What are the responsibilities and job description for the Logistics Plans Specialist position at New Jersey Veterans Home at Paramus?
Active Guard Reserve (AGR)
Announcement Number: NJANG 58-AF-25
Logistics Plans Specialist
10 Mar 2025
09 Apr 2025
108th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ
Min: E-5 Max: E-7
2d Lt Daniel Gardner
Position Number
On-board NJ ANG AGR (Any AFSC)
Nationwide military members eligible for membership in the NJANG (Open to Any AFSC or Equivalent)
Please refer to attached pages for more info on the major duties and initial qualifications for this position for this AFSC or go to:
https://www.my.af.mil to review the AFECD or AFOCD
*In addition to criteria listed on attached pages*
- Security Clearance - Must have/able to obtain: Secret Clearance
- New Jersey Air National Guard members
Selectee will be required to obtain 2G0X1 within 1 year of hire.
- Strength requirement: Demonstrated ability to lift 50 lbs
IAW ANGI 36-101, 21 April 2022, paragraph Chapter 6, Initial AGR tour orders are probationary. The probationary period will not exceed six years. AGR tours may
not extend beyond an Enlisted member’s ETS or an Officer’s MSD. Be advised that acceptance of an AGR Tour may result in future and unexpected out of state
PCS or tours of up to one year or longer.
Airmen must meet the minimum requirements for each fitness component in addition to scoring an overall composite of 75 or higher for entry into the AGR program.
For members with a documented Duty Limitation Code (DLC) which prohibits them from performing one or more components of the Fitness Assessment, an overall
"Pass" rating is required.
Individuals selected for AGR tours must meet the Preventative Health Assessment (PHA)/physical qualifications outlined in DAFMAN 48-123, 8 December 2020,
Medical Examination and Standards. They must also be current in all Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) requirements to include immunizations. RCPHA/PHA and
dental must be conducted not more than 12 months prior to entry on AGR duty and an HIV test must be completed not more than six months prior to the start date of
the AGR tour.
Enlisted Airmen who are voluntarily assigned to a position which would cause an over grade must indicate such in writing; a voluntary demotion letter must be
included with the application in accordance with ANGI 36-2503, 24 February 2010, Administrative Demotion of Airmen, when assigned to the position. Acceptance of
demotion must be in writing and included in the assignment application package. Application Package will not be forwarded without Administrative Demotion
IAW ANGI 36-101, paragraph 5.7, an individual must not have been previously separated for cause from active duty or previous Reserve Component AGR tour.
IAW ANGI 36-101, paragraph 5.10, applicants should be able to complete 20 years of active federal service prior to Mandatory Separation Date (MSD). Individuals
selected for AGR tours that cannot attain 20 years of active federal service prior to reaching mandatory separation must complete a Statement of Understanding,
See ANGI36-101 Attachment 3.
IAW ANGI36-101, paragraph 6.6.1, members should remain in the position to which initially assigned for a minimum of 24 months. TAG may waive this requirement
to 24 months when in the best interest of the unit, State, or Air National Guard.
If a selectee does not possess the advertised AFSC, he/she must complete the required training/assignment criteria within 12 months of being assigned to the
position. Failure to do so may result in immediate termination. Extension past 12-months will only be considered if the delay is through no fault of the applicant.
Currently employed technicians may compete for AGR positions. If selected, permanent employees will have their Federal Employee
Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) continue for 26 pay periods following their start date on AGR. If selected, your National Guard Association of
the United States (NGAUS) will be terminated at the end of the pay period you begin LWOP/AUS. If selected, normally, your Federal
Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) will terminate 30 days after AGR start date. Other pay related actions (i.e., TSP, advanced sick leave,
etc.) should be reviewed with the Employee Relations Section of J1-HRO. Contact information: 609-562-0866/0874.
