EssentialDuties & Responsibilities : The Program Director isresponsible for the implementation and day-to-day management of the NationalHealth Corps Florida AmeriCorps program. Duties include member recruitment,program monitoring and compliance, budgeting, reporting and supervision.
SpecificActivities : Program Management
- Responsible for the recruitment, hiring andday-to-day supervision of all program staff, volunteers and participants.
- Manage and develop relationships with currenthost sites and members, as well as potential new host sites and membercandidates.
- Conduct ongoing host site recruitment, applicationsand selection process
- Conduct ongoing member recruitment, applicationand selection process
- Developand manage contracts and memoranda of understanding.
- Implementquality assurance activities :
o Ensurecompliance with funder regulations, including timesheets, performance measurereports, hours reports and member files
o Managemember recruitment and onboarding process to ensure efficiency and in line withthe prescribed time frames included on weekly recruitment report
o Submitweekly and monthly recruitment reports to monitor progress
o Conducton-site visits to monitor program effectiveness and compliance.
Develop,implement and update policy / protocol for program.Develop communications strategies incoordination with funder and membersOverseequality assurance and data collection activities in collaboration with projectevaluation team; support evaluation plan, including data collection, trackingsystem, analysis of data and dissemination of results as directed.Support and lead member training, professionaldevelopment and recognition opportunities.Build relationships with collaboratingorganizations, other local AmeriCorps programs, the state commission and peerswithin the National Health Corps umbrella.Grant Management
Complete all grant management and other agencypaperwork as directed.Complete required reports and participate in technical assistance activities and meetings of the funding agency.Review member time, program invoices and program performance measures.Fiscal Management
Develop and monitor budget for compliance with stateand federal spending regulations and spending limits, as well as alignment withCoalition fiscal policies.Staff Development & Supervision
Supervisory responsibilities include providing employeefeedback including conducting timely 90-day and annual performance evaluation,and all other duties related to professionally directing and managing a staff.Review and evaluate staff performance anddevelop competencies that support and achieve the Coalition and departmentgoals.Accountable for consistently administering andimplementing the Coalition policies and procedures.Other :
Problem solve and foster strong group dynamics.Support, mentor and coach members.All other duties asassigned by the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive Officer.
Educationand / or Work Experience Requirements :
Bachelor's Degree in human services, health orearly childhood. At least four years' experience working with communityservices, program development, community development, youth development,volunteer management or national services.Must have knowledge of public health,AmeriCorps, Peace Corps or other national service experiences.AdditionalEligibility Qualifications :
Excellent verbal and written communicationskills, including ability to effectively communicate with internal and externalclients and staff.Must be able to work under pressure and meetdeadlines, while maintaining a positive attitude.Ability to work flexible traditional and non-traditionalwork hours.Demonstrated ability to manage staff.Experience in verbal and written presentations.AmeriCorps service or other volunteeringexperience.Excellent analytical, problem solving andorganizational skills, writing ability and consistent attention to detail.Website and social media content developmentexperience.Ability to work independently and to carry outassignments to completion within parameters of instructions given prescribedroutines, and standard accepted practices.Must be able to communicate effectively and bea team player at the Coalition.Must be able to commit to the Coalition visionand be passionate about its mission.Requires reliabletransportation as travel is required, valid driver's license, good drivingrecord and automobile insurance.