
- Not have previous paid teaching experience as the instructor of record in higher education (this does not include teaching completed as part of your graduate program).
- Have an equity-minded focus, responsiveness, and sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students, including those with physical or learning disabilities as it relates to differences in learning styles; and successfully foster and support an inclusive educational and employment environment.
*NOTES:- If your degree title differs from the minimum qualifications listed above, you are requested to apply under the "equivalent" provision.
- Applicants applying under the "equivalent" provision must attach details and explain how their academic preparation and/or professional experience is the equivalent of the degrees/minimum qualifications listed above. Please visit our website for a sample letter and information on the equivalency determination process.
- If you have already been granted equivalency for this discipline, you must attach a copy of your determination form or letter.
- Application Instructions
Applicants applying to this position are REQUIRED to complete and submit:
- A Los Rios Community College District Application
- Resume or Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of Interest
- Unofficial Transcripts from College/University
NOTES:- Applications submitted without all required documents, listed above, will be disqualified.
- Applicants indicating "see resume" on the application will not have that referenced experience considered for minimum qualifications, which may lead to the application being disqualified.
- Only information (education, experience, etc.) listed on the application will be considered for minimum qualifications.
- Applicants, including current Los Rios Community College District employees, are required to provide official transcripts, if required to meet the minimum qualifications for the position.
- Applicants are required to submit official transcripts within 60 days of the time of hire.
- Graduate advising documents and grade reports will not be accepted as official transcripts.
- Individuals who have completed college or university course work at an institution in a country other than the United States must obtain a complete evaluation of foreign transcripts, degrees, and other relevant documents.
- A foreign transcript evaluation is required any time foreign course work is used to meet minimum qualifications and/or salary placement even if the foreign transcript has been accepted by a college or university in the United States.
- Foreign transcript evaluations are ONLY accepted from AICE (Association of International Credential Evaluations, Inc.) or NACES (The National Association of Credential Evaluation Services) agencies or evaluators. For additional information on foreign transcript evaluations click here.
Do not submit additional materials that are not requested.
The Los Rios Community College District is committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity. It is the District’s policy to ensure that all qualified applicants for employment and employees have full and equal access to employment opportunity, and are not subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the District on the basis of ethnic group identification, race, color, creed, gender, national origin, religion, age, sex, physical disability, mental disability, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, political beliefs, political activities, political affiliation, disability, language, accent, citizenship status, transgender status, parental status, marital status, economic status, veteran status, medical condition, or on the basis of these perceived characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.