What are the responsibilities and job description for the Principal - Lincoln El. position at Simpson County?
Lincoln Elementary is a 4th and 5th grade center in Simpson Co. Schools.
Certification by Kentucky Department of Education with proper endorsements, plus responsible experience in teaching and supervision or administration, or any equivalent combination of experience or training.
Superintendent of Schools
To direct and assume overall responsibility for the administration, program operation, student learning experiences, and staff/faculty supervision; to insure that all school-related policies and regulations of the Simpson County Board of Education are properly implemented.
Comprehensive knowledge of principles and practices of modern public school elementary grades education and the ability to apply them to the needs of the school; knowledge of current curriculum and instructional practices; ability to plan, organize, and coordinate elementary school level education; ability to work a flexible schedule in order to perform evening supervisory duties of various school functions; ability to communicate clearly both orally and in writing; ability to develop effective working relationships with the entire school community; commitment to education reform.
-Maintains at all times an orderly learning atmosphere and keeps the Superintendent fully informed of the school's activities and problems.
-Prepares in assistance with the SBDM Council, and administers the school budget and supervises school finance; prepares and submits the Council's budget requests and monitors expenditures of funds.
-Maintains and controls the various local funds generated by school/student activities.
-Meets with vendors regarding school supplies, photographs, and the like, establishing procedures for bidding and recommending to the Superintendent the awarding of contracts for such items and services.
-Manages and accounts for all supplies and equipment; supervises and controls the financial activities of the school by means of an internal accounting system in compliance with state and local regulations.
-Prepares or supervises the preparation of reports, records, and other paperwork required or appropriate to the school's administration.
-Directs the school lunch program and works with the Food Service Director to insure compliance with operational requirements at the federal, state, and local levels.
-Maintains accurate and complete pupil records at the school level and works with the Director of Pupil Personnel in the proper maintenance of other permanent student records.
-Oversees the transportation of students as prescribed by Board regulations.
-Supervises the daily use of the school facilities for both academic and nonacademic purposes; assumes responsibility for the safety of the school plant.
-Assigns rooms and space with assistance of the SBDM Council according to need and purpose.
-Makes recommendations for plant alterations, repairs, and improvements, and in turn, insures that accurate, up-to-date inventories are maintained.
-Provides for adequate inventories of property under his/her jurisdiction and for the security and accountability for that property.
-Delegates certain responsibilities as needs established by Board regulations require.
-Plans and supervises fire, earthquake, tornado, and other drills and an emergency preparedness program.
-With assistance from the SBDM Council, leads in the development and determination of appropriateness of the instructional program, then monitors this program.
-Supervises all activities and programs that are outgrowths of the school's curriculum as established by the SBDM Council.
-Assists the Supervisor of Instruction, with assistance from the SBDM Council, in the evaluation, selection, and use of textbooks and instructional equipment, then supervises the school's inventory of instructional supplies and state-owned textbooks.
-Supervises the procurement, use, inventory, and evaluation of all audio-visual materials and instructional equipment for the school.
-Coordinates the efforts of the librarian and the teachers in the purchase and use of library materials and books, and works with the district Federal Programs Coordinator in the expenditure of funds in these areas.
-Works with the Supervisor of Instruction and/or Federal Programs Coordinator in the area of testing, assisting in the administration, interpretations, and use of the test results including both local Board and State approved tests.
-With assistance from the SBDM Council, develops a master instructional schedule for the school prior to the opening of each school year observing limits set by the Board and the State Department of Education.
-Fosters spirit of teamwork among staff and faculty; counsels and advises personnel in solution of school-related problems.
-Supervises the instructional staff in the development and implementation of instructional techniques.
-With assistance from the SBDM Council, leads the faculty and staff in developing professional development, school transformation, and school improvement plans.
-Conducts periodic staff and departmental meetings to keep members informed of regulations and policies of the Board of Education and of rules and regulations of the school Council, changes in said policies and regulations, new programs, etc.; encourages faculty members to attend in-service and other professional meetings.
-Coordinates planning and activities of all faculty and staff, encouraging teachers to experiment with new instructional techniques and materials, and, as necessary, instructing personnel in the proper use of equipment and materials and in teaching techniques.
