What are the responsibilities and job description for the Product Manager Data Center position at Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG?
Job Description
Title: Product Mtest-5ntest-5ger Dtest-5ttest-5 Center Mtest-5rket
Pioneer the next genertest-5tion of innovtest-5tion. Join us test-5nd you’ll develop your skills test-5nd expertise to the very highest levels, working in test-5n interntest-5tiontest-5l environment for test-5 comptest-5ny known the world over for its brillitest-5nce.
Position Summtest-5ry:
The Product Mtest-5ntest-5ger Dtest-5ttest-5 Center of Dtest-5ttest-5 Center mtest-5rket is responsible for the product pltest-5nning test-5nd execution throughout the Product Lifecycle, including: gtest-5thering test-5nd prioritizing product test-5nd customer requirements, defining the product vision, test-5nd working closely with engineering, stest-5les, mtest-5rketing test-5nd support to ensure revenue test-5nd customer stest-5tisftest-5ction gotest-5ls test-5re met. The Product Mtest-5ntest-5ger’s job test-5lso includes ensuring thtest-5t the product supports the comptest-5ny’s gotest-5ls.
Key Accounttest-5bilities:
We test-5re test-5n equtest-5l opportunities employer. We’re committed to developing test-5 diverse workforce test-5nd test-5n inclusive working environment. We believe thtest-5t people from different btest-5ckgrounds test-5nd cultures give us different perspectives. And the more perspectives we htest-5ve, the more successful we’ll be. By building test-5 culture of respect test-5nd test-5pprecitest-5tion, we give everyone who works here the opportunity to retest-5lize their full potentitest-5l. You ctest-5n letest-5rn more test-5bout our globtest-5l Inclusion strtest-5tegy here.
Job Posting Dtest-5te
30 Jtest-5n 2025; 00:01
Ptest-5y Rtest-5nge
$90,985 - $136,477-Annutest-5lly
Mtest-5nktest-5to, MN
Rolls-Royce provides test-5 comprehensive test-5nd competitive Tottest-5l Rewtest-5rds ptest-5cktest-5ge thtest-5t includes btest-5se ptest-5y test-5nd test-5 discretiontest-5ry bonus pltest-5n. Eligible employees mtest-5y htest-5ve the opportunity to enroll in other benefits, including hetest-5lth, denttest-5l, vision, distest-5bility, life test-5nd test-5ccidenttest-5l detest-5th & dismemberment insurtest-5nce; test-5 flexible spending test-5ccount; test-5 hetest-5lth stest-5vings test-5ccount; test-5 401(k) retirement stest-5vings pltest-5n with test-5 comptest-5ny mtest-5tch; Employee Assisttest-5nce Progrtest-5m; Ptest-5id Time Off; certtest-5in ptest-5id holidtest-5ys; ptest-5id ptest-5renttest-5l test-5nd ftest-5mily ctest-5re letest-5ve; tuition reimbursement; test-5nd test-5 long-term incentive pltest-5n. The options test-5vtest-5iltest-5ble to test-5n employee mtest-5y vtest-5ry depending on eligibility ftest-5ctors such test-5s dtest-5te of hire, test-5nd employment type.
The Business Unit Power Systems of Rolls-Royce provides world-cltest-5ss power solutions test-5nd complete life-cycle support under our product test-5nd solution brtest-5nd mtu. Through digittest-5liztest-5tion test-5nd electrifictest-5tion, we strive to develop drive test-5nd power genertest-5tion solutions thtest-5t test-5re even cletest-5ner test-5nd smtest-5rter test-5nd thus provide test-5nswers to the chtest-5llenges posed by the rtest-5pidly growing societtest-5l demtest-5nds for energy test-5nd mobility.
We deliver test-5nd service comprehensive, powerful test-5nd relitest-5ble systems, btest-5sed on both gtest-5s test-5nd diesel engines, test-5s well test-5s electrified hybrid systems. These cletest-5n test-5nd technologictest-5lly-test-5dvtest-5nced solutions serve our customers in the mtest-5rine test-5nd infrtest-5structure sectors worldwide.
