What are the responsibilities and job description for the STEM Principal - Accepting Applications position at RESD #2?
Position Title
STEM2 Principal
Immediate Supervisor
Associate Superintendent; Director of School Improvement & Assessment
Position Overview
The STEM2 Principal serves as the educational leader of the school, responsible for implementing and managing the
policies, regulations and procedures of the Governing Board to ensure that all students are supervised in a safe, childcentered
learning environment. The STEM2 Principal will strive in setting and achieving the highest standards of excellence
that meets and exceeds the AZ Common Core State Standards and the approved STEM2 curricula. Achieving academic
excellence requires that the STEM2 School Principal work collaboratively in leading, guiding, nurturing and inspiring all
members of the school staff as well as being able to communicate effectively with parents and members of the community.
Inherent in the position are the responsibilities for planning, curriculum development, program evaluation, extracurricular
activities, personnel management, financial management, emergency procedures, resource scheduling and facilities
Essential Duties and Job Responsibilities
A. Instructional Leadership
1. Lead the school’s vision, mission and strategic goals to support college-readiness and academic and socioemotional success for all students.
2. Understand the dynamics of change and the change process.
3. Provide direction and leadership in the development, revision and evaluation of the district’s STEM2 curriculum.
4. Support and supervise the STEM2 Unit design process reflecting rigorous and standards-based instruction with measurable outcomes.
5. Use multiple sources of data to analyze student achievement results to identify areas of need to drive rapid and dramatic instructional improvements by implementing strategies as identified in the Integrated Action Plan (IAP).
6. Ensures that the Integrated Action Plan is followed and reviewed throughout the school year.
7. Plan, develop and implement innovative and pilot projects designed to improve curriculum and the delivery of instruction to students.
8. Develop and implement a professional development plan to address identified areas of need for the staff.
9. Develop and supervise the summer school program.
10. Set high expectations for students and staff.
B. Instructional Management
1. Monitor instructional processes to ensure that program activities are related to program outcomes and use findings to take corrective actions.
2. Provide leadership to the staff in assessing and evaluating educational programs effectiveness.
3. Evaluate student progress in the instructional program by means that include the maintaining of up-to-date student data.
4. Review assessment results that determine whether curriculum and instructional goals and student performance outcomes are being met.
5. Regularly consult the campus-level committee about planning, operation, supervision and evaluation of campus educational programs and professional development needs.
6. Assist in the articulation and coordination of school program between grade-levels and between buildings.
7. Assign selected staff to positions best suited for potential success.
8. Ensure that all teachers and support staff have a clear understanding of their performance expectations and to assist faculty towards becoming master teachers.
9. Coordinate the use of curriculum materials, instructional supplies, equipment and school facilities.
10. Supervise the acquisition and implementation of textbooks and instructional materials.
11. Plan, develop and implement administrative support systems to maintain an effective school organization with clear lines of responsibility and the necessary delegation of authority.
12. Develop master schedules and calendars which maximize the possible achievement of program objectives.
13. Requisition supplies, materials and textbooks to support program and effectively manage the school allocations provided.
14. Provide instructional resources and materials to support teaching staff in accomplishing instructional goals.
15. Work to see that the needs of all students are being met, (including enrichment, remediation, and SPED).
16. Develop leadership capacity.
17. Train staff in the use of student assessments and interpreting results.
C. Management and Operations
1. Support the HR Department in the recruitment, retention and hiring of diverse, highly-qualified staff.
2. Participates in the District’s teacher recruitment and selection process.
3. Actively recruits students to increase student enrollment.
4. Apply teacher and staff performance management systems in a way that ensures a culture of continuous improvement, support and accountability.
5. Set the tone for appropriate dress for the school environment.
6. Establish schedules and procedures for the supervision of students in classroom and non-classroom areas
(including before and after school, during lunch, recess and other activities).
7. Enforce District policies on student promotion and retention.
8. Provide for the safe storage and management of all records and keep confidential all personnel and student records.
9. Inspect and assume full responsibility for accuracy in the registration of pupils, registers, attendance records, permanent record cards, confidential folders, inventory book, etc.
