What are the responsibilities and job description for the Instructional Assistant II - Bilingual/Bicultural # position at Santa Maria-Bonita School District?
About the Employer
Welcome to the Santa Maria-Bonita School District website. We are the largest school district in Santa Barbara County with about 17,500 pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade students. In the heart of the coastal agricultural area, we celebrate our families and the support they provide to the students of the District. The District is comprised of seventeen elementary schools, four junior high schools, and one combined elementary and junior high. The district is committed to a high-quality education for each student to develop students who are prepared for limitless possibilities and achievements using their unique gifts and talents to develop skills to reach their maximum potential.
Our Beliefs
We believe each person has inherent value and deserves respect.
We believe all people belong, have a voice and can contribute.
We believe every person has the power and responsibility to take action and make a positive impact.
We believe equity is essential for all persons to thrive.
We believe honesty and integrity build trust.
We believe physical and emotional safety is foundational for personal fulfillment.
We believe excellence comes from curiosity, experience, and perseverance.
We believe that developing empathy inspires a kind community.
We believe service is an act of love.
We believe that there is strength and power in cultural diversity.
We believe that a unified community inspires hope and faith.
Our Mission
The Mission of Santa Maria-Bonita School District, as the unifying force that cultivates and enriches our diverse community, is to ensure every student flourishes by discovering their passion and purpose, exercising self-determination, and developing the skills to reach their maximum potential through a student-centered culture distinguished by
a whole child approach
an inclusive environment
community and family engagement
transformational innovation
and highly effective staff
We will make decisions based on what is best for students.
We will welcome all people with dignity and respect.
We will practice responsible stewardship of all our resources.
We will embrace, practice, and model integrity.
We will not compromise our commitment to excellence.
Job Description / Essential Elements :
Santa Maria-Bonita School District
Under the direction of an assigned supervisor, assist a certificated teacher in providing instruction to individual or small groups of limited or non-English speaking students and State Preschool students, as applicable; monitor and report student progress regarding behavior and performance; translate for community members, parents, and teachers as assigned.
Assist in the implementation of individual educational plans for students experiencing bilingual / bicultural and remedial instructional needsE; serve as translator to facilitate communications with monolingual, non-English speaking members of the school communityE; prepare instructional materials as directed by the teacherE; administer, monitor and score a variety of tests including criterion referenced tests, general aptitude tests, and student proficiency levelsE; perform language census testing and record the results as assignedE; maintain the confidentiality of student information according to established guidelinesE; requisition, store, distribute, and maintain an inventory of educational materials, supplies, and equipmentE; administer routine first aidE; direct students into safe learning and play activitiesE; assure the health and safety of students by following health and safety practices according to approved proceduresE; make home visits to assist in the interpretation of education programs and activities, and to encourage participation in the educational process as assigned; provide cultural experiences to assist students with bilingual / bicultural needsE; perform related duties as assigned.
Knowledge of :
- Behavior management strategies and techniques utilized with students involved with bilingual / bicultural remedial instructional problems;
- Child guidance principles and practices;
- Correct oral and written usage of English and a designated second language;
- Basic subjects taught in District schools including arithmetic, reading, writing, grammar and spelling;
- Safe practices in classroom activities;
- Basic instructional methods and techniques;
- Correct English usage, punctuation, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary;
- Oral and written communication skills;
- Interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy;
- Basic recordkeeping techniques;
- Classroom procedures and appropriate student conduct;
Operation of office machines and keyboard equipment.
Ability to :
Learn to utilize a variety of appropriate instructional materials and procedures in the enhancement of an educational environment.
Any combination equivalent to : Graduation from High School supplemented by coursework or training in child growth and development, or bilingual / bicultural instructional processes and one year of paid or volunteer experience working with students experiencing language deficiencies and remedial instruction needs.
Environment :
Light background noise.
Physical Abilities :
Seeing to read assignments and to monitor student activities.
Hazards :
Potential exposure to communicable diseases and contact with blood and other body fluids.
Board Approved : 10 / 10 / 01
Requirements / Qualifications
Comments and Other Information
The Santa Maria-Bonita School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Office / Title 9 Compliance Officer :
Mark Palmerston
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
708 S. Miller
Santa Maria, CA 93454
El Distrito Escolar de Santa Mara-Bonita prohbe la discriminacin, intimidacin, hostigamiento (incluido el hostigamiento sexual) o acoso en base a la edad, ascendencia, color, discapacidad, origen tnico, gnero, expresin de gnero, identidad de gnero, informacin gentica, estado de inmigracin, estado civil, informacin mdica, origen nacional, estado parental, estado de embarazo, raza, religin, sexo, orientacin sexual, real o percibido de una persona, o asociacin con una persona o grupo con una o ms de estas caractersticas reales o percibidas. Si tiene preguntas o quejas, comunquese con la Oficina de Equidad / Oficial de Cumplimiento del Ttulo 9 :
Mark Palmerston
Director de Servicios Estudiantiles
708 S. Miller
Santa Mara, CA 93454
Please be advised that incomplete applications will not be considered for review. Although your application will be fully evaluated, we recommend including a resume, a cover letter, and letters of recommendation. These documents will provide us with a comprehensive understanding of your qualifications and experiences. Thank you for your attention to these requirements, and we look forward to reviewing your complete application.