What are the responsibilities and job description for the Maintenance Technician position at Oak Park School District?
Position Details
Oak Park Schools is truly a neighborhood school district, with one high school, one middle school, three elementary schools, one credit recovery academy, newly renovated early childhood center and one administrative office building. The buildings are in the heart of the City of Oak Park, located within a three-mile radius. With the leadership of the Superintendent, 19 district and building leaders, 235 teachers, 36 paraprofessionals and approximately 250 contracted employees, the district thrives to develop and support the academic, social and emotional growth of approximately 3,570 students who are eager to learn, discover and grow. Oak Park Schools is committed to a culture of high expectations and continuous improvement through aligned and meaningful professional development opportunities, a partnership with Oakland ISD services and data teams to drive instructional decisions and best practices. Oak Park Schools is seeking a Maintenance Technician, who is intrinsically motivated; who has a deep desire to grow professionally; who believes children deserve to learn in an environment with the highest level of cultural competence; who is committed to providing children with boundless opportunities; and who understands that rigor, accountability, and grit are essential to be a great Maintenance worker in the 21st Century.
This position reports to the Director of Operations. The primary role of the Maintenance Technician position is to repair and perform maintenance services.
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