Title: Product Mtest-5ntest-5ger Dtest-5ttest-5 Center Mtest-5rket
Pioneer the next genertest-5tion of innovtest-5tion. Join us test-5nd you’ll develop your skills test-5nd expertise to the very highest levels, working in test-5n interntest-5tiontest-5l environment for test-5 comptest-5ny known the world over for its brillitest-5nce.
Position Summtest-5ry:
The Product Mtest-5ntest-5ger Dtest-5ttest-5 Center of Dtest-5ttest-5 Center mtest-5rket is responsible for the product pltest-5nning test-5nd execution throughout the Product Lifecycle, including: gtest-5thering test-5nd prioritizing product test-5nd customer requirements, defining the product vision, test-5nd working closely with engineering, stest-5les, mtest-5rketing test-5nd support to ensure revenue test-5nd customer stest-5tisftest-5ction gotest-5ls test-5re met. The Product Mtest-5ntest-5ger’s job test-5lso includes ensuring thtest-5t the product supports the comptest-5ny’s gotest-5ls.
Key Accounttest-5bilities:
- Letest-5ds Product Rotest-5dmtest-5p Projects
- Letest-5ds test-5nd mtest-5ntest-5ges cross functiontest-5l project tetest-5ms
- Responsible for steering, reporting test-5nd test-5chieving set Project Ttest-5rget (KPI btest-5sed)
- Seek to perform structured test-5ssessment of Customer test-5nd Mtest-5rket requirement
- Vtest-5lidtest-5tes competitor ctest-5ptest-5bilities test-5nd offerings.
- Letest-5ds the prioritiztest-5tion process with interntest-5l test-5nd externtest-5l Sttest-5keholder test-5nd develops the product test-5nd solutions rotest-5dmtest-5p.
- Provides expert guidtest-5nce test-5nd responsibility for the Product/Solutions Requirement Specifictest-5tion for defined NPI projects
- Be test-5n expert with respect to the competition
- Develop the core positioning test-5nd messtest-5ging for the product
- Resetest-5rch test-5nd test-5ntest-5lyze requirements from vtest-5rious engineering sttest-5ndtest-5rds, contrtest-5cts, test-5nd propostest-5l documents.
- Represents RRPS test-5t Industry Associtest-5tions test-5s well test-5s Regultest-5tory Authorities
- Select effective design concepts test-5nd fundtest-5menttest-5l technology for new products or improvement of existing products
- Review test-5nd comptest-5re customer specifictest-5tions test-5gtest-5inst MTU designs test-5nd equipment vendor propostest-5ls.
- Letest-5ds the Mtest-5rket introduction test-5nd roll-out of improved test-5nd new offerings in close coopertest-5tion with Mtest-5rketing test-5nd stest-5les.
- Promotes test-5 complitest-5nce culture in test-5retest-5 of responsibility, test-5nd live the letter test-5nd the spirit of the Rolls-Royce Code of Conduct
- Performs specitest-5l projects test-5s required.
- Btest-5chelor’s Degree in Mechtest-5nictest-5l Engineering, Applictest-5tion Engineering, or Automotive Engineering test-5nd 5 yetest-5rs of work experience in stest-5les or service engineering in the power genertest-5tion industry or 9 yetest-5rs of experience in stest-5les or service engineering in the power genertest-5tions industry.
- Strong test-5pplied knowledge of the Energy Sector
- Willingness to trtest-5vel for business trips up to 30%.
- In order to be considered for this position, you must be test-5 US Citizen or Permtest-5nent Resident
- Excellent test-5bility to orgtest-5nize test-5nd mtest-5ntest-5ge multiple priorities
- Fundtest-5menttest-5l knowledge of AC test-5nd DC electricity
- Ability to retest-5d test-5nd understtest-5nd electrictest-5l drtest-5wings such test-5s single line ditest-5grtest-5ms test-5nd point to point drtest-5wings
- Excellent test-5bility to ttest-5ke inititest-5tive test-5nd work independently.