10. Provide for a school Parent/Student Handbook, a staff communication system, a school organizational chart and a parent, staff and student newsletter.
11. Design an instructional schedule to provide for the efficient use of instructional time.
12. Prepare or supervise the preparation of reports, records, lists, and all other paperwork required or appropriate to the school's operation.
13. Plan and supervise fire drills and an emergency preparedness program.
D. Facilities
1. Manage use and maintenance of school facilities to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for students, staff and families.
2. Assume the responsibility for school facility assigned, be available after hours in case of fire and severe vandalism, and provide security for facilities and equipment to protect the interest of the District.
3. Make thorough inspection of school facilities for compliance with fire, insurance and health requirements.
4. Supervise the daily use of the school buildings for both academic and non-academic purposes.
5. Provide the use of school facilities to community groups as per the District’s policy and procedure.
E. School Morale/Climate
1. Develop a collegial environment that supports teacher leadership, collaboration, growth and team building among staff members.
2. Establish and maintain an effective learning climate in the school.
3. Provide for two-way communication with staff, students, parents and community.
4. Create and maintain an efficient, productive and caring atmosphere where all students and faculty have an opportunity to be recognized for their best efforts, excellence and achievement.
5. Ensure the effective and quick resolution of conflicts.
6. Model and encourage a culture of kindness, integrity and positivity.
7. Attend special events held to recognize student achievement, attend school-sponsored activities, functions and athletic events.
F. Fiscal Management
1. Prepare and submit the school's budgetary requests based on documented program needs, estimated enrollment, personnel and other fiscal needs and monitors expenditures of funds.
2. Keep programs within budget limits.
3. Provide for adequate inventories of property/materials/textbooks under the principal’s jurisdiction and for the security of and accountability for those items.
4. Maintain and control the funds generated by school activities.
G. Student Management
1. Work with faculty to develop and implement a positive and effective student discipline management system that results in positive student behavior and enhances the school climate.
2. Ensure that school rules are uniformly observed and that student discipline is appropriate and equitable in accordance with the student handbook.
3. Investigate reported misbehavior and provide due process for each individual student.
4. Enforce the discipline procedure outlined by the District.
5. Review and make final recommendation for suspension and expulsion according to the District’s guidelines.
6. Maintain high standards of student conduct and enforces discipline as necessary, in accordance with Governing Board policy.
7. Investigate and resolve routine disciplinary infractions or concerns.
8. Relate to students with mutual respect while carrying out a positive and effective discipline policy.
9. Work to establish a low percentage of absence of students and contact parents and take court action for attendance abusers, if necessary.
H. Parent/Community Relations
1. Articulate the school’s mission and vision to the community and solicit support in realizing the mission and vision.
2. Demonstrate awareness of school and community needs and initiate activities to meet those needs.
3. Use appropriate and effective techniques to encourage community and parent involvement.
4. Strengthen teacher and staff capacity to cultivate and sustain meaningful partnerships with families of diverse backgrounds.
5. Provides opportunities for parent and community forums to demonstrate the relevance of STEM2 education.
6. Develop and maintain an atmosphere of openness, confidentiality and trust.
7. Ensure appropriate parent partnership by leading parent meetings as well as attending individual parent meetings as needed.
I. Personnel Management/Supervisory Responsibilities
1. Define expectations for instructional staff performance with regard to instructional strategies, classroom management strategies and parent communication.
2. Implement a formal and informal classroom visitation, observation and feedback cycle that ensures continuous improvement in teaching and learning.
3. Make recommendations to the Superintendent and HR Director on termination, suspension or nonrenewal of employees assigned to the campus.
4. Confer with the instructional staff regarding their professional growth and work with them to develop and accomplish improvement goals as needed.
5. Supervise and assume responsibility for all school personnel in carrying out their responsibilities.
6. Objectively assess overall student achievement and make recommendations to staff not meeting expectancy levels.
7. Regularly review teachers’ gradebooks for the recording of student progress.
8. Require and review daily lesson plans of all instructional staff to determine coverage of the AZ Common Core State Standards, objectives, scope and sequence.
