Job Description
Job Description
Job Summary :
The Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) will be a key leader on the facility nursing team. The
ADON will collaborate with the Director of Nursing in leading innovation and ensuring the highest
standards throughout the department. The ADON will lead by example by being an excellent
communicator, detail oriented, and a proven driver of change. The ADON will also provide project
management oversight for other nursing staff.
Supervisory Responsibilities :
- The Assistant Director of Nursing Services is delegated the administrative authority,
responsibility, and accountability necessary for carrying out assigned duties. In the absence
of the Director of Nursing, the ADON is responsible for carrying out the resident care policies
established by this facility.
Supervises the Nursing DepartmentHas the ability to hire, discipline, assign, and apprise employees.Duties / Responsibilities :
Demonstrates positive customer service when performing the role of the Assistant Director ofNursing, with residents, family members, facility staff and medical staff.
Displays flexibility, team spirit, compassion. respect honesty, politeness and accountabilitywhen dealing with residents, family members and facility staff.
Demonstrates an awareness of and sensitivity for resident's rights in all interfaces withresidents and family members.
Communicates effectively via open, straightforward communication, including use of listeningskills and by accessing the appropriate chain of command.
Seeks validation of knowledge base, quality, decision-making and skill level by activelyquestioning when necessary.
Participates in interdisciplinary communication activities; actively listens and activelycontributes.
Administrative Functions :
Plan, develop, organize, implement evaluate, and direct the nursing service department, aswell as its programs and activities, in accordance with current rules, regulations, and
guidelines that govern the long-term care facility.
Educate nursing staff on written policies and procedures that govern the day-to-day functionsof the nursing service department.
Make written and oral reports / recommendations to the Administrator, as necessary / required,concerning the operation of the nursing service department.
Develop methods for coordination of nursing services with other resident services to ensurethe continuity of the residents' total regimen of care.
Develop, implement and maintain an ongoing quality assurance program for the nursingservice department.
Participate in facility surveys (inspections) made by authorized government agencies.Assist the Quality Assessment & Assurance Committee in developing and implementingappropriate plans of action to correct identified deficiencies.
Assist the resident and Discharge Planning Coordinator in planning the nursing serviceportion of the resident's discharge plan.
Perform administrative duties such as completing medical forms, reports, evaluations,studies, charting, etc., as necessary.
Committee Functions :
Serve on, participate in, and attend various committees of the facility (i.e., Infection Control, ,Pharmaceutical, Quality Assessment and Assurance, etc.) as required, and as appointed by
the Administrator.
Provide written and / or oral reports of the nursing service programs and activities as required,or as may be directed by such committee(s).
Assist the Pharmaceutical Services Committee in developing, maintaining, implementingstorage, and control of medications and supplies.
Participate in regularly scheduled reviews of the Discharge Plans and make such plansavailable to the Care Plan Committee as required or as may be necessary.
Evaluate and implement recommendations from established committees as they may pertainto nursing services.
Personnel Functions :
Determine the staffing needs of the nursing service department necessary to meet the totalnursing needs of the residents.
Recommend the number and level of nursing personnel to be employed.Assist the Administrator and / or the Personnel Director in the recruitment and selection ofnursing service personnel.
Assign a sufficient number of licensed practical and / or registered nurses for each day toensure that quality care is maintained.
Assign a sufficient number of certified nursing assistants for each day to ensure that routinenursing care is provided to meet the daily nursing care needs of each resident.
Ensure that all nurse aide trainees are under the direct supervision of a licensed nurse.Develop work assignments and schedule duty hours, and / or assist nursing supervisory staffin completing and performing such tasks.
Make daily rounds of the nursing service department to ensure that all nursing servicepersonnel are performing their work assignments in accordance with acceptable nursing
Monitor absenteeism to ensure that an adequate number of nursing care personnel are onduty at all times.
Complete CDC Infection Preventionist Certificate within 90 days of hire.Report occupational exposures to blood, body fluids, infectious materials, and hazardouschemicals in accordance with the facility's policies and procedures governing accidents and
Ensure background checks on Nursing Service personnel are completed in accordance withestablished procedures.
Verify nursing license through Board of Nursing.Ensure that all CNA's credentials are verified through the State Nurse Aide Registry.Ensure that appropriate adverse personnel actions relative to CNA's employment criteria arereported to the State Nurse Aide Registry.
Nursing Care Functions :
Participate in the interviewing and selection of residents for admission to the facility, includingPASARR screenings.
Provide the Administrator with information relative to the nursing needs of the resident andthe nursing service department's ability to meet those needs.
Inform nursing service personnel of new admissions, their expected time of arrival, roomassignment, etc.
Ensure that rooms are ready for new admissions.Greet newly admitted residents upon admission. Escort to room as necessary.Make rounds with physicians as necessary. Schedule physician visits as necessary .Encourage attending physicians to record and sign progress notes, physicians' orders, etc.,on a timely basis and in accordance with current regulations.
Ensure that direct nursing care is provided by a licensed nurse, a CNA, and / or a nurse aidetrainee qualified to perform the procedure.
