What are the responsibilities and job description for the Sterile Process Technician Certified position at McLaren Health Care Corporation?
Position Summary: P e r f orms a nd p a rti c ipat e s in de c ontamination, cl e a nin g , a ssembli n g , p a c k a gin g , s ca n nin g , ste r ili z a tion, stor a g e a nd distribution of r e us a ble s ur g i c a l instrument a tion a nd e quipm e nt.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities as Assigned :
- D e c ontaminat e s a nd st e r i li z e s instrum e nts, m e dic a l suppli e s a nd e quipm e nt, and a ssembles, w r a ps a nd st e rili z e s tr a y s of instrum e n ts. F ollows p r op e r st a n d a rd pr e ca utions while in decontamination and st e riliz a tion a r e a s.
- Monitors biological and chemical wash solution to ensure quality and consistency for decontamination of instruments and medical equipment.
- Sorts mismatched sets of instruments, trays, and medical equipment and makes them available to sterile processing customers in a timely manner.
- R e stocks, lab e ls, and m a i ntains inv e nto r y , submits r e quisitions, c oll ec ts and distribut e s instrum e nts, tra y s, c r a sh ca rts, a nd f ac ili t y m e dical equipment.
5. Performs environmental maintenance duties and assists in maintaining inventory levels in sterile processing, the operating room, and in equipment storage areas.
6. V e ri f ies th a t equipment f un c tions prop e r l y , r e qui s itions for e quipm e nt m a int e n a n ce , r e p a ir or r e pl a ce ment, a n d r e moves d e f ec tive e quipm e nt.
7. Assists with maintaining established departmental policies and procedures, objectives, and quality improvement, safety, and environmental and infection control standards.
8. Performs other related duties as required and directed.
- High school diploma or equivalent.
- Completion of approved sterile processing course
· Certification required within one year from hire as certified by the Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution (CBSPD) or Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA) as a technician.
Prior experience in sterile processing preferred.
Additional Information- Schedule: Per Diem
- Requisition ID: 24006565
- Daily Work Times: Variable
- Hours Per Pay Period: 0
- On Call: No
- Weekends: No