9. Inspect and review questionable and frequent illnesses and alert staff when abuse is evident.
J. Communication
1. Communicate promptly, clearly and effectively with teachers, students and parents.
2. Be clear and concise in written and oral language, using correct grammar/spelling and language understandable to all stakeholders.
3. Use humor appropriately.
K. Administrative Leadership
1. Work collaboratively with the Riverside District Administrative Team to instill a sense of common purpose and common pursuit toward consensus goals.
2. Keep District Administrators informed of the school's activities and problems.
3. Work with the Administrative Team on school issues such as transportation, special education, etc.
4. Participate in CMT meetings and other such meetings as are required or appropriate.
5. Participate in and lead committee work, as well as be a contributing member of the Riverside Administrative Team.
6. Attend all Board meetings as required by the Superintendent and be prepared to present to the Governing Board and public via the School Spotlight Presentation section of the Governing Board agenda.
7. Mentor all faculty, as well as encourage their professional growth and career advancement.
8. Perform any duties and responsibilities that are within the scope of employment, as assigned by the Associate Superintendent
• Completion of a Master’s Degree or higher in Education, Educational Administration, Curriculum & Instruction or a related field from an accredited college or university.
Licenses or Certifications
• A valid Arizona Elementary and/or Secondary Teaching Certificate.
• A valid Arizona Administrator’s Certificate for Principal
• ASA Highly Qualified Evaluator Training I & II Certificate
• A valid IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card
• Possession of a valid Arizona Driver’s License
• At least five (5) years of successful teaching experience, preferably in a STEM2 related area.
• A minimum of three (3) successful years of experience as a Principal or Assistant Principal.
• Experience working with a diverse student, parent and community population.
• Experience working with English Language Learning students.
• English/Spanish Bilingual preferred.
• Advanced training in Curriculum & Instruction, Technology Integration and Student Management.
• Knowledge of STEM2 integration throughout the curriculum.
• Knowledge of STEM2 Curriculum Unit Design, planning, development, implementation and evaluation.
• Knowledge and experience promoting hands-on and project/problem-based learning.
• Knowledge of principles and practices of leadership, management, supervision and training.
• Thorough knowledge of the AZ Common Core State Standards.
• Knowledge of school budget preparation.
• Ability to be highly organize, set priorities, keep accurate records, take initiative, utilize exceptional time management skills and follow a wide variety of tasks through to completion.
• Possess a high level of English proficiency, including grammar and spelling, for oral and written communications, report writing, preparation of written correspondence and developing and presenting professional development for staff.
• Enthusiastic, flexible, outgoing personality with excellent “people” skills.
• Possesses strong leadership traits with the ability to lead people and provide direction.
• Ability to multi-task with a high degree of accuracy and prioritize appropriately.
• Ability to exercise strict confidentiality in handling sensitive information.
• Ability to work with colleagues to develop and implement a team approach.
• History of good health and consistent work habits, with minimal number of absences.
• Ability to meet schedules and timelines.
• Ability to analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action.
• Use tact, courtesy and patience when dealing with people.
• Proficiency with Microsoft applications and iVisions.
• Ability to make decisions that support in the mission and vision of the district.
• Ability to demonstrate high level of integrity, commitment and work ethic.
• Ability to remain calm, flexible and work effectively under pressure.
Working Environment
• The working environment is fast paced, focused on student achievement and recruitment and revolves around creating a positive school environment.
• The working environment is primarily an office setting with some travel between schools and district office.
Terms of Employment
• Student achievement and recruitment will be the major goal and focus of the school site administrator.
• Twelve-months, Administrative-Exempt; benefits in accordance with Governing Board policies.
• Performance to be evaluated in accordance with Governing Board policy on evaluation of administrative staff.
District Expectations
• Demonstrate regular and predictable attendance. Physical presence is expected as part of a reliable and predictable pattern of attendance.
• Support the district’s vision, mission, goals and Strategic Plan.
• Engage in civility, respect and professionalism.
• Maintain the professional knowledge and skills necessary to perform the essential duties and responsibilities of their position.
Salary : $80,000 - $130,000