If you currently receive any type of incentive such as bonus, student loan repayment, or GI Bill Kicker, these incentives wil l stop effective
on the first day of full-time employment with the National Guard. Contact your RETENTION OFFICE MANAGER.
- Selection into [ E8 / E9 / O4 / O5 ] positions is contingent on availability/state allocation of controlled grades.
- Selection into higher graded positions IS NOT a promise of promotion
- Upon selection additional medical verification will be required prior to start of AGR tour
- The publication of AGR orders by HRO will be the official appointment into the New Jersey Air AGR program.
No commitment will be made by the command to any applicant prior to the review of qualifications by the HRO
and TAG approved appointment through the Officer Action Board (if applicable).
- Continuation beyond initial tour may be subject to evaluation based on AGR Continuation Board
- AGR Bring-Your-Own-Billet, authorization from the relinquishing commander is required.
Applications must be signed and dated. Applications received with an unsigned NGB 34-1 and RIP will not be forwarded for consideration.
The application package must include all items 1-5 listed below. If the required documents are not submitted, a letter of explanation must be
included. Submittal of any missing requirements after the closeout will NOT be accepted.
Use AGR Application Instructions from DMAVA website (https://www.nj.gov/military/admin/vacancy/#air-agr-jobs)
**Incomplete packages will not be considered for the position vacancy
**All application documents must be consolidated into a single .pdf file. (Do not put in a PDF Portfolio format)
1. Signed NGB Form 34-1 Application Form for Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) Position dated 20131111 (https://www.nj.gov/military/admin/vacancy)
2. Signed CURRENT full Records Review RIP from Virtual MPF https://vmpf.us.af.mil/vMPF/Hub/Pages/Hub.asp
3. CURRENT PASSING Report of Individual Fitness from MyFSS/MyFitness <(must not show a "fitness due date" that is in the past) (or) a signed
letter from the UFPM. If exempt, please include Form 469 with application)
4. Current EPB/OPB – if you do not have a current EPB/OPB, submit last EPB/OPB and a MFR stating the missing reason.
5. Contact Information-on a separate document; Rank, Last, First Name, preferred contact email, and preferred contact phone#.
6. Inability to Retire as AGR SOU (if applicable) (https://www.nj.gov/military/admin/vacancy)
7. Administrative Grade Reduction (if applicable)- Current military grade cannot exceed maximum Military grade announced on Vacancy. Over
graded applicants must include a memorandum indicating willingness to accept an administrative reduction if selected.
8. A copy of current VALID state driver's license (as required).
Ensure all requirements are consolidated into ONE single PDF (adobe portfolio is not recommended) (consider printing signed documents to PDF
prior to combining files)-Signatures may be stripped once they are saved.
PDF File Name should be Rank Last Name, First Name_Position Announcement Number
Example: TSgt Mouse, Mickey_VA 01-AF-23
Email Subject should be: TSgt Mouse, Mickey_VA 01-AF-23
Email Application Package to: ng.nj.njarng.list.nj-job-submission-agr-air@army.mil
** Applications will be accepted through GEARS (GEARS https://gears.army.mil/), if standard email procedures do not work**
QUESTIONS: Applicants may call HRO to verify receipt of application prior to closeout date.
Commercial 609-562-0887 or Commercial 609-562-0860 or ng.nj.njarng.list.nj-job-submission-agr-air@army.mil
Assistance will be rendered in the order the request was received.
INSTRUCTIONS TO COMMANDERS/SUPERVISORS: Selecting supervisor will contact qualified applicants for interviews after receipt of selection
register from HRO REMOTE. After completion of interview, send selection register to HRO REMOTE. After the Human Resources Officer approves
the selection package, the HRO office will send a notification letter to notify all applicants of their selection/non- selection.
All applicants will be protected under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Eligible applicants will be considered without regard to race, color,
religion, gender, national origin, or any other non-merit factor. Due to restrictions in assignment to certain units and AFSC some positions may have
gender restrictions.
