What are the responsibilities and job description for the Teacher, Special Education, Moderate/Severe #1362 - $10,000 Hiring Bonus position at Mt. Diablo Unified?
The following three job descriptions are listed below:
Teachers in Special Day Class and Centers/Schools, Special Education
Resource Specialist Teachers, Special Education, and Teachers of the Adapted Physical Education Program
Duties and Responsibilities of Teachers in Special Day Class and Centers/Schools, Special Education
The Special Day Class and Center/School teachers are responsible to the Special Education Administrator for Special Day Classes and Centers for the interpretation of the MDUSD Special Education Program. Evaluation of these teachers will be the responsibility of the site administrator.
The duties and responsibilities of teachers in Special Day Classes and Centers/Schools are as follows:
1. To interpret and implement the student's Individualized Educational Program (IEP).
2. To maintain a classroom environment conducive to the attainment of individual students' IEPs.
3. To report promptly to the site administrator or his/her designee any serious illness or accident affecting Special Class students.
4. To report promptly to the site administrator or his/her designee any job-related factors which prevent the full exercise of duties and responsibilities.
5. To maintain current records of students in Special Day Classes and Centers/Schools, as specified by the MDUSD Special Education Program.
6. To direct the Special Education Instructional Aide in completing assigned tasks.
7. To serve as a member of the IEP Team when planning involves students whose IEPs are the responsibility of the Special Day Class teacher.
8. To participate in completing an annual IEP review for each student in his/her class.
9. To communicate with parents in the implementation of the IEP for students in Special Day Classes, Centers, or Schools.
10. To maintain conditions and practices in the classroom which positively affect the physical and mental health of the students.
11. To emphasize appropriate vocational preparation.
12. To be knowledgeable about current educational practices and curriculum trends in Special Education so as to be in a position to participate in policy-making processes and curriculum
13. To provide and maintain for substitute teachers adequate lesson plans and instructions.
14. To attend job-related meetings and activities specified by the school principal or the appropriate Special Education Administrator, as schedule permits.
15. To perform those job-related non-instructional duties and responsibilities, including supervisory and advisory duties, as may be prescribed by the Board of Education.
D&R3700 6/86
Duties and Responsibilities of Resource Specialist Teachers, Special Education
The Resource Specialist Teacher is responsible to the Special Education Administrator for the Resource Specialist Program for the interpretation of the MDUSD Special Education Program under the Master Plan. Evaluation of Resource Specialist Teachers assigned full-time to a school will be the responsibility of the school principal. If a Resource Specialist Teacher serves more than one school, the Special Education Administrator for the Resource Specialist Program or his/her designee will be the evaluator.
The duties and responsibilities of the Resource Specialist Teacher are as follows:
1. To instruct students assigned to the Resource Specialist Program in those academic areas identified in the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) in accordance with California Education Code §56362.
2. To evaluate student progress on a regular basis, and refer students to the Individual Education Program Team for any program or placement revisions.
3. To maintain necessary current records of the students whose IEPs are the responsibility of the Resource Specialist Teacher.
4. To provide resource information, materials, and assistance to eligible students, to their parents, and to the school staff; to provide consultation as appropriate.
5. To process the referrals of students, including assessments, for special education programs and services, or forward referrals to the appropriate program administrator.
6. To direct the special education instructional assistant in completing assigned tasks.
7. To chair school IEP Team meetings for the students referred to the Resource Specialist Teacher. (In schools with more than one Resource Specialist Teacher this shall be a shared responsibility.)
8. To participate and assist in job-related in-service education.
9. To be present at the school at least thirty minutes before the time prescribed for commencing school and remain at the school at least fifteen minutes after the close of the school day unless the
principal or District administration indicates otherwise.
10. To emphasize at the secondary school level, academic achievement, career and vocational development programs, and preparation for adult life.
11. To report to the principal or his/her designee any job-related factors which prevent the full exercise
of duties and responsibilities.
12. To attend job-related meetings and activities, specified by the school principal or the appropriate special education administrator as schedule permits.
13. To perform related non-instructional duties and responsibilities, including supervisory and advisory duties, as may be prescribed by the Board of Education.
D&R3701 6/86
Duties and Responsibilities of Teachers of the Adapted Physical Education Program
Adapted Physical Education Teachers are responsible to the Special Education Administrator, Designated Instruction and Services in administrative and instructional matters within the program. While in a school building, Adapted Physical Education Teachers are responsible to the principal of the school for the care, control, and instruction of the students in their charge.
The duties and responsibilities of the Adapted Physical Education Teachers are as follows:
1. To facilitate, monitor and/or provide physical education instruction for students who have qualified for Adapted Physical Education Services.
2. To assess the motor skills of students in order to determine appropriate physical education needs.
3. To serve on IEP teams whose function is to determine students' eligibility for Adapted Physical Education Program services.
4. To participate in in-service and professional growth activities relative to the Adapted Physical Education Program.
5. To order, through the administrator of the program, the instructional supplies, and equipment necessary for carrying out their teaching responsibilities.
6. To participate in appropriate school and district student conferences, meetings and IEP meetings relative to the Adapted Physical Education Program.
7. To serve as a resource to teachers, administrators, and parents regarding assessments, growth and development, performance and progress of students.
8. To maintain on-going student records, complete necessary reports and take responsibility for scheduling equipment and facilities for Adapted Physical Education activities.
9. To confer with the administrator of the program regarding recommendations for the program improvement.
10. To attend job-related meetings and activities specified by the Special Education Administrator, Designated Instruction and Services.
11. To direct special education assistant(s) in completing assigned tasks, when appropriate.
12. To perform those non-instructional duties and responsibilities, including supervisory and advisory duties, as may be prescribed by the Board of Education.
Salary : $65,422 - $120,624