What are the responsibilities and job description for the Elementary Building Principal position at Maxine Johnson Elementary?
- Idaho Administrative Certificate endorsed for school principal
- Minimum experience as determined by the Board
- Strong background in curriculum, supervision, discipline, team building, and technology
- Excellent leadership, interpersonal, and communication skills
- Excellent organizational skills
- Able to work under pressure and deadlines
- Maintain confidentiality of staff and students
Superintendent and Superintendent’s designee and/or Board of Trustees
To provide leadership and managerial oversight to the instructional program and school operations. To promote the educational development of each student.
School Leadership
- Be responsible for the management of the school in accordance with federal and state law, administrative rules, and Board policy
- Initiate, design, and implement programs to meet the specific needs of the school
- Exercise leadership in school-level planning for improvement of instruction
- Establish and maintain an effective learning climate in the school
- Coordinate transportation, custodial, cafeteria, and other support services
- Communicate information to parents and the community that is required by federal and state law, administrative rules, and Board policy
- Act as a liaison between the school and the community (including all ethnic groups), interpreting activities and policies of the school and encouraging community participation in school life
- Report incidents of discipline resulting in a suspension from school, as well as all incidents of violence, vandalism, substance abuse, and weapons possession
- Work cooperatively with law enforcement authorities in maintaining a safe and drug-free school environment
- Plan, schedule, and supervise fire and other emergency drills and an emergency preparedness program as required by federal and state law, administrative rules, and Board policy
- Greet and interact with parents and visitors, as appropriate
Supervision and Evaluation of School Staff
- Assist in the recruiting, screening, hiring, training, assigning, and evaluating of the school’s personnel. Recommend finalists for hiring and reassignment to the superintendent and the Board of Trustees
- Ensure that all teaching staff members fulfill continuing professional development requirements and receive in-service training required by federal and state law, administrative rules, and Board policy
- Supervise all professional, paraprofessional, administrative, and non-professional personnel employed at the school
- Ensure that teacher trainees are provided with direct assistance, including assistance regarding the purpose, expectations, and procedures involved in the evaluation process. This assistance should include close clinical supervision
- Evaluate and counsel all staff members regarding their individual and group performance in accordance with district policy, and prepare written comments and offers constructive suggestions for improvement when appropriate
- Delegate responsible personnel for the supervision of the school in his or her absence
- Conduct staff meetings as necessary for the proper functioning of the school
- Recommend the removal of teachers whose work is unsatisfactory, according to established procedures
Curriculum, Instruction, and Contact with Students
- Supervise the school’s educational program and teaching process
- Monitor delivery of the instructional program
- Be responsible for overseeing the scheduling of students into classes, establishing the schedule of class offerings, and maintaining a balance of student loads in each class
- Assist in the selection of appropriate instructional materials
- Plan, organize, supervise, and evaluate all curricular and extracurricular activities
- Develop and maintain a master schedule for the academic and extracurricular programs, and work cooperatively with the business manager to schedule community use of the school building and grounds
- Assume responsibility for the attendance, conduct, and health of the students
- Greet students in a friendly and dependable manner during their morning arrival whenever possible
- Supervise the dismissal of students at the end of the school day
- Interact appropriately with students during the school day
- Maintain high standards of student conduct and enforce the district’s discipline policy in accordance the students' rights to due process
- Keep records of any disciplinary action. Perform follow-up communication with students’ parents, teachers, and other administrators as needed
- Develop and implement student handbooks and procedures for proper student conduct
- Participate in the planning and delivery of intervention and referral services for pupils who are having difficulty in their classes and who have not been classified in need of special education
- Provide guidance to individual students and resolve individual behavioral problems
- Attend special events held to recognize student achievement and other school-sponsored activities and functions, and speak with clarity, authority, and appropriate earnestness at such events
- Plan and supervise regularly scheduled parent/teacher conferences
- Make arrangements for special conferences as necessary
- Maintain an active relationship with students and parents based on respect and understanding
- Actively pursue all cases of truancy and excessive absences and tardies
Financial and Office Management
- Ensure the proper collection, safekeeping, and accounting of school activity funds
- Initiate and supervise development of the annual budget, providing opportunity for staff input
- Establish and maintain an efficient office system to support the administrative functions of the school
- Supervise the safekeeping of accurate student and personnel files and other confidential records and documents, including records on the progress and attendance of students
- Ensure the destruction of public records in accordance with federal and state law, administrative rules, and Board policy
- Supervise the preparation of all school reports, records, and other paperwork for the district office, and other reports required or appropriate to the school's administration
- Participate in administrative, Board, and other meetings as required or appropriate
- Keep appropriate personnel informed of the school’s activities, needs, and any issues that may arise
- Work cooperatively with central office staff on matters relating to the school and the district
- Provide for adequate inventories of property under school jurisdiction and for the security of that property
- Assume responsibility for the safety and administration of the school building and grounds
- Be responsible for all keys issued to personnel in his or her building
- Assume responsibility for his or her continuing professional growth and development by such efforts as attendance of professional meetings, membership in professional organizations, enrollment in advanced courses, and by reading professional journals and other publications
- Professional Standards Commission and the State Board of Education
- Seek assistance should emergencies arise
- Represent the school district in a positive manner
- Know and follow school district policy and chain of command
- Perform other duties as assigned
Performance of this position will be evaluated annually by the superintendent and the superintendent’s designee in conformance with district policy; Section 33-513, Idaho Code; and IDAPA
Employment contract not to exceed two years.
All certificated and non-certificated employees and other individuals are required to undergo a criminal history check and submit to fingerprinting. Any applicant convicted of any of the felony crimes enumerated in Section 33-1208, Idaho Code may not be hired, and any applicant convicted of any felony offense listed in Section 33-1208(2), Idaho Code shall not be hired.
Legal Reference: I.C. § 33-512 Governance of Schools
I.C. § 33-513 Professional Personnel
I.C. § 33-515 Issuance of Renewable Contracts
I.C. § 33-1201 Certificate Required
I.C. § 33-1210 Information on Past Job Performance
IDAPA School Principal Endorsement (Pre-K-12)
IDAPA Local District Evaluation Policy—School Principal
The Gun-Free Schools Act Section 414(d)(2)