DAFECD, 31 Oct 24
CEM Code 2G000
AFSC 2G091, Superintendent
AFSC 2G071, Craftsman
AFSC 2G051, Journeyman
AFSC 2G031, Apprentice
AFSC 2G011, Helper
(Changed 31 Oct 24)
1. Specialty Summary. Develops, evaluates, monitors, and supervises combat support strategies, readiness, plans, and programs
including battlefield preparation activities before and during conflict, force posturing and positioning, employment, sustainment, and
support agreements. Related DoD Occupational Subgroup: 155100.
2. Career Field Core Functions:
2.1. Deployment Planning & Execution.
2.1.1. Logistics Planners Roles and Responsibilities. Performs deployment planning and execution activities and functions to include adaptive planning, Agile Combat Employment
(ACE) planning, feasibility assessments, development of operational plan (OPLAN) logistics annexes, and preparation, programming, and
support assessments and requirements for contingency and exercise plans. Prepares, evaluates, and implements all aspects of deployment
planning, aircraft cargo and personnel dispersal, force sustainment, force recovery, materiel reconstitution, exercise planning & execution,
and logistics support procedures for JRSO&I. Performs and directs deployment, employment, and JRSO&I command and control processes. Effectively manages logistics
information about operational reach, and battlefield situational awareness, for functions such as transportation, supply, health services,
maintenance, engineering, Services, and aircraft mobility. When assigned to an Installation Deployment Readiness Cell (IDRC),
establishes and operates a logistics command and control center (i.e., Deployment Control Center (DCC)) to prepare for and supervise
deployment and redeployment processes. Reviews planning processes, deployment taskings, inputs, extracts, and interprets data in
automated information systems which include, but are not limited to, Joint Operations Planning and Execution System (JOPES),
Deliberate/Crisis Action Planning & Execution Segments (DCAPES), Logistics Module (LOGMOD), Single Mobility System (SMS),
Airlift Integrated Interface (A2I), and Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES). Assists in the establishment and
management of combat force bed-down, emergency action messages, and mitigation procedures. Develops crisis action procedures in
conjunction with other employed organizations; integrates force command and control with applicable functional area or interagency
representatives. Staff member of the Installation Deployment Readiness Cell (IDRC). Manage all aspects of the steady-state, crisis, and
exercise deployment operations (including Air Force Force Generation (AFFORGEN)) on behalf of the installation commander.
Coordinates, hosts, and presents annual deployment process working groups (DPWGs), and quarterly unit deployment manager (UDM)
meetings, and provides recurring deployment readiness briefings to commanders. Provides initial and recurring training for all installation
and tenant unit UDMs and coordinates supplemental training requirements with public health, traffic management, air transportation, and
force protection representatives according to mission command directives.
2.2. War Reserve Materiel (WRM). Air Force WRM consists of enterprise-managed, dynamically positioned equipment,
vehicles, and consumables, to support operations across the full range of military operations and to reduce the time required to achieve an
operational capability or produce an operational effect. Pre-positioned WRM is strategically located to ensure a timely response in support
of combatant commander requirements during the initial phase of an operation.
2.2.1. Logistics Planners Roles and Responsibilities. Performs, directs, and manages apportioned WRM functions. Develops guidance and supervises administration, surveillance,
and management of WRM to include mission support availability and asset management, deployment, redeployment, reconstitution,
excess management, sustainment, transportation, and transfers as applicable to mission requirements. Provides initial and recurring training for installation WRM Managers (WRMMs), analyzes WRM reports to validate
constraints and develop mitigation planning factors, and validates WRM deficiencies. Coordinates, hosts, and presents WRM Review
Boards. Ensures WRMMs inspect, maintain, mark, document, inventory, and store WRM appropriately to ensure materiel is maintained in
operational order. Identify and report WRM related shortfalls and limiting factors to higher headquarters and actively advocate for resource
requirements (e.g. manpower, funding, storage facilities, etc.).