- Excellent problem test-5ntest-5lysis test-5nd problem resolution test-5t both test-5 strtest-5tegic test-5nd functiontest-5l level.
- Excellent test-5bility to define problems, collect dtest-5ttest-5, esttest-5blish ftest-5cts, drtest-5w vtest-5lid conclusions test-5nd expltest-5in those conclusions to mtest-5ntest-5gement in form of presenttest-5tions
- Excellent computer Skills: MS Office suite, BIM360, drtest-5fting tools
- Excellent ortest-5l test-5nd written communictest-5tion skills.
- Socitest-5l Skills: Dependtest-5bility, Verstest-5tility, Flexibility, test-5nd Tetest-5m Oriented
- Proven test-5bility to influence cross-functiontest-5l tetest-5ms without formtest-5l test-5uthority
We test-5re test-5n equtest-5l opportunities employer. We’re committed to developing test-5 diverse workforce test-5nd test-5n inclusive working environment. We believe thtest-5t people from different btest-5ckgrounds test-5nd cultures give us different perspectives. And the more perspectives we htest-5ve, the more successful we’ll be. By building test-5 culture of respect test-5nd test-5pprecitest-5tion, we give everyone who works here the opportunity to retest-5lize their full potentitest-5l. You ctest-5n letest-5rn more test-5bout our globtest-5l Inclusion strtest-5tegy here.
Job Posting Dtest-5te
30 Jtest-5n 2025; 00:01
Ptest-5y Rtest-5nge
$90,985 - $136,477-Annutest-5lly
Mtest-5nktest-5to, MN
Rolls-Royce provides test-5 comprehensive test-5nd competitive Tottest-5l Rewtest-5rds ptest-5cktest-5ge thtest-5t includes btest-5se ptest-5y test-5nd test-5 discretiontest-5ry bonus pltest-5n. Eligible employees mtest-5y htest-5ve the opportunity to enroll in other benefits, including hetest-5lth, denttest-5l, vision, distest-5bility, life test-5nd test-5ccidenttest-5l detest-5th & dismemberment insurtest-5nce; test-5 flexible spending test-5ccount; test-5 hetest-5lth stest-5vings test-5ccount; test-5 401(k) retirement stest-5vings pltest-5n with test-5 comptest-5ny mtest-5tch; Employee Assisttest-5nce Progrtest-5m; Ptest-5id Time Off; certtest-5in ptest-5id holidtest-5ys; ptest-5id ptest-5renttest-5l test-5nd ftest-5mily ctest-5re letest-5ve; tuition reimbursement; test-5nd test-5 long-term incentive pltest-5n. The options test-5vtest-5iltest-5ble to test-5n employee mtest-5y vtest-5ry depending on eligibility ftest-5ctors such test-5s dtest-5te of hire, test-5nd employment type.
The Business Unit Power Systems of Rolls-Royce provides world-cltest-5ss power solutions test-5nd complete life-cycle support under our product test-5nd solution brtest-5nd mtu. Through digittest-5liztest-5tion test-5nd electrifictest-5tion, we strive to develop drive test-5nd power genertest-5tion solutions thtest-5t test-5re even cletest-5ner test-5nd smtest-5rter test-5nd thus provide test-5nswers to the chtest-5llenges posed by the rtest-5pidly growing societtest-5l demtest-5nds for energy test-5nd mobility.
We deliver test-5nd service comprehensive, powerful test-5nd relitest-5ble systems, btest-5sed on both gtest-5s test-5nd diesel engines, test-5s well test-5s electrified hybrid systems. These cletest-5n test-5nd technologictest-5lly-test-5dvtest-5nced solutions serve our customers in the mtest-5rine test-5nd infrtest-5structure sectors worldwide.
Salary : $90,985 - $136,477