What are the responsibilities and job description for the Tanker Master position at OSG Ship Management?
The Company expects the Master to ensure that the vessel is managed in a safe and efficient manner. Master’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
· Implementation of the Company’s policies;
· The safety of the
crew and the safe operation of the vessel;
· Protection of the
Owners’ commercial interests;
· Assurance of employee's compliance with the Company’s MS, MARPOL, and all applicable maritime pollution protection requirements. Master shall ensure that employee compliance with such requirements will be incorporated as a positive factor in performance evaluations.
· Issuance of appropriate orders in a clear and simple manner;
· Administration of any Port requirements such as crew lists, ship’s and crew’s declarations, vaccination lists and similar documents;
· Verification that all industry-specific rules and regulations are
· Assurance that health-related and safety-related programmes are in
place to minimize risks to employees, the vessel, the environment, and the
· Monitoring of the work hours of all crew members to ensure
adequate rest periods are provided in accordance with STCW and OPA90
· Issuance of standing orders which may augment or complement the
operating policies and procedures and shall not in any way conflict with them. ;
· Assurance that all flag state, international, local and
classification society rules and regulations are adhered to;
· Assignment of roles to supervisors and crew with respect to the
company’s MS, including designating the vessel’s safety officer, security
officer, and medical officer.
· Identification of conflict between safety and security. The Master
shall give priority to those requirements necessary to maintain the safety of
the vessel;
· Maintenance of effective communications and working relationships
among the vessel’s staff, the Owner’s and all others having a proper interest in
the business;
· Assurance that GMDSS requirements are maintained;
· The conduct of reviews of the Company’s Management System and the reporting of all related deficiencies and improvements to the HSQE Department;
· Maintenance onboard the vessel all records required by international conventions and treaties including SOLAS, the ISM Code, and MARPOL and applicable State and Federal statutes and regulations and any additional documents or records required under the Company’s MS.
· Assurance that every crewmember has received the familiarization and training necessary to ensure compliance with the Company’s SMS and other maritime pollution prevention requirements and that the proper records of all training are maintained;