2.3. Support Agreements. DoD and AF policies direct that support agreements be developed between affected Suppliers and
Receivers to document recurring support to provide the unit commander with the capability to ensure resources are expended wisely and
DAFECD, 31 Oct 24
to help eliminate unnecessary resource duplication. Support agreement may be used to augment contingency documents such as BSP,
Programming Plans and OPLANs, Concepts of Operations (CONOPs), Installation Deployment Plans (IDPs), Emergency Plans, etc.
2.3.1. Logistics Planners Roles and Responsibilities. Manage the installation’s support agreements program to ensure quality, efficiency, and effectiveness in providing or obtaining
support through agreements with suppliers, host units, joint services, other DoD agencies, and international partner nation military
representatives. Ensures the effective performance of responsibilities and functions assigned to supplying and receiving units and enforces
installation commander support agreement approval processes and training requirements. Establishes processes for negotiating impasses
and/or disputes and provides initial and recurring training for unit Functional Area Agreement Coordinators (FAACs) to include
supplemental training from installation comptroller and legal representatives. Agreements program management responsibilities may include requirements to execute international, inter-agency, intra-
agency, and international agreements, and mutual logistics support via ACSAs. Documents, records, and reports agreements per DoD and Air Force policies and procedures. Creates and publishes installation
support agreement catalogs and ensures required agencies such as legal, engineering, force protection, manpower, and finance conduct
reviews of agreement support categories.
2.4. Base Support Plans (BSP). A BSP is primarily developed for main operating bases or collocated operating bases with a
permanent Air Force presence. Expeditionary Site Planning (ESP) and Site Surveys are an integral part of the ESP process. Information
gathered during a survey on a site’s resources and capabilities are captured to assist commanders with making initial bed-down decisions
at locations without a permanent Air Force presence.
2.4.1. Logistics Planners Roles and Responsibilities. When assigned to a main operating base, serves as the Installation BSP Manager to ensure the installation BSP is developed
and maintained. This includes managing the Base Support and Expeditionary (BaS&E) site planning program and training unit
representatives who have been appointed as Functional Data Managers (FDMs). Collects and reviews functional category and chapter data from subject matter experts (SMEs)/FDMs for completeness and
validates identified limiting factors and shortfalls. Coordinates, schedules, and manages the BSP Committee (BSPC), which is chaired by
the Wing Commander. Attendees of the BSP Committee include the Installation BSP Manager, Wing Leadership (Squadron and Group
Commanders), FDMs, and tenant unit representatives who have equities with the installation or expeditionary site. Schedules and executes
BSP Working Groups (BSPWGs) to ensure FDMs and other selected subject matter experts are maintaining the installation’s BSP in
accordance with appropriate planning cycles, installation mission objectives, and mandatory regulations. Collects pre-site survey, site survey, and post-site survey data for an in-depth feasibility assessment to identify the forward
operating site’s suitability for current and/or future missions. Leads site survey teams, hosts expeditionary site working groups and assists
with the determination of expeditionary site planning and site survey requirements associated with named operations or future operations.
Provides data related to threat assessment, antiterrorism, integrated base defense capabilities, airfield suitability assessments, pavements
evaluations, and bed-down assessments.
2.5. Adaptive Planning.
2.5.1. Logistics Planner Roles and Responsibilities. Reviews, analyzes and interprets DOD and Air Force policies to include the development and management of Unit Type Codes
(UTCs), readiness reporting, and conducting force posturing and analysis activities crucial to the management and execution of Air Force
readiness programs. Analyzes and interprets policies and monitors competitive sourcing to determine impacts to the installation or unit's ability to
execute operations and deployment requirements. Integrates personnel policies and strategic objectives through the development and
coordination of plans and programs supporting operations. Performs analysis, assessments, and validation of installation and/or unit wartime capabilities by conducting force management
activities and day-to-day management of wing deployment functions.
3. Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: logistics planning and integration across the logistics enterprise which includes cross-
functioning areas of materiel management, maintenance, transportation, contracting, civil engineering, services, force protection,
operations, personnel, comptroller, medical, and legal. Additionally, it is necessary to understand how these functions impact installation
logistics planning, Air Force operations, and processes of deployment, bed-down, employment, and redeployment. Techniques of
conducting readiness assessments, data processing and electronic data processing equipment, and basic budgeting procedures are
3.1. Education. For entry into this specialty, a high school diploma or equivalent education certification is mandatory.
3.2. Career Progression. Career progression and timely award of skill level are dependent upon on-the-job training, professional
military education, and the member’s military rank.
3.2.1. Apprentice Level (2G031). Awarded to Airmen upon completion of the Logistics Plans Apprentice Technical Training Course.
DAFECD, 31 Oct 24
Must demonstrate appropriate Airmen’s Foundational Competencies in accordance with rank and duty description, Air Force Doctrine,
The Enlisted Force Structure (The “Brown Book”), A Profession of Arms: Our Core Values (The “Blue Book”), and The Joint Team (The
“Purple Book”).
3.2.2. Journeyman Level (2G051). Awarded to Airmen upon completion of 12 months of on-the-job training, the Logistics Plans
Journeyman Career Development Course, and appropriate professional military education. Must demonstrate appropriate Airmen’s
Foundational Competencies and Airman Leadership Qualities (ALQs) in accordance with rank and duty description. Must complete
Supervisor Job Qualification Standard (JQS) IAW Air Force Foundational Resources.
3.2.3. Craftsman Level (2G071). Awarded upon completion of 12 months of on-the-job training and completion of the Logistics
Plans Craftsman Career Development Course, and appropriate professional military education. Must demonstrate appropriate Airmen’s
Foundational Competencies and Airman Leadership Qualities (ALQs) in accordance with rank and duty description. Must also
demonstrate advanced competency and proficiency levels requisite with rank, position, and duty description. Must complete
NCOIC/Section Chief JQS IAW Air Force Foundational Resources.
3.2.4. Superintendent Level (2G091). Awarded upon promotion to Senior Master Sergeant (E-8) and completion of appropriate
professional military education. Must demonstrate appropriate Airmen’s Foundational Competencies and Airman Leadership Qualities
(ALQs) in accordance with rank and duty description. Must also demonstrate expert competency and proficiency levels requisite with
rank, position, and duty description. Must complete Flight Chief JQS IAW Air Force Foundational Resources.
4. Other. The following are mandatory as indicated:
4.1. See attachment 4 for mandatory entry requirements.
4.2. Retraining into the 2G0XX career field within the Air Reserve Component (ARC) is restricted to the grades of E-6 and below
with less than 12 years of Total Federal Military Service. Waiver authority resides with the Air Force Reserve Command 2G0XX
MAJCOM Functional Manager.
4.3. For entry, award, and retention of AFSCs 2G031/51/71/91/00:
4.3.1. Ability to speak distinctly, demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills and communicate well with others.
4.3.2. Ability to communicate effectively in writing.
4.3.3. Possession of, or ability to obtain, a valid driver's license.
4.4. For award and retention:
4.4.1. Specialty requires routine access to Tier 3 (T3) information, systems, or similar classified environment. For award and
retention of AFSCs 2G0XX, completion of a current T3 Investigation required IAW DoDM 5200.02, AFMAN 16-1405, Air Force
Personnel Security Program, is mandatory.
NOTE: Award of the entry-level without a completed T3 Investigation is authorized provided an interim Secret security clearance has
been granted according to DoDM 5200.02, AFMAN 16 -1405.
4.4.2. For award and retention of these AFSCs, must maintain local network access IAW AFI 17-130, Cybersecurity Program
Management and AFMAN 17-1301, Computer Security.