What are the responsibilities and job description for the Superintendent for Scio School District 95C position at SCIO SD 95?
Superintendent for Scio School District 95C
Contract starts July 1, 2025
Min - Max Salary - $141,090.00 - $166,487.00 based on experience
Please provide Cover letter and Resume
Reports to: School Board of Directors
- The District School Board shall appoint the Superintendent for a specific term, at a salary to be determined by the board of directors. The conditions of employment shall be reflected in a contract between the Board and Superintendent. Their contract shall be reviewed by the Board on or before January 1, and written notice shall be given of the Boards's intend to extend or not extend the contract.
- The Superintendent and the Board shall mutually agree upon and establish specific district objectives and formulate action plans. The Superintendent and the Board will annually review and assess the results of the Superintendent's over-all performance, based on mutually established goals. If at any time, in the opinion of a majority of the Board, the Superintendent's services are unsatisfactory, he/she shall be notified in writing and given an opportunity to correct the condition.
- Placing into practice the adopted policies of the board of directors.
- Appraising and evaluating practices in order to improve the local education program.
- Supplying the board and the community with information in a continuous program concerning the schools.
- Furnishing professional leadership to the staff and the Board.
- The Superintendent shall act as the Chief Executive Officer of the Board.
- The Superintendent is responsible for carrying out all policies or rules and regulations established by the Board.
- In cases of matters not specifically covered by Board policies, he/she shall take appropriate action and report such action to the Board not later than the next regular board meeting.
- All individuals employed by the Board, except the auditor and legal counsel, are responsible to the Superintendent of Schools.
- The Superintendent shall make such rules and regulations and give such instructions to school employees as may be necessary to make policies of the Board effective. They may delegate responsibilities and assign duties. However, such delegation and assignments shall not relieve the Superintendent of final responsibility for actions of subordinates.
- The Superintendent shall oversee the preparing and submitting to the Board the budgets for all funds of the school district. The Superintendent is in charge of those functions related to the development of the annual budgets for operations and maintenance, capital outlay and building fund, cafeteria, and bond redemption.
- In accordance with policies of the Board the Superintendent shall have authority, within the limits of appropriations of the budget approved by the Board, to approve and direct all the Superintendent is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the operation and administration of the major functions of the business division. The business responsibilities shall include those operations, maintenance, purchasing, cafeteria and central warehousing.
- The Superintendent shall recommend to the Board of appointment of all personnel required for teaching, administration and the Board may reject specific candidates recommended by the Superintendent.
- The Superintendent shall formulate and recommend for Board adoption such personnel policies, as may be necessary for efficient functioning of the school staff. Policies approved by the Board shall be included in the written rules and regulations, and are made available on the District Website.
- The Superintendent shall provide professional leadership for the educational program of the Scio Public They shall formulate necessary developments in educational policies and present them to the Board for its consideration. The Superintendent shall develop a system for regulatory reporting to the Board all aspects of the school district's educational program and business for the express purpose of keeping the Board informed.
- The Superintendent shall be responsible for the assignment, alteration of assignment transfer, suspension and recommendation for promotion or dismissal of all certificated employees of the Board except for the Superintendent.
- The Superintendent shall be directly responsible to the Board for the employment, assignment, transfer, suspension, promotion and dismissal of all personnel required for clerical work, maintenance of buildings, custodial service, cafeteria service, or any other type of service which may be necessary for the operation of the schools. New positions may be created only with prior approval of the Board and shall be in accordance with the adopted budget.
- The Superintendent shall formulate and administer means of evaluating the efficiency of each staff member and report findings to the Board at least once each year.
- The Superintendent shall be responsible for the development, maintenance, and operation of a constructive program on in-service training and education for all employees of the school system, and for this service they shall have power under budget control to employ lectures, approve family leave, approve reimbursement for extension or college courses and develop professional library facilities as required.
- The Superintendent shall formulate and administer a program of supervision for the schools of the district. The Superintendent shall personally visit each of the schools on a regular basis.
- The Superintendent shall keep a continuous inventory of all property, material, and supplies of the school district. The Superintendent is also responsible for the development of a plan for maintenance, improvement or expansion of building and sites needed for an adequate educational program.
- The Superintendent is responsible for planning means of keeping the community informed about school matters. They shall serve as a representative of the schools before the public and media.
- The Superintendent shall submit to the Board an annual report on the operation of the school system. Special report asked for by the Board shall be submitted by them within a reasonable time.
- The Superintendent shall, in accordance with approved budget, attend such local, state and national meetings, conferences and workshops as may be deemed beneficial to the interest of the Scio Public Out-of-State travel shall require prior approval by the Board.
- The Superintendent Shall have such other power and duties as may be approved by the Board and as may be necessary to fulfill the functions of their office.
- The Superintendent shall identify the needs, develop positions descriptions, secure authorization from the Board and recommend persons for employment.
- The District shall provide for school principal(s) as needed to offer appropriate supervision of employees and educational experiences for children.
- The District Board accepts the concept and application of team management in the administration of the District affairs.
- The Superintendent shall annually recommend, and the Board approve those positions identified as supervisory and confidential employees, as defined by the Board.
- The Superintendent shall at least annually evaluate administrative and other personnel as appropriate, with the District Evaluation Plan.
- The Superintendent takes all reasonable precautions to provide for the health and safety of the students and to protect equipment, materials and facilities.
- Immediately report information regarding abuse of any kind to the appropriate administrator or social service agency.
- Be responsible for district keys as assigned.
- Perform other duties as assigned.
Contract days, wages, vacation and benefits to be determined by the Board of Directors. Obtain a criminal history background and fingerprint check.
Salary : $141,090 - $166,487