-Assists in the recruitment, selection, assignment, and orientation of personnel being considered for placement or actual placement to his/her school; works with the district Personnel Director in the selection of candidates for vacant positions; consults with the SBDM Council on any recommendations for employment.
-Budgets time so as to spend a part of each day in direct observation of teacher performance in order to properly evaluate the quality of instruction and to counsel them regarding their performance; complies with the procedures and standards established in the district Professional Growth Process for certified employees.
-Evaluates classified employees on a yearly basis using adopted district evaluation plan.
-Assigns duties, including extra workloads, to all certified and classified personnel at the school and insures that assignments are carried out.
-Provides supervision and leadership to teachers in interpreting academic progress to students and parents and insures that the grading procedures comply with Board regulations.
-Selects and assigns substitute teachers from an approved list; insures that regular instructional personnel are properly maintaining plan books as directed by Board regulations.
-Assists in the evaluation of substitute teachers.
-Continuously studies the educational needs of the school's students in order to develop effective plans for meeting these needs.
-Supervises a viable guidance program with the primary intent of enhancing individual student education and development and, in turn, assists teachers with problems that concern the welfare of students.
-Encourages pupils to consult the administration, counselor, and teachers about problems; provides leadership in counseling and advising individual students about school work and other matters.
-With assistance from the SBDM Council, coordinates all extra-curricular activities insuring that students have a well-balanced program of activities.
-When applicable, provides and instructs sponsors for school clubs and organizations; supervises all club activities in the school.
-Assists in planning school productions and social functions; plans and coordinates school participation in district and community special events such as the United Way Annual Fund Drive, drama competitions, civic celebrative parades, and the like when applicable.
-Assigns and schedules students to proper classes and, in turn, provides opportunities for teachers to group students as academic needs dictate.
-Establishes guides for proper student conduct and maintaining student discipline according to established policy of the Board Code of Student Conduct and the SBDM Council's student discipline plan.
-Maintains high standards of student conduct and enforces discipline as necessary allowing due process to the rights of the students.
-Administers reasonable punishment for student disorder to other violations of school and Board regulations, including in extreme circumstances student suspension, and, if warranted, recommendation to the Board for expulsion.
-Maintains a program of public relations and communication in order to foster positive understanding and support of the school's objectives and programs.
-Assumes responsibility for all official school correspondence and news releases.
-Promotes harmony and goodwill with fellow workers and the public in a manner that merits their respect; establishes and maintains good rapport with fellow administrators, central office staff, the SBDM Council, and the Board of Education.
-Works with the principals and SBDM Councils of other schools in coordinating educational programs which allow for unity between the schools in order to provide a smooth transition for the students going from their particular elementary school to the school containing the next grade level the students exiting his/her building are to attend in order to increase student achievement; when applicable, works with district preschool personnel.
-Works with the district Federal Programs Coordinator in informing the community, the faculty, and the staff of the programs, functions, and regulations of the school; assists in the organization and operation of any parent advisory committees as required for certain federal programs; assists the district Federal Programs Coordinator in involving the SBDM Council in planning and implementing the grant applications for the various programs.
-Insures that both certified and classified personnel assigned to the school are aware of the policies and regulations of the Board of Education.
-Keeps parents effectively informed concerning the school program including student progress, achievement, and deficiencies; encourages parent-teacher conferences as well as the development and organization of the school's PTA/PTO.
-Establishes and maintains favorable relationships with local community groups and individuals to foster understanding and solicit support for overall school objectives and programs; interprets Board policies and administrative directives; discusses and resolves individual student problems.
-With assistance of the SBDM Council, oversees the preparation and distribution of the Student and Parent Handbook; supervises periodic parent newsletters.
-Exhibits loyalty to all phases of the school program and participates in school activities as much as possible including active attendance at district administrative meetings and such other meetings as required or appropriate.
-Serves as a member of various school/district committees and chairs the SBDM Council within the school unless otherwise determined by the Council.
-Keeps the Superintendent informed of events and activities of an unusual nature as well as routine matters relating to his/her own accountability.
-Performs related duties and assumes other responsibilities as may be assigned by the Superintendent.