What are the responsibilities and job description for the Sales Coordinator position at QUICK USA, Inc.?
Provides sales support and promotion to contribute to and facilitate SMA Sales Group’sabilit
y to meet its sales goals.Essen
ial DutiesSALES
cess and ManagementReceives and
processes complex orders for a variety of imported and exportedproducts inc
luding but not limited to the existing items. Maintains detailed dataand inputs o
rders received. Monitors inventory levels in comparison to salesorders from
the customers. For non-inventory business, as orders are received,creates Purc
hase Orders from the account system and sends to manufacturer.Checks lead
time and availability.2. Delivery
ManagementMaintains cl
ose communication, often of a complex nature, with domestic andinternationa
l buyers, domestic and international suppliers, warehouses, truckers,brokers and
US customs primarily via e-mail or by telephone. (e.g. delivery andpacking arra
ngements, shipment problems, quantity, quality or pricing issues,product info
rmation, warehouse loading instructions, customs issues, additionaldocuments ne
eded, tracking shipments, damaged goods etc.) Investigates andresolves com
plex discrepancies and problems, informing Sales Personnel and / orManager of o
utcome.3. Sales Pro
motionPromotes new
products sales, including researching product / competitor / customerinformation
and receiving inquiries, to potential customers in cooperation anddirection wi
th Sales Personnel and / or Sales Manager.4. Documents
ProcessPrepares sal
es documentation in the account system including but not limited toinvoices, co
ntracts, packing lists, merchandise payments to suppliers etc.5. Inventory
ControlPrepares and
maintains Excel spreadsheets to ensure proper inventory levels.Reviews inve
ntory levels on warehouse record as needed. Compares internalinventory re
cord to end of the month warehouse report. Investigates and resolvesany inventor
y discrepancies. Places production orders to suppliers by maintaininginventory le
vels at the proper level of monthly usage based on Sales Manager’sdirection.6.
Custom Cl
earance ControlProvides cus
toms clearance documents to customs clearance brokers. Providescustoms clea
rance forms (e.g. entry forms and clearance forms) and otherdocuments to
Compliance Department of Sojitz Corporation of America asrequired.7.
CoordinationAnalyzes shi
pping information (e.g. rate, mode, volume etc) and recommendsand / or choos
es best transportation option to meet customer’s needs. Researchesalternative
product / logistical arrangements. (e.g. coordinates different carriers tomeet earlier
schedule etc.) Negotiates logistics, transportation and other relatedrates with s
ervice providers.8. Documents
ControlReviews and
compares bills, invoices, and B / L’s for accuracy to ensure thatdocumentatio
n supports correct amounts.9. Payment C
ollectionConducts col
lection calls for outstanding payments, both domestic andinternationa
- Payment Process
Processes Accounts
Payable for merchandise payments, warehouse andtransportation fee
s etc. Creates payment instructions in the account system,receives approvals
and forwards to SMA’s Controller for payment.2. Deposit Process
Receives checks or
payment information from customers and notifies SMA’sController.3. Cash
the forecas
t information regarding Payable and Receivable in Cash Flowchart.4. OthersAss
ist bo
th Accoun
ting and General Affairs needs where can be feasibly filled.SECONDARY FUNCTIO
S1. Compliance Docu
ment FilingComplies with Risk
Management and Legal requirements for file maintenance,document retention
and accounting issues.2. Closing Process
Reviews and analyz
es payment instructions and other documentation to ensureaccuracy for month
ly closing. Makes adjustment entries in the account system, asnecessary.3. Assis
ibutes to tea
m effort by accomplishing related results as needed.Working Hours, Wo
king style9 : 00-17 : 00 (Lunch
1h)Working LocationF
rmington Hills,
MISalary / Benefit62K
72K Annual bo
ENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED・Knowledge of import / exp
ort procedures, terminology and documentation.・Ability to communicate
effectively (verbally and in writing) with those of all levelsinside / outside the Compa
ny・Knowledge of basic acco
unting / bookkeeping practices.・Ability to handle many
responsibilities at once・Strong organizational a
nd time management skills・Flexibility・Must posses
s analytical
skills, meet deadlines and maintain confidential information・Proficient with Microso
ORMATION・This position is respon
sible for performing sales promotion and also providing salessupport to SMA Sales Gro
up, as described in Essential Functions.・This position is respon
sible for import, export and agent business. This position needsstrong time management s
kills in order to handle the volume and variety of products in amanner of multi-function
al self engagement.・The position is respons
ible for solving non-routine problems of a moderate to complexnature. The incumbent us
es her / his discretion to resolves issues and will inform the Sales・Manager on how she / he i
s planning to handle a non-routine situation. Some degree ofcreativity is required f
or the position to resolve problems. Responsibilities are performed with minimal supervision. The position acts independently and is required to demonstrateinitiative and possess m
oderate analytical skills.