What are the responsibilities and job description for the Sterile Processing Technician position at McLaren Health Care Corporation?
Position Summary: P e r f orms a nd p a rti c ipat e s in de c ontamination, cl e a nin g , a ssembli n g , p a c k a gin g , s ca n nin g , ste r ili z a tion, stor a g e a nd distribution of r e us a ble s ur g i c a l instrument a tion a nd e quipm e nt.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities :
- D e c ontaminat e s a nd st e r i li z e s instrum e nts, m e dic a l suppli e s a nd e quipm e nt, and a ssembles, w r a ps a nd st e rili z e s tr a y s of instrum e n ts. F ollows p r op e r st a n d a rd pr e ca utions while in decontamination and st e riliz a tion a r e a s.
- Monitors biological and chemical wash solution to ensure quality and consistency for decontamination of instruments and medical equipment.
- Sorts mismatched sets of instruments, trays, and medical equipment and makes them available to sterile processing customers in a timely manner.
- R e stocks, lab e ls, and m a i ntains inv e nto r y , submits r e quisitions, c oll ec ts and distribut e s instrum e nts, tra y s, c r a sh ca rts, a nd f ac ili t y m e dical equipment.
- Performs environmental maintenance duties and assists in maintaining inventory levels in sterile processing, the operating room, and in equipment storage areas.
- V e ri f ies th a t equipment f un c tions prop e r l y , r e qui s itions for e quipm e nt m a int e n a n ce , r e p a ir or r e pl a ce ment, a n d r e moves d e f ec tive e quipm e nt.
- Assists with maintaining established departmental policies and procedures, objectives, and quality improvement, safety, and environmental and infection control standards.
- Performs other related duties as required and directed.
- High school diploma or equivalent.
- Completion of approved sterile processing course.
- Certification required within one year from hire as certified by the Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution (CBSPD).
- Prior experience in sterile processing preferred.
- If there are no applicants with experience, course completion and/or certification, other candidates may be considered and will be required to complete the certification within twelve (12) months of hire or transfer. Applicants must have medical training such as Medical Assistant or Certified Nurse Assistant.
- Schedule: Full-time
- Requisition ID: 24007450
- Daily Work Times: 8hr
- Hours Per Pay Period: 80
- On Call: No
- Weekends: Yes