Review progress notes to ensure that they are informative and descriptive of the nursing carebeing provided, that they reflect
the residents' response to the care and that such care is provided in accordance with theresident's wishes.
Monitor medication passes and treatment schedules to ensure that medications are beingadministered as ordered and that treatments are provided as scheduled.
Provide direct nursing care as necessary.Ensure that residents who are unable to call for help are checked frequently.Staff Development
Develop and participate in the planning, conducting, and scheduling of timely In-servicetraining classes that provide instructions on "how to do the job, " and ensure a well-educated
nursing service department
Develop, implement and maintain an effective orientation program that orients the newEmployee to the facility, its policies and procedures, and to his / her job position and duties.
Provide leadership training that Includes the administrative and supervisory principlesessential for Nurse Supervisors / Charge Nurses.
Attend and participate in continuing educational programs designed to keep you abreast ofchanges in your profession, as well as to maintain your license on a current status.
Care Plan and Assessment Functions :
Assist in the development of preliminary and comprehensive assessments of the nursingneeds of each resident.
Develop a written plan of care (preliminary and comprehensive) for each resident thatidentifies the problems / needs of the resident, indicates the care to be given, goals to be
accomplished, and which professional service is responsible for each element of care.
Encourage the resident and his / her family to participate in the development and review of theresidents' plan of care.
Assist the Resident Assessment / Care Plan Coordinator in the scheduling of care plans andassessments to be presented and discussed at each committee meeting.
Ensure that all personnel involved in providing care to the resident are aware of the resident'scare plan. Ensure that nursing personnel refer to the resident's care plan prior to
administering daily care to the resident.
Review nurses' notes to determine if the care plan is being followed.Assist the Resident Assessment / Care Plan Coordinator in planning, scheduling, and revisingthe MDS, including the implementation of RAPs and Triggers.
Review and revise care plans and assessments as necessary, but at least quarterly.Develop and maintain a good rapport with all services involved with the care plan to ensurethat a team effort is achieved in developing a comprehensive plan of care.
Ensure that medical and nursing care is administered in accordance with the resident'swishes, including the implementation of advance directives.
Maintain the confidentiality of all resident care information.Monitor nursing care to ensure that all residents are treated fairly, and with kindness, dignity,and respect.
Ensure that all nursing care is provided in privacy and that nursing service personnel knockbefore entering the resident's room.
Ensure that all nursing service personnel are knowledgeable of the residents' responsibilitiesand rights including the right to refuse treatment
Review complaints and grievances made by the resident and make a written / oral report to theAdministrator indicating what action(s) were taken to resolve the complaint or grievance.
Follow facility's established procedures.
Ensure that appropriate notices are given to residents before their room or roommate ischanged.
Report and investigate all allegations of resident abuse and / or misappropriation of residentproperty.
Ensure that nursing staff personnel honor the resident's refusal of treatment request Ensurethat such requests are in accordance with the facility's policies governing advance directives.
Ensure that the facility's policies and procedures governing advance directives are reviewedwith the resident and / or representative.
Education and Experience :
Must possess, as a minimum, a Nursing Degree from an accredited college or university.A minimum, 1 years of experience as a supervisor in a hospital, long-term care facility, orother related health care facility preferred.
Must possess a current, unencumbered, active license to practice as a Registered Nurse inthis state.
Must be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language.Must possess the ability to make independent decisions when circumstances warrant suchaction.
Must possess the ability to deal tactfully with personnel, residents, family members, visitors,government agencies / personnel, and the general public.
Must be knowledgeable of nursing and medical practices and procedures, as well as laws,regulations, and guidelines that pertain to long-term care.
Must possess leadership and supervisory ability and the willingness to work harmoniouslywith and supervise other personnel.
Must possess the ability to plan, organize, develop, implement, and interpret the programs,goals, objectives, policies and procedures, etc., that are necessary for providing quality care.
Must have patience, tact, a cheerful disposition and enthusiasm, as well as the willingness tohandle difficult residents.
Must be willing to seek out new methods and principles and be willing to incorporate theminto existing nursing practices.
Must be able to relate information concerning a resident's condition.Physical Requirements :
Must be able to move intermittently throughout the workday.Must be able to speak and write the English language in an understandable manner.Must be able to cope with the mental and emotional stress of the position.Must be able to see and hear or use prosthetics that will enable these senses to functionadequately to ensure that the requirements of this position can be fully met
Must function independently, and have flexibility, personal integrity, and the ability to workeffectively with residents, personnel, and support agencies.
Must meet the general health requirements set forth by the policies of this facility, whichinclude a medical and physical examination.
Must be able to relate to and work with the ill, disabled, elderly, emotionally upset, and attimes hostile people within the facility.
Must be able to push, pull, move, and / or lift a minimum of 40 pounds to a minimum height ofwaist height and be able to push, pull, move, and / or carry such weight a minimum distance of
20 feet
Must be able to administer medications, treatments and resident care as needed.May be necessary to assist in the evacuation of residents during emergency situations.